update_helper 4.0.0

New features

Fixes #3367692: Update helper is not drush 12 compatible.

Due to changes in Drush 12 and Drupal Code Generator 3 this has to be a major release.

Note: event subscribers to UpdateHelperEvents will need to move the event subscriber service from drush.services.yml to their module's services.yml file. This is due to changes in Drush 12 and how it manages it's container.

update_helper 3.0.4

Bug fixes

Minimally supports Drupal 9.4
Adds Drupal 10 support
Fixes Drush 11 requirement.

update_helper 3.0.2

New features

Contributors (1)



Issues: 1 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.0.1:


update_helper 3.0.1

New features

Drush 11 and Drupal code generator support. Only compatible with Drupal 9. Will be compatible with Drupal 10 when its dependencies are.

update_helper 3.0.0

New features

Drush 11 and Drupal code generator support. Only compatible with Drupal 9. Will be compatible with Drupal 10 when its dependencies are.

update_helper 3.0.x-dev

New features

Drupal 10 work. Drush 11 compatibility and Drupal Code generator 2.

update_helper 2.0.0

New features

This is a D9 compatible release that uses drush generate instead of drupal console.

update_helper 8.x-1.3

Bug fixes

Improved CUD output file extension based on the used serializer and fixed bug with not applied delete action.

Contributors (4)

mtodor, Kingdutch, daniel.bosen, mirsoft


Issues: 2 issues resolved.

update_helper 8.x-1.2

New features

Contributors (2)

mtodor, daniel.bosen


Issues: 1 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.x-1.1:

update_helper 8.x-1.1

Bug fixes
New features

Improve developer experience for CUD creation and improved checklist integration.

Contributors (3)

mtodor, chr.fritsch, daniel.bosen


Issues: 5 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.x-1.0:

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