strongarm 7.x-2.0

Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-2.0-rc1:

  • #1306924 by Simon Georges: Export additionnal settings.

strongarm 7.x-2.0-rc1

This is the same release as beta5, but signifying a major step in the release cycle.

If no critical bugs are added after a short period in time we will go 1.0 final.

strongarm 7.x-2.0-beta5

Bug fixes

Likely the last beta before a final, if nothing big pops up.

Included in this release:

  • Issue #1311704 by AntoineSolutions: Explicitly set order of variables returned by the database.
  • Issue #1345328 by Pol: Fixed Error when running updb.
  • Issue #1350346 by patcon, floretan: Fixed Fatal error when exporting variables with colons in their names.

strongarm 6.x-2.1

New features
Bug fixes

Significant performance improvements, Documentation, and cleanup to match features api changes.

  • #1094598 Performance issues from strongarm_init()
  • #947492 Strongarm API documentation
  • Corrected call to hook_feature_pipe_node_alter to match features api, dropped unused argument

strongarm 7.x-2.x-dev

Dev version for 7.x-2.x

Fixed: Issue #1117882 by floretan: Update hook_features_pipe_alter() with D7 variables

strongarm 7.x-2.0-beta2

Bug fixes
  • Update function signature for strongarm_features_pipe_node_alter() to match change in Features.
  • Update variable cache retrieval.

strongarm 6.x-2.0-rc2

Bug fixes
  • #762156 by nquocbao: Fix reset parameter for strongarm_set_conf()
  • Add strongarm_vars_load() API function for loading all strongarmed and non strongarmed vars.
  • Adding a hook_help implementation.
  • Fix for PHP strict warning.
  • #849880 by msonnabaum, arithmetic: Fix for PHP notice.
  • Remove stale strongarm_get_culprits() function.
  • Format help page for Strongarm with markdown if present.

strongarm 6.x-2.0-rc1

Bug fixes

This release introduces an important API change if you have exported features using Strongarm 2. Please see for changes you will need to make to your exported features.

Release candidate 1.

- Removing custom variable export function (committed to CTools and included in 1.3) and changing CTools export API owner to 'strongarm'.

strongarm 6.x-2.0-beta3

Bug fixes

- Improved display of boolean values.
- Cleaner re-init'ing of paths.
- Ensuring that site_frontpage exception respects language prefix when making check

strongarm 6.x-2.0-beta2

Bug fixes

- by alex_b: Update hook for 2.x
- german translation by Thomas_Zahreddin
- #651914: Prevent strongarm from init'ing during install steps.
- Ensure schema cache is not stale and actually init. Allows strongarm to be used during install tasks of install profile.
- #655362: Allow exporting of stdClass objects.
- Workaround for early bootstrap check of 'site_frontpage' variable.
- #656600 by mrfelton: Allow hardcoded settings.php global conf variables to retain their values.

strongarm 6.x-2.0-beta1

New features

First beta release of the 2.x branch. This branch uses leverages ctools for exporting and providing default values for Drupal variables. Additionally the drush command has been removed as that functionality is now provided by drush directly (drush vget).

strongarm 6.x-1.0-beta3

New features

Strongarm can now be put in weakarm mode at admin/settings/strongarm. Once in weakarm mode, variable defaults can be overridden and/or reverted.

strongarm 6.x-1.0-beta1


Initial Beta release of Strongarm. Let's module enforce variable settings.

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