diff --git a/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Database/Driver/pgsql/Connection.php b/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Database/Driver/pgsql/Connection.php
index ac0184b21662b3461295bf5d11dab657cecd2208..ff38a22c5b84604b0ba42a2bd07696c54ab2834f 100644
--- a/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Database/Driver/pgsql/Connection.php
+++ b/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Database/Driver/pgsql/Connection.php
@@ -383,6 +383,22 @@ public function rollbackSavepoint($savepoint_name = 'mimic_implicit_commit') {
+  /**
+   * {@inheritdoc}
+   */
+  public function upsert($table, array $options = array()) {
+    // Use the (faster) native Upsert implementation for PostgreSQL >= 9.5.
+    if (version_compare($this->version(), '9.5', '>=')) {
+      $class = $this->getDriverClass('NativeUpsert');
+    }
+    else {
+      $class = $this->getDriverClass('Upsert');
+    }
+    return new $class($this, $table, $options);
+  }
diff --git a/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Database/Driver/pgsql/NativeUpsert.php b/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Database/Driver/pgsql/NativeUpsert.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d1c6d11200ea5e667e2bc25f8e84d4a22c3229fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Database/Driver/pgsql/NativeUpsert.php
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ * @file
+ * Contains \Drupal\Core\Database\Driver\pgsql\NativeUpsert.
+ */
+namespace Drupal\Core\Database\Driver\pgsql;
+use Drupal\Core\Database\Query\Upsert as QueryUpsert;
+ * Implements the native Upsert query for the PostgreSQL database driver.
+ *
+ * @see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/sql-insert.html#SQL-ON-CONFLICT
+ */
+class NativeUpsert extends QueryUpsert {
+  /**
+   * {@inheritdoc}
+   */
+  public function execute() {
+    if (!$this->preExecute()) {
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    $stmt = $this->connection->prepareQuery((string) $this);
+    // Fetch the list of blobs and sequences used on that table.
+    $table_information = $this->connection->schema()->queryTableInformation($this->table);
+    $max_placeholder = 0;
+    $blobs = [];
+    $blob_count = 0;
+    foreach ($this->insertValues as $insert_values) {
+      foreach ($this->insertFields as $idx => $field) {
+        if (isset($table_information->blob_fields[$field])) {
+          $blobs[$blob_count] = fopen('php://memory', 'a');
+          fwrite($blobs[$blob_count], $insert_values[$idx]);
+          rewind($blobs[$blob_count]);
+          $stmt->bindParam(':db_insert_placeholder_' . $max_placeholder++, $blobs[$blob_count], \PDO::PARAM_LOB);
+          // Pre-increment is faster in PHP than increment.
+          ++$blob_count;
+        }
+        else {
+          $stmt->bindParam(':db_insert_placeholder_' . $max_placeholder++, $insert_values[$idx]);
+        }
+      }
+      // Check if values for a serial field has been passed.
+      if (!empty($table_information->serial_fields)) {
+        foreach ($table_information->serial_fields as $index => $serial_field) {
+          $serial_key = array_search($serial_field, $this->insertFields);
+          if ($serial_key !== FALSE) {
+            $serial_value = $insert_values[$serial_key];
+            // Sequences must be greater than or equal to 1.
+            if ($serial_value === NULL || !$serial_value) {
+              $serial_value = 1;
+            }
+            // Set the sequence to the bigger value of either the passed
+            // value or the max value of the column. It can happen that another
+            // thread calls nextval() which could lead to a serial number being
+            // used twice. However, trying to insert a value into a serial
+            // column should only be done in very rare cases and is not thread
+            // safe by definition.
+            $this->connection->query("SELECT setval('" . $table_information->sequences[$index] . "', GREATEST(MAX(" . $serial_field . "), :serial_value)) FROM {" . $this->table . "}", array(':serial_value' => (int)$serial_value));
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    $options = $this->queryOptions;
+    if (!empty($table_information->sequences)) {
+      $options['sequence_name'] = $table_information->sequences[0];
+    }
+    $this->connection->query($stmt, [], $options);
+    // Re-initialize the values array so that we can re-use this query.
+    $this->insertValues = [];
+    return TRUE;
+  }
+  /**
+   * {@inheritdoc}
+   */
+  public function __toString() {
+    // Create a sanitized comment string to prepend to the query.
+    $comments = $this->connection->makeComment($this->comments);
+    // Default fields are always placed first for consistency.
+    $insert_fields = array_merge($this->defaultFields, $this->insertFields);
+    $insert_fields = array_map(function($f) { return $this->connection->escapeField($f); }, $insert_fields);
+    $query = $comments . 'INSERT INTO {' . $this->table . '} (' . implode(', ', $insert_fields) . ') VALUES ';
+    $values = $this->getInsertPlaceholderFragment($this->insertValues, $this->defaultFields);
+    $query .= implode(', ', $values);
+    // Updating the unique / primary key is not necessary.
+    unset($insert_fields[$this->key]);
+    $update = [];
+    foreach ($insert_fields as $field) {
+      $update[] = "$field = EXCLUDED.$field";
+    }
+    $query .= ' ON CONFLICT (' . $this->connection->escapeField($this->key) . ') DO UPDATE SET ' . implode(', ', $update);
+    return $query;
+  }
diff --git a/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Database/Driver/pgsql/Upsert.php b/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Database/Driver/pgsql/Upsert.php
index a0a9de8d8ec463df727e5f608e5ed8f07443349c..e23092d875b878d6a54f296fc0bf73ecab1b1f16 100644
--- a/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Database/Driver/pgsql/Upsert.php
+++ b/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Database/Driver/pgsql/Upsert.php
@@ -29,68 +29,38 @@ public function execute() {
     // Default fields are always placed first for consistency.
     $insert_fields = array_merge($this->defaultFields, $this->insertFields);
-    $insert_fields_escaped = array_map(function($f) { return $this->connection->escapeField($f); }, $insert_fields);
     $table = $this->connection->escapeTable($this->table);
-    $unique_key = $this->connection->escapeField($this->key);
     // We have to execute multiple queries, therefore we wrap everything in a
     // transaction so that it is atomic where possible.
     $transaction = $this->connection->startTransaction();
     try {
-      // First, create a temporary table with the same schema as the table we
-      // are trying to upsert in. This results in the following query:
-      //
-      // CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_table AS SELECT * FROM table_name LIMIT 0;
-      $query = 'SELECT * FROM {' . $table . '} LIMIT 0';
-      $temp_table = $this->connection->queryTemporary($query, [], $this->queryOptions);
-      // Second, insert the data in the temporary table.
-      $insert = $this->connection->insert($temp_table, $this->queryOptions)
-        ->fields($insert_fields);
+      // First, lock the table we're upserting into.
+      $this->connection->query('LOCK TABLE {' . $table . '} IN SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE', [], $this->queryOptions);
+      // Second, delete all items first so we can do one insert.
+      $unique_key_position = array_search($this->key, $insert_fields);
+      $delete_ids = [];
       foreach ($this->insertValues as $insert_values) {
-        $insert->values($insert_values);
+        $delete_ids[] = $insert_values[$unique_key_position];
-      $insert->execute();
-      // Third, lock the table we're upserting into.
-      $this->connection->query('LOCK TABLE {' . $table . '} IN EXCLUSIVE MODE', [], $this->queryOptions);
-      // Fourth, update any rows that can be updated. This results in the
-      // following query:
-      //
-      // UPDATE table_name
-      // SET column1 = temp_table.column1 [, column2 = temp_table.column2, ...]
-      // FROM temp_table
-      // WHERE table_name.id = temp_table.id;
-      $update = [];
-      foreach ($insert_fields_escaped as $field) {
-        if ($field !== $unique_key) {
-          $update[] = "$field = {" . $temp_table . "}.$field";
-        }
+      // Delete in chunks when a large array is passed.
+      foreach (array_chunk($delete_ids, 1000) as $delete_ids_chunk) {
+        $this->connection->delete($this->table, $this->queryOptions)
+          ->condition($this->key, $delete_ids_chunk, 'IN')
+          ->execute();
-      $update_query = 'UPDATE {' . $table . '} SET ' . implode(', ', $update);
-      $update_query .= ' FROM {' . $temp_table . '}';
-      $update_query .= ' WHERE {' . $temp_table . '}.' . $unique_key . ' = {' . $table . '}.' . $unique_key;
-      $this->connection->query($update_query, [], $this->queryOptions);
-      // Fifth, insert the remaining rows. This results in the following query:
-      //
-      // INSERT INTO table_name
-      // SELECT temp_table.primary_key, temp_table.column1 [, temp_table.column2 ...]
-      // FROM temp_table
-      // LEFT OUTER JOIN table_name ON (table_name.id = temp_table.id)
-      // WHERE table_name.id IS NULL;
-      $select = $this->connection->select($temp_table, 'temp_table', $this->queryOptions)
-        ->fields('temp_table', $insert_fields);
-      $select->leftJoin($this->table, 'actual_table', 'actual_table.' . $this->key . ' = temp_table.' . $this->key);
-      $select->isNull('actual_table.' . $this->key);
-      $this->connection->insert($this->table, $this->queryOptions)
-        ->from($select)
-        ->execute();
+      // Third, insert all the values.
+      $insert = $this->connection->insert($this->table, $this->queryOptions)
+        ->fields($insert_fields);
+      foreach ($this->insertValues as $insert_values) {
+        $insert->values($insert_values);
+      }
+      $insert->execute();
     catch (\Exception $e) {
       // One of the queries failed, rollback the whole batch.