twilio 8.x-3.0-alpha14

Bug fixes

#3378262: [HTTP 401] Unable to create record: Authentication Error - invalid username.

twilio 8.x-3.0-alpha13

Bug fixes

#3376643: Spelling mistakes in SMS class.
#3379005: Config schema is missing.
#3379015: Skip form's default hidden fields to be stored in the configuration.
#3376640: Call to a member function delete() on null in Drupal\twilio\Services\Sms->twilioUserDelete()
#3379027 : use statements MUST be sorted alphabetically.
#3377666 : ArgumentCountError : Sms::__construct() Too few arguments passed

twilio 8.x-3.0-alpha12

Bug fixes

Issue #3371949: Log exceptions.
Issue #3372727: update Twilio SDK to ^7.5.

twilio 8.x-3.0-alpha11

Bug fixes

15057682:Getting error click on send sms submit button in Phone Verification page.
3360967:Twilio\Exceptions\ConfigurationException: Credentials are required to create a Client in Twilio\Rest\Client->__construct().

twilio 8.x-3.0-alpha10

Bug fixes

Fix the following:

#3358358 : Use dependency injection in the projects.
#2988051 : SMS is not sent

twilio 8.x-1.0-alpha11

Bug fixes

Fix the following:

#3358358 : Use dependency injection in the projects.
#2988051 : SMS is not sent

twilio 8.x-1.0-alpha10

Bug fixes

Fix the following:

#3358358 : Use dependency injection in the projects.
#2988051 : SMS is not sent

twilio 8.x-3.0-alpha9

Bug fixes
New features

Fix the following issue:
3358854:Include twilio table data in Drupal view.
3226212:Notice about array offset of type null in TwilioAdminForm.php.
3358358:Use dependency injection in the projects.

twilio 8.x-3.0-alpha8

Bug fixes

Fix the following issue:

3358778: Global constants should not be used, move it to a class or interface.
3358441: twilio user details should remove when drupal user will delete and load with user_load.
3358398: Replace README.txt with

twilio 8.x-3.0-alpha6

Bug fixes

Fix the following issue:

3358362:Comply with Drupal Coding Standards
3358354: Restrict user to add duplicate number on registration page

twilio 8.x-2.0-alpha9

Bug fixes

Fix following issue,
3357394: Mobile fields is not visible during user registration.
Created the phone number verification page. User can access after login.

twilio 8.x-2.0-alpha6

Bug fixes
New features

Ported in Drupal 10
3290181: Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes.
$codes_to_return = array_filter($settings); into
$codes_to_return = array_filter(array($settings));

twilio 8.x-1.x-dev

New features

Branch compatible with Drupal 8 and Drupal 9.

Latest development snapshot of the 8.x-1.x branch.

Issues that has been worked on:

twilio 7.x-1.10

Bug fixes
New features

Resolved many issues and feature requests from the issue queue.

twilio 7.x-1.7

Bug fixes
New features

Lots of internal changes to the module. I highly recommend you test your upgrades on a non production version of your site prior to deploying. PLEASE READ ON!!

Rules Changes

This update changes the way tokens are used in Rules and will probably break your existing rules. If you have any rules that are currently using the tokens for 'number' or 'message' you will have to update your rules to use the new token identifiers.

Old Tokens -> New Token
[number:value] -> [sms:number]
[message:value] -> [sms:message]

twilio 7.x-1.4

Bug fixes

Fixed a bug I found after 7.x-1.3 release where the rule for sending an SMS wasn't working properly.

twilio 7.x-1.3

New features
Bug fixes

New Feature
Added support for international numbers (YOU MUST RUN UPDATEDB!!)
#2001596: International phone numbers fail validation

twilio 7.x-1.2

New features
Bug fixes

The big new feature in this release is the addition of TwiML support. Coupled with Rules this allows you to build complex TwiML workflows

Bug Fixes

twilio 7.x-1.1


Mainly a documentation update to help users install the module. Changes include

  • Added basic documentation to README.txt included with module
  • Updated Twilio configuration fields to match naming on Twilio dashboard
  • Added help text on configuration screen if twilio library is not properly installed
  • Ensured that module variables are removed on uninstall

twilio 7.x-1.0


First 1.0 release

Like a phoenix from the ashes!

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