diff --git a/scripts/run-local-checks.sh b/scripts/run-local-checks.sh
index e39e5af5a298a88cd313279cfa57ae64a0753220..b4651cfa4b4288f684c2ceb1865eb83cec81362a 100755
--- a/scripts/run-local-checks.sh
+++ b/scripts/run-local-checks.sh
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-# Launch from the root of this project: "./scripts/run-local-checks.sh [fix] [clean]".
+# Launch from the root of this project: "./scripts/run-local-checks.sh [fix] [debug] [clean]".
 # Optional arguments:
 #   fix    - to run the fixer options of eslint and phpcs.
+#   debug  - to show verbose output.
 #   clean  - to remove the installed software and files copied from assets.
 # Helper script to run all the checks that will be run via GitLab CI.
@@ -25,13 +26,16 @@ php scripts/prepare-cspell.php
 npm install
 composer install
-npx cspell --show-suggestions --show-context --no-progress --dot {**,.**} || EXIT_CODE=$((EXIT_CODE+1))
+NO_PROGRESS=$([[ "$1" == "debug" ]] && echo "" || echo "--no-progress");
+npx cspell --show-suggestions --show-context --dot $NO_PROGRESS {**,.**} || EXIT_CODE=$((EXIT_CODE+1))
 ESLINT_FIX=$([[ "$1" == "fix" ]] && echo "--fix" || echo "");
-npx eslint --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern --ext=.yml $ESLINT_FIX . && echo "ESLint passed." || EXIT_CODE=$((EXIT_CODE+1))
+DEBUG=$([[ "$1" == "debug" ]] && echo "--debug" || echo "");
+npx eslint --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern --ignore-pattern=vendor --ignore-pattern=node_modules --ext=.yml $DEBUG $ESLINT_FIX . && echo "ESLint passed." || EXIT_CODE=$((EXIT_CODE+1))
 [[ "$1" == "fix" ]] && vendor/bin/phpcbf --colors scripts/*.php -s
-vendor/bin/phpcs --colors scripts/*.php -s && echo "PHPCS passed." || EXIT_CODE=$((EXIT_CODE+1))
+VERBOSE=$([[ "$1" == "debug" ]] && echo "-v" || echo "");
+vendor/bin/phpcs --colors scripts/*.php -s $VERBOSE && echo "PHPCS passed." || EXIT_CODE=$((EXIT_CODE+1))
 shellcheck scripts/*.sh && echo "Shellcheck passed." || EXIT_CODE=$((EXIT_CODE+1))
-php scripts/unformatted-links.php || EXIT_CODE=$((EXIT_CODE+1))
+php scripts/unformatted-links.php $VERBOSE || EXIT_CODE=$((EXIT_CODE+1))
 [[ "$EXIT_CODE" != 0 ]] && echo -e "\n===========================\nNumber of failed checks: $EXIT_CODE\n===========================\n" || echo "= All OK ="
 # Clean up all files that were copied.
diff --git a/scripts/unformatted-links.php b/scripts/unformatted-links.php
index 09349dc7b929b7dd38c7bbf5b92efcf0728c4c40..4d31d426715e9a6fa549758f95f3571d26a2995f 100644
--- a/scripts/unformatted-links.php
+++ b/scripts/unformatted-links.php
@@ -7,56 +7,58 @@
  * Arguments:
  *   -p --path path    Path to search in. Default is 'docs'. Do not include *.
  *                     Partial paths will be matched.
- *   -v --verbose      Show verbose debug output.
+ *   -d --debug        Show debug output.
+ *   -v --verbose      Show more verbose detailed output.
 // Get the options.
-$options = getopt('p:v', ['path:', 'verbose']);
-$quiet = !array_key_exists('v', $options) && !array_key_exists('verbose', $options);
+$options = getopt('p:dv', ['path:', 'debug', 'verbose']);
+$verbose = array_key_exists('v', $options) ||  array_key_exists('verbose', $options);
+$debug = $verbose || array_key_exists('d', $options) || array_key_exists('debug', $options);
 $path = $options['p'] ?? $options['path'] ?? './docs';
-$quiet ?: print "quiet=$quiet\npath=$path\n";
+!$debug ?: print "path=$path\ndebug=$debug\nverbose=$verbose\n";
 $found = 0;
 $code_block = FALSE;
 // Allow for optional / before second { } pattern for partial paths.
 $files = array_values(array_unique(glob($path . '{,/}{*.md,**/*.md}', GLOB_BRACE)));
-$quiet ?: print ".md files found: " . count($files) . "\n" . print_r($files, TRUE) . "\n";
+!$debug ?: print ".md files found: " . count($files) . "\n" . print_r($files, TRUE) . "\n";
 foreach ($files as $f => $filename) {
   $lines = file($filename);
-  $quiet ?: print "===== file {$f} = {$filename}\nlines=" . print_r($lines, TRUE) . PHP_EOL;
+  !$verbose ?: print "===== file {$f} = {$filename}\nlines=" . print_r($lines, TRUE) . PHP_EOL;
   foreach ($lines as $lnum => $text) {
     switch (TRUE) {
       // Detect when a code block begins and ends.
       case strstr($text, "```"):
         $code_block = !$code_block;
-        $quiet ?: print $lnum . ' $code_block changed to ' . ($code_block ? 'true' : 'false') . ' in: ' . $text;
+        !$verbose ?: print $lnum . ' $code_block changed to ' . ($code_block ? 'true' : 'false') . ' in: ' . $text;
       // If the line does not contain http or we are still in a code block then
       // move on to the next line.
       case !stristr($text, 'http') || $code_block:
-        $quiet ?: print $lnum . ' No http or still in code block in: ' . $text;
+        !$verbose ?: print $lnum . ' No http or still in code block in: ' . $text;
       // If the http is part of an inline code block then it is OK.
       case preg_match('/`.*http.*`/', $text, $matches):
-        $quiet ?: print $lnum . ' Found inline code with http so ignore: ' . $text;
-        $quiet ?: print_r($matches, TRUE);
+        !$verbose ?: print $lnum . ' Found inline code with http so ignore: ' . $text;
+        !$verbose ?: print_r($matches, TRUE);
       // If the http link is properly formatted with [text](url) then it is OK.
       // Note that this only checking the markup, not validating the url format.
       case preg_match('/\[.+\]\(http.+\)/', $text, $matches):
-        $quiet ?: print $lnum . ' Link is correctly formatted in ' . $text . '$matches=' . print_r($matches, TRUE) . PHP_EOL;
+        !$verbose ?: print $lnum . ' Link is correctly formatted in ' . $text . '$matches=' . print_r($matches, TRUE) . PHP_EOL;
       // Report all remaining 'http' as these are formatted incorrectly.
         print str_repeat('-', 80) . "\n$filename:" . ($lnum + 1) . "\n$text";
-        $quiet ?: print $lnum . ' Found bad link in ' . $text . '$found=' . $found . PHP_EOL;
+        !$verbose ?: print $lnum . ' Found bad link in ' . $text . '$found=' . $found . PHP_EOL;
@@ -65,5 +67,5 @@ foreach ($files as $f => $filename) {
 $found > 0 ? print str_repeat('-', 80) . "\nTo fix these links use the syntax: [text to show](url)\n" : NULL;
 print "Unformatted links: Files searched in {$path}: " . count($files) . ", Issues found: {$found}\n";
 $exit_code = $found ? 1 : 0;
-$quiet ?: print "Ending with exit_code {$exit_code}" . PHP_EOL;
+!$debug ?: print "Ending with exit_code {$exit_code}" . PHP_EOL;