webform_send_draft_link 1.1.1

Bug fixes

Was fixed the issue #3390262 "Third party settings are exporting wrong module name".

webform_send_draft_link 1.1.0

New features

The "Send draft link" tab became available on the "View", "Edit" and "Notes" submission forms.

webform_send_draft_link 1.0.9

Bug fixes
New features

1. Was fixed the issue #3274685: Send link appears on forms where it is not set.
2. Was fixed the issue when the link tab was visible on different pages of a webform.
3. Was added setting the "Allow users to send links to drafts by email" which enables to show and hide "Send draft link" tab on a webform.

webform_send_draft_link 1.0.7

Bug fixes

Was fixed the issue that caused the problem described in #3256179: Sharing web form via iframe or javascript causes an error.

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