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  • Alex Bronstein's avatar
    Issue #1086958 by effulgentsia: Use FileEntity instead of Media Entity. ... · 9510e4c9
    Alex Bronstein authored and Jacob Singh's avatar Jacob Singh committed
    Issue #1086958 by effulgentsia: Use FileEntity instead of Media Entity.  Redefine the way files are formatted in Drupal, cold fusion, etc
    adding a todo for issue
    Call up 'file' entities instead of 'media' entities in field_* calls; make the core file entity fieldable.
    remove some hook_file_CRUD() implementations that are not necessary when we already have the file entity object. make sure that our file entity objects always have a bundle key set when we need it.
    Make sure that file entities have a media bundle key ('type') set.
    Fully removed definition of media entity. Now, we just have hook_entity_info_alter() for file entity.
    Removed creation of file field on file entity. Will replace with 'extra_field'. Also removed dependency on Styles module. Will replace with lightweight formatter routing.
    Removed file_usage_delete() hack made unnecessary by removing self-referential file field from the file entity. Also, made 'file' an 'extra_field' so it can be weighted in Fiel...