version: 2.1 orbs: browser-tools: circleci/browser-tools@1.1 aliases: - &composer-cache v4-composer-cache jobs: build: docker: - image: circleci/php:7.3-apache-stretch-node-browsers auth: username: mydockerhub-user password: $DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD - image: circleci/mysql:8.0.4 auth: username: mydockerhub-user password: $DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD entrypoint: ['', '--default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password'] environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: rootpw MYSQL_DATABASE: test_varbase900xxc MYSQL_USER: user MYSQL_PASSWORD: passw0rd working_directory: /var/www/html/varbase/docroot steps: - checkout: path: /var/www/html/varbase ## Setup Apache to point varbase.test at /var/www/html/varbase/docroot - run: name: Setup Apache to point varbase.test at /var/www/html/varbase/docroot command: | sudo cp /var/www/html/varbase/.circleci/env/varbase.test.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/varbase.test.conf sudo a2ensite varbase.test sudo service apache2 restart echo varbase.test | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts ## Install Usefull must have utils for debugging with SSH into this box. - run: name: Install Usefull must have utils for debugging with SSH into this box command: | sudo apt -qq update && sudo apt -qqy upgrade sudo apt -yqq install vim links lynx git diffutils htop curl wget p7zip-full unzip zip sed gcc g++ make libfreetype6-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev libpng-dev xvfb ## Install PHP extra. - run: name: Install PHP extra command: | sudo apt update sudo apt install -y libfreetype6-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev libpng-dev sudo -E docker-php-ext-install zip sudo -E docker-php-ext-configure pdo_mysql --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd sudo -E docker-php-ext-install mbstring bcmath pdo_mysql sudo -E docker-php-ext-install gd sudo -E docker-php-ext-install xml common curl imap intl json xmlrpc xsl sudo service apache2 restart ## Change PHP Configurations. - run: name: PHP Configurations command: | echo -e "memory_limit = -1" | sudo tee /usr/local/etc/php/php.ini > /dev/null sudo rm /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-xdebug.ini sudo service apache2 restart - restore_cache: keys: - *composer-cache ## Waiting for MySQL to be ready. - run: name: Waiting for MySQL to be ready command: | for i in `seq 1 10`; do nc -z 3306 && echo Success && exit 0 echo -n . sleep 1 done echo Failed waiting for MySQL && exit 1 ## Create test Varbase MySQL database and drop old one if exists. - run: name: Create test Varbase MySQL database and drop old one if exists command: | sudo apt install mysql-client mysql -h -uuser -ppassw0rd -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS test_varbase900xxc;CREATE DATABASE test_varbase900xxc;" - browser-tools/install-browser-tools ## List tool version. - run: name: List tool version command: | php --version node --version java --version google-chrome --version chromedriver --version mysql --version ## Configure and run the virtual display. - run: name: Configure and run the virtual display command: | export DISPLAY=:99 xvfb :99 -ac -screen 0 1366x768x24 &>/dev/null & sleep 3 ## Run selenium standalone server. - run: name: Download Selenium command: if [[ ! -f /home/circleci/selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar ]]; then wget -O /home/circleci/selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar; fi - run: name: Start Selenium at the 4445 port command: | cd /home/circleci/ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar -port 4445 > /dev/null 2>&1 & background: true ## Update the composer - run: name: Update the composer command: | sudo composer self-update --2 composer --version ## Build Varbase 9.0.x with the composer. - run: name: Build Varbase 9.0.x with the composer command: | cd /var/www/html/varbase composer install --no-interaction -vvv git clone --branch 9.0.x /var/www/html/varbase/docroot/profiles/varbase - save_cache: key: *composer-cache paths: - ~/.composer/cache ## Update PATH to point at the composer bin in the project. - run: name: Update PATH to point at the composer bin in the project command: | echo 'export PATH=/var/www/html/varbase/bin:$PATH' >> $BASH_ENV source $BASH_ENV ## Install Varbase 9.0.x with drush. - run: name: Install Varbase with drush no_output_timeout: 30m command: | cd /var/www/html/varbase/docroot/ drush site-install varbase --yes --site-name='Varbase Test' --account-name=webmaster --account-pass=dD.123123ddd --db-url="mysql://user:passw0rd@" varbase_multilingual_configuration.enable_multilingual=true varbase_extra_components.vmi=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_heroslider_media=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_carousels=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_search=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_blog=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_landing=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_auth=true drush pm-enable varbase_development --yes drush pm-enable varbase_styleguide --yes drush pm-enable varbase_landing --yes drush pm-enable varbase_media_instagram --yes drush pm-enable varbase_media_twitter --yes drush pm-enable varbase_api --yes drush pm-enable social_auth_google --yes drush pm-enable social_auth_facebook --yes drush pm-enable social_auth_linkedin --yes drush pm-enable varbase_content_planner --yes drush config-set system.performance css.preprocess 0 --yes drush config-set system.performance js.preprocess 0 --yes drush config-set system.logging error_level all --yes drush cr ## Automated Functional Acceptance Testing. - run: name: Automated Functional Acceptance Testing no_output_timeout: 30m command: | cd /var/www/html/varbase/docroot/profiles/varbase behat --strict --no-snippets -f pretty -o std tests/features/varbase/step1-init-tests behat --strict --no-snippets -f pretty -o std tests/features/varbase/step2-apply-tests