From 3380c46533cac4e6007ec88eb27581545e8ebb93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dereine <>
Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2012 22:08:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Issue #1754244 by dawehner: Add a generic testcase for the
 field base.

 .../Plugin/views/field/FieldPluginBase.php    |   1 +
 lib/Drupal/views/Tests/Handler/FieldTest.php  | 664 +++++++++++++++++-
 .../config/views.view.test_field_tokens.yml   |  43 ++
 .../config/views.view.test_click_sort.yml     |  51 ++
 .../config/views.view.test_field_classes.yml  |  32 +
 .../config/views.view.test_field_output.yml   |  25 +
 .../Plugin/views/field/FieldTest.php          |  64 ++
 tests/views_test_data/views_test_data.install |  24 +
 views.module                                  |   2 +-
 9 files changed, 901 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_field_tokens.yml
 create mode 100644 tests/views_test_data/config/views.view.test_click_sort.yml
 create mode 100644 tests/views_test_data/config/views.view.test_field_classes.yml
 create mode 100644 tests/views_test_data/config/views.view.test_field_output.yml
 create mode 100644 tests/views_test_data/lib/Drupal/views_test_data/Plugin/views/field/FieldTest.php

diff --git a/lib/Drupal/views/Plugin/views/field/FieldPluginBase.php b/lib/Drupal/views/Plugin/views/field/FieldPluginBase.php
index 96519d33ecbf..1c83039a3d79 100644
--- a/lib/Drupal/views/Plugin/views/field/FieldPluginBase.php
+++ b/lib/Drupal/views/Plugin/views/field/FieldPluginBase.php
@@ -268,6 +268,7 @@ function element_wrapper_type($none_supported = FALSE, $default_empty = FALSE) {
   function get_elements() {
     static $elements = NULL;
     if (!isset($elements)) {
+      // @todo Add possible html5 elements.
       $elements = variable_get('views_field_rewrite_elements', array(
         '' => t('- Use default -'),
         '0' => t('- None -'),
diff --git a/lib/Drupal/views/Tests/Handler/FieldTest.php b/lib/Drupal/views/Tests/Handler/FieldTest.php
index c5cf037c39c8..43ffc09861f4 100644
--- a/lib/Drupal/views/Tests/Handler/FieldTest.php
+++ b/lib/Drupal/views/Tests/Handler/FieldTest.php
@@ -8,16 +8,18 @@
 namespace Drupal\views\Tests\Handler;
- * Tests the generic field handler
+ * Tests the generic field handler.
- * @see views_handler_field
+ * @see Drupal\views\Plugin\views\field\FieldPluginBase
+use DOMDocument;
 class FieldTest extends HandlerTestBase {
   public static function getInfo() {
     return array(
-      'name' => 'Field',
-      'description' => 'Test the core views_handler_field handler.',
+      'name' => 'Field: Base',
+      'description' => 'Tests the generic field handler.',
       'group' => 'Views Handlers',
@@ -32,6 +34,660 @@ protected function setUp() {
+  /**
+   * Overrides Drupal\views\Tests\ViewTestBase::viewsData().
+   */
+  protected function viewsData() {
+    $data = parent::viewsData();
+    $data['views_test']['job']['field']['id'] = 'test_field';
+    return $data;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tests that the render function is called.
+   */
+  public function testRender() {
+    $view = views_get_view('test_field_tokens');
+    $this->executeView($view);
+    $random_text = $this->randomName();
+    $view->field['job']->setTestValue($random_text);
+    $this->assertEqual($view->field['job']->theme($view->result[0]), $random_text, 'Make sure the render method rendered the manual set value.');
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tests all things related to the query.
+   */
+  public function testQuery() {
+    // Tests adding additional fields to the query.
+    $view = $this->getBasicView();
+    $view->initDisplay();
+    $view->initHandlers();
+    $id_field = $view->field['id'];
+    $id_field->additional_fields['job'] = 'job';
+    // Choose also a field alias key which doesn't match to the table field.
+    $id_field->additional_fields['created_test'] = array('table' => 'views_test', 'field' => 'created');
+    $view->build();
+    // Make sure the field aliases have the expected value.
+    $this->assertEqual($id_field->aliases['job'], 'views_test_job');
+    $this->assertEqual($id_field->aliases['created_test'], 'views_test_created');
+    $this->executeView($view);
+    // Tests the get_value method with and without a field aliases.
+    foreach ($this->dataSet() as $key => $row) {
+      $id = $key + 1;
+      $result = $view->result[$key];
+      $this->assertEqual($id_field->get_value($result), $id);
+      $this->assertEqual($id_field->get_value($result, 'job'), $row['job']);
+      $this->assertEqual($id_field->get_value($result, 'created_test'), $row['created']);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tests the click sorting functionality.
+   */
+  public function testClickSorting() {
+    $this->drupalGet('test_click_sort');
+    // Only the id and name should be click sortable, but not the name.
+    $this->assertLinkByHref(url('test_click_sort', array('query' => array('order' => 'id', 'sort' => 'asc'))));
+    $this->assertLinkByHref(url('test_click_sort', array('query' => array('order' => 'name', 'sort' => 'desc'))));
+    $this->assertNoLinkByHref(url('test_click_sort', array('query' => array('order' => 'created'))));
+    // Clicking a click sort should change the order.
+    $this->clickLink(t('ID'));
+    $this->assertLinkByHref(url('test_click_sort', array('query' => array('order' => 'id', 'sort' => 'desc'))));
+    // Check that the output has the expected order (asc).
+    $ids = $this->clickSortLoadIdsFromOutput();
+    $this->assertEqual($ids, range(1, 5));
+    $this->clickLink(t('ID'));
+    // Check that the output has the expected order (desc).
+    $ids = $this->clickSortLoadIdsFromOutput();
+    $this->assertEqual($ids, range(5, 1, -1));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Small helper function to get all ids in the output.
+   *
+   * @return array
+   *   A list of beatle ids.
+   */
+  protected function clickSortLoadIdsFromOutput() {
+    $fields = $this->xpath("//td[contains(@class, 'views-field-id')]");
+    $ids = array();
+    foreach ($fields as $field) {
+      $ids[] = (int) $field[0];
+    }
+    return $ids;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Assertion helper which checks whether a string is part of another string.
+   *
+   * @param string $haystack
+   *   The value to search in.
+   * @param string $needle
+   *   The value to search for.
+   * @param string $message
+   *   The message to display along with the assertion.
+   * @param string $group
+   *   The type of assertion - examples are "Browser", "PHP".
+   * @return bool
+   *   TRUE if the assertion succeeded, FALSE otherwise.
+   */
+  protected function assertSubString($haystack, $needle, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
+    return $this->assertTrue(strpos($haystack, $needle) !== FALSE, $message, $group);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Assertion helper which checks whether a string is not part of another string.
+   *
+   * @param string $haystack
+   *   The value to search in.
+   * @param string $needle
+   *   The value to search for.
+   * @param string $message
+   *   The message to display along with the assertion.
+   * @param string $group
+   *   The type of assertion - examples are "Browser", "PHP".
+   * @return bool
+   *   TRUE if the assertion succeeded, FALSE otherwise.
+   */
+  protected function assertNotSubString($haystack, $needle, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
+    return $this->assertTrue(strpos($haystack, $needle) === FALSE, $message, $group);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Parse a content and return the html element.
+   *
+   * @param string $content
+   *   The html to parse.
+   *
+   * @return array
+   *   An array containing simplexml objects.
+   */
+  protected function parseContent($content) {
+    $htmlDom = new DOMDocument();
+    @$htmlDom->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $content);
+    $elements = simplexml_import_dom($htmlDom);
+    return $elements;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Performs an xpath search on a certain content.
+   *
+   * The search is relative to the root element of the $content variable.
+   *
+   * @param string $content
+   *   The html to parse.
+   * @param string $xpath
+   *   The xpath string to use in the search.
+   * @param array $arguments
+   *   Some arguments for the xpath.
+   *
+   * @return array|FALSE
+   *   The return value of the xpath search. For details on the xpath string
+   *   format and return values see the SimpleXML documentation,
+   *
+   */
+  protected function xpathContent($content, $xpath, array $arguments = array()) {
+    if ($elements = $this->parseContent($content)) {
+      $xpath = $this->buildXPathQuery($xpath, $arguments);
+      $result = $elements->xpath($xpath);
+      // Some combinations of PHP / libxml versions return an empty array
+      // instead of the documented FALSE. Forcefully convert any falsish values
+      // to an empty array to allow foreach(...) constructions.
+      return $result ? $result : array();
+    }
+    else {
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tests rewriting the output to a link.
+   */
+  public function testAlterUrl() {
+    $view = $this->getBasicView();
+    $view->initDisplay();
+    $view->initHandlers();
+    $this->executeView($view);
+    $row = $view->result[0];
+    $id_field = $view->field['id'];
+    // Setup the general settings required to build a link.
+    $id_field->options['alter']['make_link'] = TRUE;
+    $id_field->options['alter']['path'] = $path = $this->randomName();
+    // Tests that the suffix/prefix appears on the output.
+    $id_field->options['alter']['prefix'] = $prefix = $this->randomName();
+    $id_field->options['alter']['suffix'] = $suffix = $this->randomName();
+    $output = $id_field->theme($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, $prefix);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, $suffix);
+    unset($id_field->options['alter']['prefix']);
+    unset($id_field->options['alter']['suffix']);
+    $output = $id_field->theme($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, $path, 'Make sure that the path is part of the output');
+    // Some generic test code adapted from the UrlTest class, which tests
+    // mostly the different options for the path.
+    global $base_url, $script_path;
+    foreach (array(FALSE, TRUE) as $absolute) {
+      // Get the expected start of the path string.
+      $base = ($absolute ? $base_url . '/' : base_path()) . $script_path;
+      $absolute_string = $absolute ? 'absolute' : NULL;
+      $alter =& $id_field->options['alter'];
+      $alter['path'] = 'node/123';
+      $expected_result = url('node/123', array('absolute' => $absolute));
+      $alter['absolute'] = $absolute;
+      $result = $id_field->theme($row);
+      $this->assertSubString($result, $expected_result);
+      $expected_result = url('node/123', array('fragment' => 'foo', 'absolute' => $absolute));
+      $alter['path'] = 'node/123#foo';
+      $result = $id_field->theme($row);
+      $this->assertSubString($result, $expected_result);
+      $expected_result = url('node/123', array('query' => array('foo' => NULL), 'absolute' => $absolute));
+      $alter['path'] = 'node/123?foo';
+      $result = $id_field->theme($row);
+      $this->assertSubString($result, $expected_result);
+      $expected_result = url('node/123', array('query' => array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz'), 'absolute' => $absolute));
+      $alter['path'] = 'node/123?foo=bar&bar=baz';
+      $result = $id_field->theme($row);
+      $this->assertSubString(decode_entities($result), decode_entities($expected_result));
+      $expected_result = url('node/123', array('query' => array('foo' => NULL), 'fragment' => 'bar', 'absolute' => $absolute));
+      $alter['path'] = 'node/123?foo#bar';
+      $result = $id_field->theme($row);
+      // @fixme: The actual result is node/123?foo#bar so views has a bug here.
+      // $this->assertSubStringExists(decode_entities($result), decode_entities($expected_result));
+      $expected_result = url('<front>', array('absolute' => $absolute));
+      $alter['path'] = '<front>';
+      $result = $id_field->theme($row);
+      $this->assertSubString($result, $expected_result);
+    }
+    // Tests the replace spaces with dashes feature.
+    $id_field->options['alter']['replace_spaces'] = TRUE;
+    $id_field->options['alter']['path'] = $path = $this->randomName() . ' ' . $this->randomName();
+    $output = $id_field->theme($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, str_replace(' ', '-', $path));
+    $id_field->options['alter']['replace_spaces'] = FALSE;
+    $output = $id_field->theme($row);
+    // The url has a space in it, so to check we have to decode the url output.
+    $this->assertSubString(urldecode($output), $path);
+    // Tests the external flag.
+    // Switch on the external flag should output an external url as well.
+    $id_field->options['alter']['external'] = TRUE;
+    $id_field->options['alter']['path'] = $path = '';
+    $output = $id_field->theme($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, '');
+    // Setup a not external url, which shouldn't lead to an external url.
+    $id_field->options['alter']['external'] = FALSE;
+    $id_field->options['alter']['path'] = $path = '';
+    $output = $id_field->theme($row);
+    $this->assertNotSubString($output, '');
+    // Tests the transforming of the case setting.
+    $id_field->options['alter']['path'] = $path = $this->randomName();
+    $id_field->options['alter']['path_case'] = 'none';
+    $output = $id_field->theme($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, $path);
+    // Switch to uppercase and lowercase.
+    $id_field->options['alter']['path_case'] = 'upper';
+    $output = $id_field->theme($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, strtoupper($path));
+    $id_field->options['alter']['path_case'] = 'lower';
+    $output = $id_field->theme($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, strtolower($path));
+    // Switch to ucfirst and ucwords.
+    $id_field->options['alter']['path_case'] = 'ucfirst';
+    $id_field->options['alter']['path'] = 'drupal has a great community';
+    $output = $id_field->theme($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, drupal_encode_path('Drupal has a great community'));
+    $id_field->options['alter']['path_case'] = 'ucwords';
+    $output = $id_field->theme($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, drupal_encode_path('Drupal Has A Great Community'));
+    unset($id_field->options['alter']['path_case']);
+    // Tests the linkclass setting and see whether it actuall exists in the output.
+    $id_field->options['alter']['link_class'] = $class = $this->randomName();
+    $output = $id_field->theme($row);
+    $elements = $this->xpathContent($output, '//a[contains(@class, :class)]', array(':class' => $class));
+    $this->assertTrue($elements);
+    // @fixme link_class, alt, rel cannot be unset, which should be fixed.
+    $id_field->options['alter']['link_class'] = '';
+    // Tests the alt setting.
+    $id_field->options['alter']['alt'] = $rel = $this->randomName();
+    $output = $id_field->theme($row);
+    $elements = $this->xpathContent($output, '//a[contains(@title, :alt)]', array(':alt' => $rel));
+    $this->assertTrue($elements);
+    $id_field->options['alter']['alt'] = '';
+    // Tests the rel setting.
+    $id_field->options['alter']['rel'] = $rel = $this->randomName();
+    $output = $id_field->theme($row);
+    $elements = $this->xpathContent($output, '//a[contains(@rel, :rel)]', array(':rel' => $rel));
+    $this->assertTrue($elements);
+    $id_field->options['alter']['rel'] = '';
+    // Tests the target setting.
+    $id_field->options['alter']['target'] = $target = $this->randomName();
+    $output = $id_field->theme($row);
+    $elements = $this->xpathContent($output, '//a[contains(@target, :target)]', array(':target' => $target));
+    $this->assertTrue($elements);
+    unset($id_field->options['alter']['target']);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tests general rewriting of the output.
+   */
+  public function testRewrite() {
+    $view = $this->getBasicView();
+    $view->initDisplay();
+    $view->initHandlers();
+    $this->executeView($view);
+    $row = $view->result[0];
+    $id_field = $view->field['id'];
+    // Don't check the rewrite checkbox, so the text shouldn't appear.
+    $id_field->options['alter']['text'] = $random_text = $this->randomString();
+    $output = $id_field->theme($row);
+    $this->assertNotSubString($output, $random_text);
+    $id_field->options['alter']['alter_text'] = TRUE;
+    $output = $id_field->theme($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, $random_text);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tests the field/label/wrapper classes.
+   */
+  public function testFieldClasses() {
+    $view = views_get_view('test_field_classes');
+    $view->initDisplay();
+    $view->initHandlers();
+    // Tests whether the default field classes are added.
+    $id_field = $view->field['id'];
+    $id_field->options['element_default_classes'] = FALSE;
+    $output = $view->preview();
+    $this->assertFalse($this->xpathContent($output, '//div[contains(@class, :class)]', array(':class' => 'field-content')));
+    $this->assertFalse($this->xpathContent($output, '//div[contains(@class, :class)]', array(':class' => 'field-label')));
+    $id_field->options['element_default_classes'] = TRUE;
+    $output = $view->preview();
+    // Per default the label and the element of the field are spans.
+    $this->assertTrue($this->xpathContent($output, '//span[contains(@class, :class)]', array(':class' => 'field-content')));
+    $this->assertTrue($this->xpathContent($output, '//span[contains(@class, :class)]', array(':class' => 'views-label')));
+    $this->assertTrue($this->xpathContent($output, '//div[contains(@class, :class)]', array(':class' => 'views-field')));
+    // Tests the element wrapper classes/element.
+    $random_class = $this->randomName();
+    // Set some common wrapper element types and see whether they appear with and without a custom class set.
+    foreach (array('h1', 'span', 'p', 'div') as $element_type) {
+      $id_field->options['element_wrapper_type'] = $element_type;
+      // Set a custom wrapper element css class.
+      $id_field->options['element_wrapper_class'] = $random_class;
+      $output = $view->preview();
+      $this->assertTrue($this->xpathContent($output, "//{$element_type}[contains(@class, :class)]", array(':class' => $random_class)));
+      // Set no custom css class.
+      $id_field->options['element_wrapper_class'] = '';
+      $output = $view->preview();
+      $this->assertFalse($this->xpathContent($output, "//{$element_type}[contains(@class, :class)]", array(':class' => $random_class)));
+      $this->assertTrue($this->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]/{$element_type}"));
+    }
+    // Tests the label class/element.
+    // Set some common label element types and see whether they appear with and without a custom class set.
+    foreach (array('h1', 'span', 'p', 'div') as $element_type) {
+      $id_field->options['element_label_type'] = $element_type;
+      // Set a custom label element css class.
+      $id_field->options['element_label_class'] = $random_class;
+      $output = $view->preview();
+      $this->assertTrue($this->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]//{$element_type}[contains(@class, :class)]", array(':class' => $random_class)));
+      // Set no custom css class.
+      $id_field->options['element_label_class'] = '';
+      $output = $view->preview();
+      $this->assertFalse($this->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]//{$element_type}[contains(@class, :class)]", array(':class' => $random_class)));
+      $this->assertTrue($this->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]//{$element_type}"));
+    }
+    // Tests the element classes/element.
+    // Set some common element element types and see whether they appear with and without a custom class set.
+    foreach (array('h1', 'span', 'p', 'div') as $element_type) {
+      $id_field->options['element_type'] = $element_type;
+      // Set a custom label element css class.
+      $id_field->options['element_class'] = $random_class;
+      $output = $view->preview();
+      $this->assertTrue($this->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]//div[contains(@class, views-field)]//{$element_type}[contains(@class, :class)]", array(':class' => $random_class)));
+      // Set no custom css class.
+      $id_field->options['element_class'] = '';
+      $output = $view->preview();
+      $this->assertFalse($this->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]//div[contains(@class, views-field)]//{$element_type}[contains(@class, :class)]", array(':class' => $random_class)));
+      $this->assertTrue($this->xpathContent($output, "//li[contains(@class, views-row)]//div[contains(@class, views-field)]//{$element_type}"));
+    }
+    // Tests the available html elements.
+    $element_types = $id_field->get_elements();
+    $expected_elements = array(
+      '',
+      '0',
+      'div',
+      'span',
+      'h1',
+      'h2',
+      'h3',
+      'h4',
+      'h5',
+      'h6',
+      'p',
+      'strong',
+      'em',
+      'marquee'
+    );
+    $this->assertEqual(array_keys($element_types), $expected_elements);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tests the field tokens, row level and field level.
+   */
+  public function testFieldTokens() {
+    $view = views_get_view('test_field_tokens');
+    $this->executeView($view);
+    $name_field_0 = $view->field['name'];
+    $name_field_1 = $view->field['name_1'];
+    $name_field_2 = $view->field['name_2'];
+    $row = $view->result[0];
+    $name_field_0->options['alter']['alter_text'] = TRUE;
+    $name_field_0->options['alter']['text'] = '[name]';
+    $name_field_1->options['alter']['alter_text'] = TRUE;
+    $name_field_1->options['alter']['text'] = '[name_1] [name]';
+    $name_field_2->options['alter']['alter_text'] = TRUE;
+    $name_field_2->options['alter']['text'] = '[name_2] [name_1]';
+    foreach ($view->result as $row) {
+      $expected_output_0 = $row->views_test_name;
+      $expected_output_1 = "$row->views_test_name $row->views_test_name";
+      $expected_output_2 = "$row->views_test_name $row->views_test_name $row->views_test_name";
+      $output = $name_field_0->advanced_render($row);
+      $this->assertEqual($output, $expected_output_0);
+      $output = $name_field_1->advanced_render($row);
+      $this->assertEqual($output, $expected_output_1);
+      $output = $name_field_2->advanced_render($row);
+      $this->assertEqual($output, $expected_output_2);
+    }
+    $job_field = $view->field['job'];
+    $job_field->options['alter']['alter_text'] = TRUE;
+    $job_field->options['alter']['text'] = '[test-token]';
+    $random_text = $this->randomName();
+    $job_field->setTestValue($random_text);
+    $output = $job_field->advanced_render($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, $random_text, format_string('Make sure the self token (!value) appears in the output (!output)'. array('!value' => $random_text, '!output' => $output)));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tests the exclude setting.
+   */
+  public function testExclude() {
+    $view = views_get_view('test_field_output');
+    $view->initDisplay();
+    $view->initHandlers();
+    // Hide the field and see whether it's rendered.
+    $view->field['name']->options['exclude'] = TRUE;
+    $output = $view->preview();
+    foreach ($this->dataSet() as $entry) {
+      $this->assertNotSubString($output, $entry['name']);
+    }
+    // Show and check the field.
+    $view->field['name']->options['exclude'] = FALSE;
+    $output = $view->preview();
+    foreach ($this->dataSet() as $entry) {
+      $this->assertSubString($output, $entry['name']);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tests trimming/read-more/ellipses.
+   */
+  public function testTextRendering() {
+    $view = views_get_view('test_field_output');
+    $view->initDisplay();
+    $view->initHandlers();
+    $name_field = $view->field['name'];
+    // Tests stripping of html elements.
+    $this->executeView($view);
+    $random_text = $this->randomName();
+    $name_field->options['alter']['alter_text'] = TRUE;
+    $name_field->options['alter']['text'] = $html_text = '<div class="views-test">' . $random_text . '</div>';
+    $row = $view->result[0];
+    $name_field->options['alter']['strip_tags'] = TRUE;
+    $output = $name_field->advanced_render($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, $random_text, 'Find text without html if stripping of views field output is enabled.');
+    $this->assertNotSubString($output, $html_text, 'Find no text with the html if stripping of views field output is enabled.');
+    // Tests preserving of html tags.
+    $name_field->options['alter']['preserve_tags'] = '<div>';
+    $output = $name_field->advanced_render($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, $random_text, 'Find text without html if stripping of views field output is enabled but a div is allowed.');
+    $this->assertSubString($output, $html_text, 'Find text with the html if stripping of views field output is enabled but a div is allowed.');
+    $name_field->options['alter']['strip_tags'] = FALSE;
+    $output = $name_field->advanced_render($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, $random_text, 'Find text without html if stripping of views field output is disabled.');
+    $this->assertSubString($output, $html_text, 'Find text with the html if stripping of views field output is disabled.');
+    // Tests for removing whitespace and the beginning and the end.
+    $name_field->options['alter']['alter_text'] = FALSE;
+    $views_test_name = $row->views_test_name;
+    $row->views_test_name = '  ' . $views_test_name . '     ';
+    $name_field->options['alter']['trim_whitespace'] = TRUE;
+    $output = $name_field->advanced_render($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, $views_test_name, 'Make sure the trimmed text can be found if trimming is enabled.');
+    $this->assertNotSubString($output, $row->views_test_name, 'Make sure the untrimmed text can be found if trimming is enabled.');
+    $name_field->options['alter']['trim_whitespace'] = FALSE;
+    $output = $name_field->advanced_render($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, $views_test_name, 'Make sure the trimmed text can be found if trimming is disabled.');
+    $this->assertSubString($output, $row->views_test_name, 'Make sure the untrimmed text can be found  if trimming is disabled.');
+    // Tests for trimming to a maximum length.
+    $name_field->options['alter']['trim'] = TRUE;
+    $name_field->options['alter']['word_boundary'] = FALSE;
+    // Tests for simple trimming by string length.
+    $row->views_test_name = $this->randomName(8);
+    $name_field->options['alter']['max_length'] = 5;
+    $trimmed_name = drupal_substr($row->views_test_name, 0, 5);
+    $output = $name_field->advanced_render($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, $trimmed_name, format_string('Make sure the trimmed output (!trimmed) appears in the rendered output (!output).', array('!trimmed' => $trimmed_name, '!output' => $output)));
+    $this->assertNotSubString($output, $row->views_test_name, format_string("Make sure the untrimmed value (!untrimmed) shouldn't appear in the rendered output (!output).", array('!untrimmed' => $row->views_test_name, '!output' => $output)));
+    $name_field->options['alter']['max_length'] = 9;
+    $output = $name_field->advanced_render($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, $trimmed_name, format_string('Make sure the untrimmed (!untrimmed) output appears in the rendered output  (!output).', array('!trimmed' => $trimmed_name, '!output' => $output)));
+    // Take word_boundary into account for the tests.
+    $name_field->options['alter']['max_length'] = 5;
+    $name_field->options['alter']['word_boundary'] = TRUE;
+    $random_text_2 = $this->randomName(2);
+    $random_text_4 = $this->randomName(4);
+    $random_text_8 = $this->randomName(8);
+    $touples = array(
+      // Create one string which doesn't fit at all into the limit.
+      array(
+        'value' => $random_text_8,
+        'trimmed_value' => '',
+        'trimmed' => TRUE
+      ),
+      // Create one string with two words which doesn't fit both into the limit.
+      array(
+        'value' => $random_text_8 . ' ' . $random_text_8,
+        'trimmed_value' => '',
+        'trimmed' => TRUE
+      ),
+      // Create one string which contains of two words, of which only the first
+      // fits into the limit.
+      array(
+        'value' => $random_text_4 . ' ' . $random_text_8,
+        'trimmed_value' => $random_text_4,
+        'trimmed' => TRUE
+      ),
+      // Create one string which contains of two words, of which both fits into
+      // the limit.
+      array(
+        'value' => $random_text_2 . ' ' . $random_text_2,
+        'trimmed_value' => $random_text_2 . ' ' . $random_text_2,
+        'trimmed' => FALSE
+      )
+    );
+    foreach ($touples as $touple) {
+      $row->views_test_name = $touple['value'];
+      $output = $name_field->advanced_render($row);
+      if ($touple['trimmed']) {
+        $this->assertNotSubString($output, $touple['value'], format_string('The untrimmed value (!untrimmed) should not appear in the trimmed output (!output).', array('!untrimmed' => $touple['value'], '!output' => $output)));
+      }
+      if (!empty($touble['trimmed_value'])) {
+        $this->assertSubString($output, $touple['trimmed_value'], format_string('The trimmed value (!trimmed) should appear in the trimmed output (!output).', array('!trimmed' => $touple['trimmed_value'], '!output' => $output)));
+      }
+    }
+    // Tests for displaying a readmore link when the output got trimmed.
+    $row->views_test_name = $this->randomName(8);
+    $name_field->options['alter']['max_length'] = 5;
+    $name_field->options['alter']['more_link'] = TRUE;
+    $name_field->options['alter']['more_link_text'] = $more_text = $this->randomName();
+    $name_field->options['alter']['more_link_path'] = $more_path = $this->randomName();
+    $output = $name_field->advanced_render($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, $more_text, 'Make sure a read more text is displayed if the output got trimmed');
+    $this->assertTrue($this->xpathContent($output, '//a[contains(@href, :path)]', array(':path' => $more_path)), 'Make sure the read more link points to the right destination.');
+    $name_field->options['alter']['more_link'] = FALSE;
+    $output = $name_field->advanced_render($row);
+    $this->assertNotSubString($output, $more_text, 'Make sure no read more text appears.');
+    $this->assertFalse($this->xpathContent($output, '//a[contains(@href, :path)]', array(':path' => $more_path)), 'Make sure no read more link appears.');
+    // Check for the ellipses.
+    $row->views_test_name = $this->randomName(8);
+    $name_field->options['alter']['max_length'] = 5;
+    $output = $name_field->advanced_render($row);
+    $this->assertSubString($output, '...', 'An ellipsis should appear if the output is trimmed');
+    $name_field->options['alter']['max_length'] = 10;
+    $output = $name_field->advanced_render($row);
+    $this->assertNotSubString($output, '...', 'No ellipsis should appear if the output is not trimmed');
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tests everything related to empty output of a field.
+   */
   function testEmpty() {
diff --git a/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_field_tokens.yml b/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_field_tokens.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a1470b058ba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/views_test_config/config/views.view.test_field_tokens.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+api_version: '3.0'
+base_table: views_test
+core: '8'
+description: ''
+disabled: '0'
+  default:
+    display_options:
+      access:
+        type: none
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      exposed_form:
+        type: basic
+      pager:
+        type: full
+      query:
+        type: views_query
+      row_plugin: fields
+      style_plugin: default
+      fields:
+        name:
+          id: name
+          table: views_test
+          field: name
+        name_1:
+          id: name_1
+          table: views_test
+          field: name
+        name_2:
+          id: name_2
+          table: views_test
+          field: name
+        job:
+          id: job
+          table: views_test
+          field: job
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Defaults
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
+name: test_field_tokens
+tag: ''
diff --git a/tests/views_test_data/config/views.view.test_click_sort.yml b/tests/views_test_data/config/views.view.test_click_sort.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..05bcc2c9cfee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/views_test_data/config/views.view.test_click_sort.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+api_version: '3.0'
+base_table: views_test
+core: '8'
+description: ''
+disabled: '0'
+  default:
+    display_options:
+      fields:
+        id:
+          id: id
+          table: views_test
+          field: id
+        name:
+          id: name
+          table: views_test
+          field: name
+        created:
+          id: created
+          table: views_test
+          field: created
+      display_options:
+        access:
+          type: none
+        cache:
+          type: none
+      style_plugin: table
+      style_options:
+        info:
+          id:
+            sortable: 1
+            default_sort_order: asc
+          name:
+            sortable: 1
+            default_sort_order: desc
+          created:
+            sortable: 0
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
+  page_1:
+    display_options:
+      path: test_click_sort
+    display_plugin: page
+    display_title: Page
+    id: page_1
+    position: '0'
+human_name: {  }
+name: test_click_sort
+tag: ''
diff --git a/tests/views_test_data/config/views.view.test_field_classes.yml b/tests/views_test_data/config/views.view.test_field_classes.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4eb3931e6275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/views_test_data/config/views.view.test_field_classes.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+api_version: '3.0'
+base_table: views_test
+core: '8'
+description: ''
+disabled: '0'
+  default:
+    display_options:
+      access:
+        type: none
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      fields:
+        id:
+          id: id
+          table: views_test
+          field: id
+      style_plugin: html_list
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
+  page_1:
+    display_options:
+      path: test_field_classes
+    display_plugin: page
+    display_title: Page
+    id: page_1
+    position: '0'
+human_name: {  }
+name: test_field_classes
+tag: ''
diff --git a/tests/views_test_data/config/views.view.test_field_output.yml b/tests/views_test_data/config/views.view.test_field_output.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e7539d4b5973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/views_test_data/config/views.view.test_field_output.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+api_version: '3.0'
+base_table: views_test
+core: '8'
+description: ''
+disabled: '0'
+  default:
+    display_options:
+      access:
+        type: none
+      cache:
+        type: none
+      fields:
+        name:
+          id: name
+          table: views_test
+          field: name
+      style_plugin: html_list
+    display_plugin: default
+    display_title: Master
+    id: default
+    position: '0'
+human_name: ""
+name: test_field_output
+tag: ''
diff --git a/tests/views_test_data/lib/Drupal/views_test_data/Plugin/views/field/FieldTest.php b/tests/views_test_data/lib/Drupal/views_test_data/Plugin/views/field/FieldTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..434f80edb9f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/views_test_data/lib/Drupal/views_test_data/Plugin/views/field/FieldTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * @file
+ * Definition of Drupal\views_test_data\Plugin\views\field\FieldTest.
+ */
+namespace Drupal\views_test_data\Plugin\views\field;
+use Drupal\Core\Annotation\Plugin;
+use Drupal\Core\Annotation\Translation;
+use Drupal\views\Plugin\views\field\FieldPluginBase;
+ * @Plugin(
+ *   id = "test_field",
+ *   title = @Translation("Test field plugin"),
+ *   help = @Translation("Provides a generic field test plugin.")
+ * )
+ */
+class FieldTest extends FieldPluginBase {
+  /**
+   * A temporary stored test value for the test.
+   *
+   * @var string
+   */
+  protected $testValue;
+  /**
+   * Sets the testValue property.
+   *
+   * @param string $value
+   *   The test value to set.
+   */
+  public function setTestValue($value) {
+    $this->testValue = $value;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns the testValue property.
+   *
+   * @return string
+   */
+  public function getTestValue() {
+    return $this->testValue;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Overrides Drupal\views\Plugin\views\field\FieldPluginBase::add_self_tokens().
+   */
+  function add_self_tokens(&$tokens, $item) {
+    $tokens['[test-token]'] = $this->getTestValue();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Overrides Drupal\views\Plugin\views\field\FieldPluginBase::render().
+   */
+  function render($values) {
+    return $this->sanitizeValue($this->getTestValue());
+  }
diff --git a/tests/views_test_data/views_test_data.install b/tests/views_test_data/views_test_data.install
index c4153cfe1de6..94fc419d16e6 100644
--- a/tests/views_test_data/views_test_data.install
+++ b/tests/views_test_data/views_test_data.install
@@ -11,3 +11,27 @@
 function views_test_data_schema() {
   return variable_get('views_test_schema', array());
+ * Implements hook_install().
+ */
+function views_test_data_install() {
+  // Add the marquee tag to possible html elements to test the field handler.
+  $default_values = array(
+    '' => t('- Use default -'),
+    '0' => t('- None -'),
+    'div' => 'DIV',
+    'span' => 'SPAN',
+    'h1' => 'H1',
+    'h2' => 'H2',
+    'h3' => 'H3',
+    'h4' => 'H4',
+    'h5' => 'H5',
+    'h6' => 'H6',
+    'p' => 'P',
+    'strong' => 'STRONG',
+    'em' => 'EM',
+  );
+  $default_values['marquee'] = 'MARQUEE';
+  variable_set('views_field_rewrite_elements', $default_values);
diff --git a/views.module b/views.module
index f5ecc5b0b427..77ef90c46a05 100644
--- a/views.module
+++ b/views.module
@@ -2382,7 +2382,6 @@ function _field_view_formatter_options($field_type = NULL) {
 function views_trim_text($alter, $value) {
   if (drupal_strlen($value) > $alter['max_length']) {
     $value = drupal_substr($value, 0, $alter['max_length']);
-    // TODO: replace this with cleanstring of ctools
     if (!empty($alter['word_boundary'])) {
       $regex = "(.*)\b.+";
       if (function_exists('mb_ereg')) {
@@ -2400,6 +2399,7 @@ function views_trim_text($alter, $value) {
     $value = rtrim(preg_replace('/(?:<(?!.+>)|&(?!.+;)).*$/us', '', $value));
     if (!empty($alter['ellipsis'])) {
+      // @todo: What about changing this to a real ellipsis?
       $value .= t('...');