diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
index 093b2d3a80fafebca004f15480f80a08efd39e11..5344e638da726458475b0ed7812dc2553bd0caa1 100644
--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
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+see documentation https://www.drupal.org/docs/contributed-modules/salesforce-suite/quick-start
-  This module suite implements a mapping functionality between Salesforce
-  objects and Drupal entities. In other words, for each of your supported Drupal
-  entities (e.g. node, user, or entities supported by extensions), you can
-  assign Salesforce objects that will be created / updated when the entity is
-  saved. For each such assignment, you choose which Drupal and Salesforce fields
-  should be mapped to one another.
-  This suite also includes an API architecture which allows for additional
-  modules to be easily plugged in (e.g. for webforms, contact form submits,
-  etc).
-  For a more detailed description of each component module, see below.
-  1) You need a Salesforce account. Developers can register here:
-  http://www.developerforce.com/events/regular/registration.php
-  2) You will need to create a remote application/connected app for
-  authorization. In Salesforce go to Your Name > Setup > Create > Apps then
-  create a new Connected App. Set the callback URL to:
-  https://<your site>/salesforce/oauth_callback  (must use SSL)
-  Select at least 'Perform requests on your behalf at any time' for OAuth Scope
-  as well as the appropriate other scopes for your application.
-  Additional information:
-  https://help.salesforce.com/help/doc/en/remoteaccess_about.htm
-  3) Your site needs to be SSL enabled to authorize the remote application using
-  4) If using the SOAP API, PHP to have been compiled with SOAP web services and
-  OpenSSL support, as per:
-  http://php.net/soap
-  http://php.net/openssl
-  5) Required modules
-     Entity API - http://drupal.org/project/entity
-     Libraries, only for SOAP API - http://drupal.org/project/libraries
-     See Installation below for installing other required dependencies.
-  You can supply your connected app's consumer key, consumer secret, and login
-  URL to the Salesforce Authorization form found at
-  admin/config/salesforce/authorize.  This information will be stored into
-  your site's mutable/exportable configuration and used to authorize your site
-  with Salesforce.
-  Alternately you can supply or override this configuration using your site's
-  settings.php file.  For example, a developer might add the following to
-  his/her settings.local.php file to connect his/her development environment to
-  a Salesforce sandbox:
-  $config['salesforce.settings']['consumer_key'] = 'foo';
-  $config['salesforce.settings']['consumer_secret'] = 'bar';
-  $config['salesforce.settings']['login_url'] = 'https://test.salesforce.com';
-  Supplying your connected app configuration exclusively by way of settings.php
-  has additional benefits in terms of security and flexibility:
-   - Keeps this sensitive configuration out of the database (and out of version
-   control if the site's configuration is tracked in code).
-   - Allows for easily substituting environment-specific overrides for these
-   values.  If you track your site's settings.php file in version control, you
-   can create a settings.local.php file for each of your Salesforce-conencted
-   environments with the connected app configuration appropriate for the
-   specific environment (see default.settings.php for the code to enable this
-   core feature).
-   - Reduces the likelihood of a development or staging environment accidentally
-   connecting to your production Salesforce instance.
-  If you choose the settings.php route, you'll need to supply dummy-values to
-  the form at admin/config/salesforce/authorize.  Rest assured the real values
-  you've specified via settings.php will be used to establish the connection to
-  Salesforce, even though you cannot see them in the configuration form.
-  When installing through Composer, require each submodules used seperately in
-  addition to the base salesforce module to insure installation of all necessary
-  depedencies. For example, use 'composer require drupal/salesforce_mapping' to
-  include drupal/dynamic_entity_reference and drupal/typed_data, both required
-  by salesforce_mapping.
-  Salesforce (salesforce):
-    OAUTH2 authorization and wrapper around the Salesforce REST API.
-  Salesforce Example (salesforce_example)
-    Salesforce examples.
-  Salesforce Logger (salesforce_logger)
-    Consolidated logging for Salesforce Log events.
-  Salesforce JWT Auth Provider (salesforce_jwt)
-    Provides key-based Salesforce authentication.
-  Salesforce Mapping (salesforce_mapping)
-    Map Drupal entities to Salesforce fields, including field level mapping.
-  Salesforce Mapping UI (salesforce_mapping_ui)
-    User interface for managing Salesforce mappings.
-  Salesforce OAuth user-agent Provider (salesforce_oauth)
-    Provides user-agent-based Salesforce OAuth authentication.
-  Salesforce Push (salesforce_push):
-    Push Drupal entity updates into Salesforce.
-  Salesforce Pull (salesforce_pull):
-    Pull Salesforce object updates into Drupal.
-  Salesforce Soap (salesforce_soap):
-    Lightweight wrapper around the SOAP API, using the OAUTH access token, to
-    fill in functional gaps missing in the REST API. Requires the Salesforce PHP
-    Toolkit.
-  Salesforce Webform (salesforce_webform)
-    Adds support for webforms fields in Salesforce Mapping.
+or project page https://www.drupal.org/project/salesforce