charts 5.0.12

Bug fixes

Contributors (5)

DrIPA, andileco, flocondetoile, flyke, ice70


Issues: 4 issues resolved.

Changes since 5.0.11:

charts 5.0.11

Bug fixes

Please note: the color changer field has been moved out of the "Fields" section and moved in to the "Display" section to be consistent across the views style plugin and the fields settings form. Running the database update will re-save any views so that the color changer field and its data are in the correct location within "Display".

charts 5.0.10

Bug fixes

This is a bugfix. If you experience any errors with a Views-based chart, please try to re-save your chart settings and view. If we get enough people reporting errors related to this, we can issue a new release with an update hook.

Contributors (4)

andileco, ekes, fjmurillo, nikathone

charts 5.0.9

Bug fixes
New features

Lots of changes in this release. If you encounter any issues, I definitely recommend visiting your /admin/config/content/charts page and saving it. Also look at the README of your charting library submodule if you are having any issues (versions of most of the charting libraries have been updated, for example, and you may want to update your local library accordingly).

charts 8.x-3.5

Contributors (1)



Issues: 1 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.x-3.4:


  • #3296722 by loopy1492: Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes

charts 5.0.7

Bug fixes
New features

This release allows you to create a pie chart in Views using multiple fields as data providers. Make sure to select "No label field" for it to work. Also includes a PHP 8+ fix and some bugfixes around the libraries.

charts 5.0.6

Bug fixes

Just a hotfix to address a warning I added in the last release.

Contributors (2)

FlameIngo, andileco


Issues: 1 issues resolved.

Changes since 5.0.5:

charts 5.0.4

Bug fixes
New features

Includes an upgrade path from 8.x-3.4; if you haven't upgraded already please do! This is a much more robust version of Charts.

charts 8.x-3.4

Bug fixes

A few fixes. This version is very old and I encourage everyone to switch to the 5.0.x version as soon as possible...I will stop supporting this branch soon. The next release of 5.0.x brings back in an upgrade path from 8.x-3.x to 5.0.x.

charts 5.0.3

Bug fixes

Just a few issues, but creating a release because of the issue about the wrong keyname in the config update.

Contributors (3)

andileco, jonraedeke, nikathone


Issues: 3 issues resolved.

Changes since 5.0.2:

charts 5.0.2

Bug fixes
New features

Apologies for not issuing a release sooner. This release includes a color-switcher, debug option, Drupal 10 compatibility, and more.

charts 5.0.0

Bug fixes
New features

This release aligns with Drupal’s new vision for empowering ambitious site builders. New features, such as providing libraries delivered by content delivery network (CDN) by default* and new ways of generating charts (such as chart fields), mean that any site builder can create charts as soon as the module (and at least one submodule) is enabled, without needing to write any code or be familiar with a charting provider API.

charts 5.0.0-alpha1

New features

This is the first alpha release of what was 8.x-4.x and is now 5.0.x. Compatible with Drupal 8 and 9. More developer-friendly than version 8.x-3.x and actually much more similar to the 7.x version of Charts.

charts 8.x-3.0

New features

The 8.x version of Charts has been in development since 2016: it's time for a full release!

Since the last release, the following issues have been fixed. A few minor commits have been made on still open issues.

Support rendering the same views display multiple times on the same page

Notice: Undefined offset: 11 in Drupal\charts_google\Plugin\chart\Google->buildVariables() (line 141 ...

charts 8.x-3.0-beta3

Bug fixes
New features

This release contains a number of bug fixes and new features. Please be careful to test this new version thoroughly before updating on your live site. A full list of closed issues follows:

Add min, max, and tickInterval on Highcharts x-axis

Add additional options for Highcharts charts credits

charts 8.x-3.0-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

This release includes fixes to all the bugs that had been reported for 8.x-3.x-dev.

A major update includes a method to overwrite the library classes. This basically gives developers the freedom to make any modifications allowed by the charting library's API, rather than being constrained to the standard options provided by the module. To facilitate this process, a starterkit module has been included, with documentation about how to use it.

charts 8.x-3.0-alpha10

Bug fixes
New features

This release includes commits to the following issues:

charts 7.x-2.0

With so many people using this module, and without any major errors for a long time, a full release has been overdue.

charts 8.x-3.0-alpha8

Bug fixes
New features

This release includes major changes from -alpha7.

charts 8.x-3.0-alpha5

Bug fixes
New features

Adds the option for donut charts and improves Highcharts integration.

charts 8.x-3.0-alpha4

Bug fixes

This release addresses:


Plus a number of style changes and improvements to how Chart Attachment chart types render on the parent display for charts_google and charts_c3.

The #greaterDC Slack channel will be sprinting on this module tonight, so you may want to hold off updating until after those edits are in and a new version is released.

charts 8.x-3.0-alpha2

New features

This release moves the sub-module-specific code out from Charts and into the respective sub-modules. This will allow contributors to create their own sub-modules based on their preferred charting libraries without having to "hack" the core Charts module. It is also much easier now to use Charts without relying on Views. We will be releasing an example module to show how this can be accomplished.

charts 8.x-3.0-alpha1

Alpha release to encourage others to start testing and contributing to this module. Not advised for use on production sites.

charts 8.x-3.x-dev

Bug fixes

Using 3.x to distinguish the Drupal 8 version of Charts from the Drupal 7 versions.

charts 8.x-1.x-dev

Initial release of the Drupal 8 development branch of Charts.

charts 7.x-2.0-rc1

Bug fixes

This release of Charts module fixes a number of bugs found in the beta5 release. This release does not add any significant new features, but helps with several inconsistencies in the display and configuration of the module.

Changes since 7.x-2.0-beta5:

charts 7.x-2.0-beta4

New features

This release adds the new Display Type "Chart Add-on" that allows you to combine multiple displays of data into a single chart. This is similar to an "Attachment", but all the data gets merged together and displayed at once. For more information see #2052429: Make multiple series charts easier to create through Views and the addition to README.txt on combo charts.

charts 7.x-2.0-beta3

Bug fixes

This release of Charts fixes rendering issues when using values from Entity-based field values.

  • #2051709: ID is used and not the field value.
  • #2051805: Validation error prevents using "Chart" display type during the new view wizard.
  • #2051709: Unchecked fields for "data" sources incorrectly included in chart rendering.
  • Provide sample views.

charts 7.x-2.0-beta2

New features

This minor release adds a small bit of new functionality:

charts 7.x-2.0-beta1

New features

Initial Drupal 7 port of Charts module. This new 2.x branch includes a significant amount of new code:

  • Updated Google Charts to the new SVG/VML version instead of using images
  • Added Highcharts support
  • Dropped obsolete Flash-based chart solutions
  • Added documentation and examples
  • Expanded API functionality and Views integration

charts 7.x-2.x-dev

Bug fixes
New features

Development release of Charts 2.x for D7, used for cutting-edge new features and for bug fixes.

charts 6.x-1.0

New features
Bug fixes

This release correct several small-but-critical bugs, removes both FusionCharts and OpenFlashCharts (they will be included again in the future) and views integration.

Note: i would like to have extra maintainers to help on this. Im specially interested in implementing the Interactive Charts from Google and increase the number of features for all of the supported charts.

New features:
* Google Charts now have stacked bars (vertical and horizontal)
* Users might choose to display value labels and series legends
* Amazing GD Image library chart creator by Mads Peter Henderson

* The default chart settings' page slightly reorganized: multiple charts printed at once, some fieldsets and the new Label and Legend options
* Chart example generator now requires both type and title
* Both FusionCharts and OpenFlashCharts removed. Because they never worked correctly, its far better to add them later, with better implementations
* Remove the spedific views option Show Legend since its now possble to select it normally
* Google Charts now use the label/legend switch accordingly
* #716546 by tracerul: adding "alt" attribute in the img tag for Google Charts make some HTML validators calm down
* #261437: Documentation about Flash filef by brmassa
* A warning on hook_requirements when the PHP version is below 5.2

Bugs Fixed:
* Google pie charts now use the correct color scheme


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