# Token based styles for our modern UI. tokens: css: theme: assets/css/tokens.css: {} # The SMACSS category "base" is loaded first. base: css: base: assets/css/base.css: {} brand: css: theme: assets/css/brand.css: { weight: 500} assets/css/brand--sky.css: { weight: 700} ## 2. The SMACSS category Component — discrete, reusable UI elements ### 2.1 Atoms alert: css: theme: assets/css/alert.css: {} badge: css: theme: assets/css/badge.css: {} button: css: theme: assets/css/button.css: {} assets/css/waves.css: {} dependencies: - socialblue/waves cards: css: theme: assets/css/cards.css: {} form-controls: css: theme: assets/css/form-controls.css: {} list: css: theme: assets/css/list.css: {} spinner: css: theme: assets/css/spinner.css: {} waves: css: theme: /libraries/node-waves/dist/waves.css: {} js: /libraries/node-waves/dist/waves.min.js: { minified: true } assets/js/waves.min.js: { minified: true } ### 2.2 Molecules block--informblock: css: component: assets/css/block--informblock.css: {} breadcrumb: css: theme: assets/css/breadcrumb.css: {} dropdown: css: theme: assets/css/dropdown.css: {} file: css: theme: assets/css/file.css: {} form-elements: css: theme: assets/css/form-elements.css: {} form--input-groups: css: theme: assets/css/input-groups.css: {} form--password: css: theme: assets/css/password.css: {} like: css: theme: assets/css/like.css: {} nav-book: css: theme: assets/css/nav-book.css: {} nav-tabs: css: theme: assets/css/nav-tabs.css: {} navbar: css: theme: assets/css/navbar.css: {} js: assets/js/navbar-secondary.min.js: {} dependencies: - core/drupal.debounce pagination: css: theme: assets/css/pagination.css: {} popover: css: theme: assets/css/popover.css: {} select2: css: theme: assets/css/select2.css: {} teaser: css: theme: assets/css/teaser.css: {} tour: css: theme: assets/css/tour.css: {} ### 2.3 Organisms comment: css: theme: assets/css/comment.css: {} hero: css: theme: assets/css/hero.css: {} hero--sky: css: theme: assets/css/hero--sky.css: {} message: css: theme: assets/css/message.css: {} meta: css: theme: assets/css/meta.css: {} modal: css: theme: assets/css/modal.css: {} offcanvas: css: theme: assets/css/offcanvas.css: {} stream: css: theme: assets/css/stream.css: {} site-footer: css: theme: assets/css/site-footer.css: {} ### 2.4 Templates layout: css: component: assets/css/layout.css: {} assets/css/layout--sky.css: {} page-node: css: layout: assets/css/page-node--sky.css: {} color.preview: css: theme: color/css/preview-base.css: {} assets/css/preview.css: {} color/css/preview.css: {} js: color/preview.js: {} dependencies: - color/drupal.color