swagger_ui_formatter 8.x-3.5

New features

Supported PHP version changed:

  • Minimum PHP version is bumped to PHP 8.0. but this is the last release that supports PHP 8.0.

Supported Drupal version changes:

  • Minimum Drupal version is bumped to 9.4.0 and Drupal 10.0 compatibility added.

Full change list: https://github.com/Pronovix/swagger_ui_formatter/compare/8.x-3.4...8.x-3.5

swagger_ui_formatter 8.x-3.4

Bug fixes
New features

Supported PHP version changed:

  • Minimum PHP version is bumped to PHP 7.4
  • Added support for PHP 8.0.x and >=8.1.6

Supported Drupal version changes:

swagger_ui_formatter 8.x-3.3

Bug fixes

Bugfix: Adds missing return type-hint. More details in the related commit.

Github Actions now also guarding our code quality! \o/ Happy Friday the 13th!

swagger_ui_formatter 8.x-3.2

Bug fixes

Includes a workaround for a Drupal packaging issue which makes it impossible to install the 8.x-3.1 release on Drupal 8.9

Details: Package information is malformed by Drupal.org packagist #3197662

swagger_ui_formatter 8.x-3.0

Bug fixes
New features

This is a new major release including Drupal 9 compatibility, new features and breaking changes since 8.x-2.4!

New features

The Swagger UI library discovery and validation has been moved into a new SwaggerUiLibraryDiscovery service which means that modules can now override the default Swagger UI library path and validation by decorating the service.

swagger_ui_formatter 8.x-2.4

Bug fixes

Changes since 8.x-2.3:

  • Issue #3059081 by Boobaa: Add Composer instructions
  • Issue #3061420 by mxr576: Report missing Swagger UI library in a better way, plus small refactoring
  • Issue #3063895 by yce, balazswmann: Set oauth2RedirectUrl option

swagger_ui_formatter 8.x-2.3

Bug fixes

Changes since 8.x-2.2:

  • Issue #3051703 by balazswmann: Add missing core/jquery.once dependency to swagger_ui_integration library definition
  • Issue #3058177 by tamasd: Fix config schema

swagger_ui_formatter 8.x-2.2

Bug fixes
New features

Major change since 8.x-2.1:

Along with the field formatter for File type fields the module now provides a field formatter for Link type fields too. Due to this update the File field formatter plugin ID has changed from swagger_ui to swagger_ui_file. The new module version automatically updates entity view display settings and replaces the old field formatter IDs with the new one (drush updb), but please make sure that custom codes where the old plugin ID is explicitly used are updated as well. Due to the changes, previously exported configurations need to be updated (re-exported).

swagger_ui_formatter 7.x-2.0

New features

Changes since 7.x-2.0-alpha1

Changes since 7.x-1.x:

  • Adds OpenAPI (Swagger) 3.0. support.
  • Swagger UI library get removed from module. New version leverages Libraries API for including Swagger UI library in Drupal.

swagger_ui_formatter 8.x-2.1

Bug fixes
New features

Major changes since 8.x-2.0:

  • Regarding to the Swagger UI library name, now swagger-ui and swagger_ui are also valid names.
  • The "Try it out" functionality is now enabled by default.

swagger_ui_formatter 7.x-2.0-alpha1

New features
  • Adds OpenAPI (Swagger) 3.0. support.
  • Swagger UI library get removed from module. New version leverages Libraries API for including Swagger UI library in Drupal.

swagger_ui_formatter 8.x-2.0

The Swagger UI library has been removed from the module: now, it needs to be installed separately.

swagger_ui_formatter 7.x-2.x-dev

New features
  • Adds OpenAPI (Swagger) 3.0. support.
  • Swagger UI library get removed from module. New version leverages Libraries API for including Swagger UI library in Drupal.

swagger_ui_formatter 7.x-1.2

New features

Added Field formatter settings forms for setting the swagger-ui options

swagger_ui_formatter 7.x-1.1

Bug fixes
  • Added LICENSE.txt
  • Added full version of the swagger_ui library, that overrides the one in the previous version that included only the required files
  • Modifications to README.txt
  • Modifications to file paths

swagger_ui_formatter 7.x-1.0

New features

First release with Swagger UI Field Formatter for Swagger yaml and json files

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