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  • Oleksandr Horbatiuk's avatar
    Issue #3177673 by chmez: As a AN I want to have a media tab in a Group so I... · 177d68aa
    Oleksandr Horbatiuk authored
    Issue #3177673 by chmez: As a AN I want to have a media tab in a Group so I can view all media items in one place (#2043)
    * Issue #3177673 by chmez: Create an overview page of group albums
    * Issue #3177673 by chmez: Allow creating albums in all group types
    * Issue #3177673 by chmez: Show albums on the group albums page
    * Issue #3177673 by chmez: Re-use styling from the user albums page for the group albums page
    * Issue #3177673 by chmez: Attach a post to the group when the post was created from the group album page
    * Issue #3177673 by chmez: Create an album and make the album as group content and link a post to the album during the post creation process on the group stream page when the user selects an option in the album field for creating a new one
    * Issue #3177673 by chmez: Add option to an album for enabling mode which allows adding images to the album by group members
    * Issue #3177673 by chmez: Change method for adding the default blocks set of the user page to the albums page from overriding block configuration to update block entities
    * Issue #3177673 by chmez: Fix block identifiers from the default blocks set of the group page which should be shown on the album page
    * Issue #3177673 by chmez: Exclude permission for the user albums page from the group albums page
    * Issue #3177673 by chmez: Set the current group as the default value of the group field
    * Issue #3177673 by chmez: Restore the title of the page for creating an album in a group
    * Issue #3177673 by chmez: Create a separate title block for the page for creating an album in a group
    * YANG-3916: Fix indents after merge
    * Issue #3177673 by chmez: Implement a separate process for attaching a new post to an existing album when post creating from the group stream page
    * YANG-3915-3932: Update album popup
    * Issue #3177673
     by agami4: Add updates to the popup
    Co-authored-by: default avatarRoman Salo <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSerhii Myronets <>