vdo 9.0.0-alpha3

Bug fixes
New features
  • Issue #3184362: Allowed VDO to work with Composer ~2.0 and PHP7.4 and MySQL 8
  • Added files.watcherExclude for git and node_modules for workspaces in the Visual Studio Code for each workspace #27

vdo 9.0.0-alpha2

Bug fixes
New features
  • Issue #3183876: Fixed VDO composer and .info.yml to work with Drupal 9 ( ^9.0 ) only
  • Added a setup bash file to install LAMP on Ubuntu 20.10 PHP7.3 and MySQL 8 #20

vdo 9.0.0-alpha1

  • Issue #3118431: Started a 9.0.x branch for VDO and VDO Project to integrate with Drupal 9 readiness with Drupal coding standard and practice
  • Issue #3155329: Added [Vartheme Claro] administration theme and use it as the default install, back-end, and front-end theme

vdo 8.x-1.x-dev

New features
Create a VDO Project 9.1.x with Composer
composer create-project webship/vdo-project:9.1.x-dev /var/www/html --stability dev --no-interaction
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