<?php namespace Drupal\Composer\Generator; use Composer\IO\IOInterface; use Composer\Semver\VersionParser; use Composer\Script\Event; use Composer\Util\Filesystem; use Drupal\Composer\Composer; use Drupal\Composer\Generator\Util\DrupalCoreComposer; use Drupal\Composer\Util\SemanticVersion; use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder; /** * Reconciles Drupal component dependencies with core. */ class ComponentGenerator { /** * Relative path from Drupal root to the component directory. * * @var string */ protected static $relativeComponentPath = 'core/lib/Drupal/Component'; /** * Full path to the component directory. * * @var string */ protected $componentBaseDir; /** * Data from drupal/drupal's composer.json file. * * @var \Drupal\Composer\Generator\Util\DrupalCoreComposer */ protected $drupalProjectInfo; /** * Data from drupal/core's composer.json file. * * @var \Drupal\Composer\Generator\Util\DrupalCoreComposer */ protected $drupalCoreInfo; /** * ComponentGenerator constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->componentBaseDir = dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/' . static::$relativeComponentPath; } /** * Find all the composer.json files for components. * * @return \Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder * A Finder object with all the composer.json files for components. */ public function getComponentPathsFinder(): Finder { $composer_json_finder = new Finder(); $composer_json_finder->name('composer.json') ->in($this->componentBaseDir) ->ignoreUnreadableDirs() ->depth(1); return $composer_json_finder; } /** * Reconcile Drupal's components whenever composer.lock is updated. * * @param \Composer\Script\Event $event * The Composer event. * @param string $base_dir * Directory where drupal/drupal repository is located. */ public function generate(Event $event, string $base_dir): void { $io = $event->getIO(); // General information from drupal/drupal and drupal/core composer.json // and composer.lock files. $this->drupalProjectInfo = DrupalCoreComposer::createFromPath($base_dir); $this->drupalCoreInfo = DrupalCoreComposer::createFromPath($base_dir . '/core'); $changed = FALSE; /** @var \Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo $component_composer_json */ foreach ($this->getComponentPathsFinder()->getIterator() as $component_composer_json) { $changed |= $this->generateComponentPackage($event, $component_composer_json->getRelativePathname()); } // Remind the user not to miss files in a patch. if ($changed) { $io->write("If you make a patch, ensure that the files above are included."); } } /** * Generate the component JSON files. * * @param \Composer\Script\Event $event * The Composer event. * @param string $component_pathname * Relative path to the composer.json file for a component. * * @return bool * TRUE if the generated component package is different from what is on * disk. */ protected function generateComponentPackage(Event $event, string $component_pathname): bool { $io = $event->getIO(); $composer_json_path = $this->componentBaseDir . '/' . $component_pathname; $original_composer_json = file_exists($composer_json_path) ? file_get_contents($composer_json_path) : ''; // Modify the original data. $composer_json_data = $this->getPackage($io, $original_composer_json); $updated_composer_json = static::encode($composer_json_data); // Exit early if nothing changed. if (trim($original_composer_json, " \t\r\0\x0B") === trim($updated_composer_json, " \t\r\0\x0B")) { return FALSE; } // Warn the user that a component file has been updated. $display_path = static::$relativeComponentPath . '/' . $component_pathname; $io->write("Updated component file <info>$display_path</info>."); // Write the composer.json file back to disk. $fs = new Filesystem(); $fs->ensureDirectoryExists(dirname($composer_json_path)); file_put_contents($composer_json_path, $updated_composer_json); return TRUE; } /** * Reconcile component dependencies with core. * * @param \Composer\IO\IOInterface $io * IO object for messages to the user. * @param string $original_json * Contents of the component's composer.json file. * * @return array * Structured data to be turned back into JSON. */ protected function getPackage(IOInterface $io, string $original_json): array { $original_data = json_decode($original_json, TRUE); $package_data = array_merge($original_data, $this->initialPackageMetadata()); $core_info = $this->drupalCoreInfo->rootComposerJson(); $stability = VersionParser::parseStability(\Drupal::VERSION); // List of packages which we didn't find in either core requirement. $not_in_core = []; // Traverse required packages. foreach (array_keys($original_data['require'] ?? []) as $package_name) { // Reconcile locked constraints from drupal/drupal. We might have a locked // version of a dependency that's not present in drupal/core. if ($info = $this->drupalProjectInfo->packageLockInfo($package_name)) { $package_data['require'][$package_name] = $info['version']; } // The package wasn't in the lock file, which means we need to tell the // user. But there are some packages we want to exclude from this list. elseif ($package_name !== 'php' && !str_contains($package_name, 'drupal/core-')) { $not_in_core[$package_name] = $package_name; } // Reconcile looser constraints from drupal/core, and we're totally OK // with over-writing the locked ones from above. if ($constraint = $core_info['require'][$package_name] ?? FALSE) { $package_data['require'][$package_name] = $constraint; } // Reconcile dependencies on other Drupal components, so we can set the // constraint to our current version. if (str_contains($package_name, 'drupal/core-')) { if ($stability === 'stable') { // Set the constraint to ^maj.min. $package_data['require'][$package_name] = SemanticVersion::majorMinorConstraint(\Drupal::VERSION); } else { // For non-stable releases, set the constraint to the branch version. $package_data['require'][$package_name] = Composer::drupalVersionBranch(); // Also for non-stable releases which depend on another component, // set the minimum stability. We do this so we can test build the // components. Minimum-stability is otherwise ignored for packages // which aren't the root package, so for any other purpose, this is // unneeded. $package_data['minimum-stability'] = $stability; } } } if ($not_in_core) { $io->error($package_data['name'] . ' requires packages not present in drupal/drupal: ' . implode(', ', $not_in_core)); } return $package_data; } /** * Utility function to encode package json in a consistent way. * * @param array $composer_json_data * Data to encode into a json string. * * @return string * Encoded version of provided json data. */ public static function encode(array $composer_json_data): string { return json_encode($composer_json_data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES) . "\n"; } /** * Common default metadata for all components. * * @return array * An array containing the common default metadata for all components. */ protected function initialPackageMetadata(): array { return [ 'extra' => [ '_readme' => [ 'This file was partially generated automatically. See: https://www.drupal.org/node/3293830', ], ], // Always reconcile PHP version. 'require' => [ 'php' => '>=' . \Drupal::MINIMUM_PHP, ], ]; } }