coder 8.3.24

Bug fixes
New features

Regular Coder maintenance release with a few improvements.


Issues: 5 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.3.23:

coder 8.3.23

Bug fixes
New features

Maintenance release.


Issues: 2 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.3.22:


  • feat(DeclareStrictTypes): Add Slevomat sniff for declare strict_types (#3407995)


  • feat(FunctionComment): Docblock is not required for __constuct() methods (#3400560)

coder 8.3.22

Bug fixes
New features

Regular maintenance release of Coder


Issues: 4 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.3.21:

coder 8.3.21

Bug fixes

Maintenance release to resolve 2 regressions.

Changes since 8.3.20:

  • fix(ConstantName): Fix constant name detection with define() calls (#3369978 by jonathan1055)
  • Revert "feat(FunctionT): Allow passing constants to t() (#3326197 by Murz)"

coder 8.3.20

Bug fixes
New features

Minor maintenance release that fixes a regression in Coder 8.3.19.


Issues: 2 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.3.19:

coder 8.3.19

Bug fixes
New features

Regular release with various improvements and bugfixes. The biggest change is probably the introduction of a sniff to check the alphabetical order of use statements.

Coder has also bumped the minimum required PHP version to 7.2. If you need to run Coder on a lower version you can still use older releases of Coder.


Issues: 7 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.3.18:

coder 8.3.18

Bug fixes
New features

Maintenance release of Coder. This release should have almost no contradictions with PHPStan data types that are used in @param and @return doc comments.


Issues: 10 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.3.17:

coder 8.3.17

Bug fixes

Minor maintenance release of Coder.

Changes since 8.3.16:

coder 8.3.16

Bug fixes
New features

Minor maintenance release of Coder.

Changes since 8.3.15:

coder 8.3.15

Bug fixes

Minor maintenance release of Coder.

Changes since 8.3.14:

coder 8.3.14

Bug fixes
New features

Minor maintenance release for Coder. Note that Coder now depends on PHP 7.1+, if you still need to run Coder on PHP 7.0 use the previous 8.3.13 release.

Coder 8.3.14 now depends on the SlevomatCodingStandard and will setup the phpcs installed_paths configuration automatically on composer install. Please remove all extra commands that set the installed_paths with phpcs from any Coder setup scripts you use.

Changes since 8.3.13:

coder 8.3.13

Bug fixes

Minor maintenance release of Coder.

Adds support of variadic type hinting and argument specification #2878783: Add support of variadic type hinting and argument specification, contributed by zero2one. Thank you!

No other changes since 8.3.12.

coder 8.3.12

Bug fixes

Maintenance release of Coder, code name "Doc Talk Doll".

Some nice bugfixes by jonathan1055, thank you!

Changes since 8.3.11:

coder 8.3.11

Bug fixes
New features

Maintenance release of Coder, code name "Todo Hula Hoop".

Contains a new sniff to check @todo code comments and small improvements to existing sniffs.

Changes since 8.3.10:

coder 8.3.10

Bug fixes
New features

Maintenance release of Coder, code name "Correct Class Comment".

Contains a couple of new sniffs to better check for type annotation @var comments, better class comments and other small improvements and fixes.

Changes since 8.3.9:

coder 8.3.9

Bug fixes
New features

Maintenance release of Coder, code name "Deprecated Donut".

This release was done to get the automated @deprecated fixer from #3057988: Automatically fixing @deprecated doc text into a stable release so that it can be used in Drupal core.

Changes since 8.3.8:

coder 8.x-3.8

Bug fixes
New features

Maintenance release of Coder, code name "Quentin Quasar".

A bunch of minor bugfixes and improvements for existing sniffs.

Changes since 8.3.7:

coder 8.x-3.7

Bug fixes
New features

Maintenance release of Coder, code name "Squeaky Squirrel".

Highlights: PHP 7.4 support, a new sniff for the usage of super globals like $_GET in Drupal 8+ and lots of miscellaneous bugfixes.

coder 8.x-3.6

Bug fixes
New features

Release code name: Code Climate Crisis

Relatively minor bug fixes and 2 small new features.

Changes since 8.3.5:

coder 8.x-3.5

Bug fixes
New features

New features since 8.x-3.4:

  • feat(Project): Improve core version handling by allowing a drupal_core_version config option (#2935144)

Bugfixes since 8.x-3.4:

coder 8.x-3.4

Bug fixes
New features

New Features since 8.3.3:

  • feat(DataTypeNamespace): Data types in @throws tags must be fully namespaced (#3050837)
  • feat(StrictSchemaDisabled): Add sniff for $strictConfigSchema in tests (#2957116)

Bugfixes since 8.3.3:

coder 8.x-3.3

Bug fixes

Changes since 8.x-3.2:

  • fix(autoload): Fix PHP Fatal error: ClassFilesSniff namespace clash (#3048092)

coder 8.x-3.2

Bug fixes
New features

Highlights: New sniffs for @deprecated tags and gendered language in comments!

Changes since 8.3.1:

coder 8.x-3.1

Bug fixes

This release fixes one critical bug which was introduced in the 8.x-3.0 release.

Bug fixes since 8.3.0:

  • Issue #14: Fatal error when referencing Drupal coding standard in a custom ruleset.

coder 8.x-3.0

Bug fixes
New features

This new major release adds support for PHP_CodeSniffer 3.x. Since PHP_CodeSniffer 2.x has been deprecated, there will be no further development on the 8.x-2.x branch.

New features since 8.2.12:

coder 8.x-3.x-dev

Development branch for the 8.x-3.x version of Coder. This branch depends on PHP_CodeSniffer 3.x.

coder 8.x-2.12

Bug fixes
New features

New features since 8.2.11:

  • feat(ExpectedExceptionSniff): Add sniff to forbid usage of PHPUnit @expectedException annotation (#2859286)
  • feat(DisallowLongArraySyntaxSniff): Enable sniff to only allow short array syntax for Drupal 8 code (#2857830)
  • feat(FunctionCommentSniff): Add fixer for doc param names ending with a dot (#2666292)

Bug fixes since 8.2.11:

coder 8.x-2.9

Bug fixes
New features

Use Composer to download this release from

Changes since 8.2.8:

coder 8.x-2.8

Bug fixes
New features

Use Composer to download this release from

Changes since 8.2.7:

coder 8.x-2.7

Bug fixes
New features

The biggest change with this release is that you should not use @file comments in namespaced class files. See #2304909: Relax requirement for @file when using OO Class or Interface per file

Changes since 8.x-2.6:

coder 7.x-2.5

Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-2.4:

  • Updated dependencies with composer update
  • #2467651 by joshi.rohit100, davidwbarratt: Use drupal-module as Composer type
  • #1997860 by jonathan1055: Improved help and examples in Coder Review UI.

coder 8.x-2.1

Bug fixes
New features

Lot's of new fixer rules for phpcbf to correct your coding standard errors automatically. Run with

phpcbf --standard=Drupal mymodule.module

Changes since 8.x-2.0:

coder 8.x-2.0

Bug fixes
New features

This release comes with a new DrupalPractice coding standard, which checks for Drupal API best practices and was merged into Coder from .

Several new fixer rules have been implemented, which means you can now fix even more coding standard errors automatically with phpcbf.

coder 7.x-2.4

Bug fixes

Maintenance release that tells Composer to not use PHPCS > 2.0.

Changes since 7.x-2.3:

coder 8.x-2.0-rc1

Bug fixes

PHPCS 2.0.0 stable has been released, so we are not far from a stable Coder 8.x-2.0 release!

Changes since 8.x-2.0-beta1:

coder 8.x-2.0-beta1

Bug fixes

PHPCS 2.0.0RC2 was released, so it is time for us to move into the beta phase! Please update your PHPCS installation.

Changes since 8.x-2.0-alpha2:

coder 8.x-2.0-alpha1

New features

First alpha release of Coder for Drupal 8. This release is focused on the PHP_CodeSniffer (PHPCS) 2.0 integration and requires the most recent dev version of PHPCS (phpcs-fixer branch).

There is now rudimentary support for PHPCBF to automatically fix your code!

coder 7.x-2.2

Bug fixes

Maintenance release that adds Composer support.

Changes since 7.x-2.1:


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