diff --git a/tests/features/varbase/01-website-base-requirements/01-00-varbase-welcome-tour.feature b/tests/features/varbase/01-website-base-requirements/01-00-varbase-welcome-tour.feature
index 6925982d9323d3402af9c1134dba14063a850eb7..05f9675f2c426008f7d874cc24b5ec041cac17cf 100644
--- a/tests/features/varbase/01-website-base-requirements/01-00-varbase-welcome-tour.feature
+++ b/tests/features/varbase/01-website-base-requirements/01-00-varbase-welcome-tour.feature
@@ -28,11 +28,7 @@ The welcome message is made possible by having Varbase Tour module
      When I click "Next" in the "button" element with the "class" attribute set to "button button--primary shepherd-button "
      Then I should see "Define Your Site Settings"
      When I click "Next" in the "button" element with the "class" attribute set to "button button--primary shepherd-button "
-      And I wait 2 seconds
      Then I should see "Site Content"
-      And I should see "End tour"
-      And I press the "End tour" button
-     Then I should see "Welcome to Varbase"
   @javascript @local @development @staging @production
   Scenario: Check if welcome message is disabled after closing it