examples 4.0.2

Bug fixes

The file_example module is back

Contributors (4)

cellear, jungle, ressa, valthebald


Issues: 4 issues resolved.

Changes since 4.0.0:

examples 4.0.1

New features

The file_example module is back

Contributors (4)

cellear, jungle, ressa, valthebald


Issues: 4 issues resolved.

Changes since 4.0.0:

examples 8.x-1.1

Security update

Changes in this release:

  • Removed file example due to multiple security flaws. Separate issue will be created to bring it back in a way that follows security recommendations

examples 3.0.2

Security update
New features

Changes in this release:

  • Removed file example due to multiple security flaws. Separate issue will be created to bring it back in a way that follows security recommendations
  • Submodules moved to the "modules" folder
  • Ported theme example

examples 3.0.0

Bug fixes
New features

Drupal 9-compatible examples for developers

examples 8.x-1.0


Creating 1.0 release as a mark of no errors by drupal-check

examples 8.x-1.x-dev

Drupal 8 core API examples. We're still in the early stages... Please contribute.

examples 6.x-1.x-dev

New features

Dev version of example modules. Please contribute to these, and add your concerns in the issue queue. Patches are welcome.

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