#!/usr/bin/env bash # NAME # setup_local_dev.sh - Set up a local development environment. # # SYNOPSIS # bash scripts/setup_local_dev.sh # # DESCRIPTION # Set up a local development environment for contributing to the Automatic # Updates Drupal module, including cloning Drupal core and physically # installing the module and its dependencies. It does NOT set up a web # server or install Drupal in a database. # cSpell:disable # GNU realpath can't be depended upon to always be available. Simulate it. # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3572030/bash-script-absolute-path-with-os-x safe_realpath() { [[ $1 = /* ]] && echo "$1" || echo "$PWD/${1#./}" } # Customizations: set any of these environment variables in your shell (i.e., # your terminal session) to override their default values. # @see https://www.serverlab.ca/tutorials/linux/administration-linux/how-to-set-environment-variables-in-linux/ # Variables beginning with an underscore (_) cannot be overridden. DRUPAL_CORE_BRANCH=${DRUPAL_CORE_BRANCH:="10.0.x"} DRUPAL_CORE_SHALLOW_CLONE=${DRUPAL_CORE_SHALLOW_CLONE:="TRUE"} AUTOMATIC_UPDATES_BRANCH=${AUTOMATIC_UPDATES_BRANCH:="8.x-2.x"} SITE_DIRECTORY=${SITE_DIRECTORY:="auto_updates_dev"} _SITE_DIRECTORY_REALPATH=$(safe_realpath "$SITE_DIRECTORY") _SITE_DIRECTORY_BASENAME=$(basename "$_SITE_DIRECTORY_REALPATH") SITE_HOST=${SITE_HOST:="$_SITE_DIRECTORY_BASENAME.test"} MODULE_CLONE_DIRECTORY="modules/contrib/automatic_updates" # Handle command-line options. (Usable when run from a local clone.) while getopts ":fn" option; do case $option in f) # Force: delete existing site directory, if present. FORCE="TRUE" ;; n) # No interaction: skip prompt and continue automatically. NO_INTERACTION="TRUE" ;; esac done # Prevent the user from losing work in case the site directory already exists. if test -e "$SITE_DIRECTORY"; then if test ! "$FORCE"; then # Exit with a warning. cat << DANGER $(printf "\e[1;41m DANGER! \e[0m \e[33m")"$_SITE_DIRECTORY_REALPATH" already exists. $(printf "\e[1;41m \e[0m") $(printf "\e[1;41m \e[0m") If you destroy it, any changes to the Automatic Updates module inside it will be lost forever. $(printf "\e[1;41m \e[0m") Consider moving the directory to another location as a backup instead. $(printf "\e[1;41m \e[0m") $(printf "\e[1;41m \e[0m") Otherwise, if you know what you're doing and still want to continue, make sure any changes you want to $(printf "\e[1;41m \e[0m") keep have been committed and pushed to an appropriate remote. Then delete the directory and try again: $(printf "\e[1;41m \e[0m") $(printf "\e[1;41m \e[0m") rm -rf "$_SITE_DIRECTORY_REALPATH" DANGER exit 1 else # Automatically delete the existing site directory. chmod -R u+w "$_SITE_DIRECTORY_REALPATH" rm -rf "$_SITE_DIRECTORY_REALPATH" fi fi # Prompt for confirmation. if test ! "$NO_INTERACTION"; then cat << WARNING You are about to create an Automatic Updates development environment at "$SITE_DIRECTORY". This will download as much as 100 MB of data and may take several minutes to complete, depending on your Internet connection. WARNING read -p "Do you want to continue? [yN] " -n 1 -r echo if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then # Exit from a function or non-interactive shell but not an interactive one. [[ "$0" = "$BASH_SOURCE" ]] && exit 1 || return 1 fi echo fi # Clone Drupal core. if [[ "$DRUPAL_CORE_SHALLOW_CLONE" == "TRUE" ]]; then DRUPAL_CORE_CLONE_DEPTH="--depth 1" fi git clone \ https://git.drupalcode.org/project/drupal.git \ --branch "$DRUPAL_CORE_BRANCH" \ $DRUPAL_CORE_CLONE_DEPTH \ "$SITE_DIRECTORY" cd "$SITE_DIRECTORY" || exit 1 # Prevent site config and external dependencies from getting committed to the # Drupal core clone--which would never be desirable, even for Core contribution. echo " # PhpStorm config .idea # Custom and contributed Drupal extensions libraries modules profiles themes # Drupal site configuration default sites # Composer libraries vendor " | tee -a .git/info/exclude # Create default site settings. cp "$_SITE_DIRECTORY_REALPATH/sites/default/default.settings.php" \ "$_SITE_DIRECTORY_REALPATH/sites/default/settings.php" # Set trusted_host_patterns configuration. TRUSTED_HOST_PATTERN="${SITE_HOST//\./\\.}" echo " \$settings['trusted_host_patterns'] = [ '^$TRUSTED_HOST_PATTERN\$', ];" \ | tee -a sites/default/settings.php # Set path to Composer configuration, if possible. COMPOSER_PATH=$(which composer); if test ! -z "$COMPOSER_PATH"; then echo " \$config['package_manager.settings']['executables']['composer'] = '$COMPOSER_PATH';" \ | tee -a sites/default/settings.php fi # Enable verbose error display in the browser. echo " \$config['system.logging']['error_level'] = 'verbose';" \ | tee -a sites/default/settings.php # Clone the Automatic Updates repo into place. (It will still be # `composer require`d below to bring in its dependencies.) git clone \ --branch "$AUTOMATIC_UPDATES_BRANCH" -- \ https://git.drupalcode.org/project/automatic_updates.git \ "$MODULE_CLONE_DIRECTORY" # Tell Composer to look for the package in the local clone. This is done rather # than MERELY cloning the module so that the composer.json of the code under # development is actually exercised and dependencies don't have to be added # manually. composer config \ repositories.automatic_updates \ path \ "$MODULE_CLONE_DIRECTORY" # Prevent Composer from symlinking path repositories. export COMPOSER_MIRROR_PATH_REPOS=1 # Remove the Composer platform PHP requirement, but only on Drupal 9. CORE_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) if [[ "$CORE_BRANCH" =~ 9.* ]]; then composer config --unset platform.php fi # Prevent Composer from installing symlinks from common packages known to # contain them. # @see https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/using-composer/using-drupals-vendor-hardening-composer-plugin composer config --json extra.drupal-core-vendor-hardening.drush/drush '["docs"]' composer config --json extra.drupal-core-vendor-hardening.grasmash/yaml-expander '["scenarios"]' # Require the module using the checked out dev branch. composer require \ --no-ansi \ drupal/automatic_updates:dev-"$AUTOMATIC_UPDATES_BRANCH" # `composer install` only installs root package development dependencies. So add # automatic_updates' development dependencies to the root. # @see https://getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md#require-dev composer require --dev colinodell/psr-testlogger:^1 # Revert needless changes to Core Composer metapackages. git checkout -- "$_SITE_DIRECTORY_REALPATH/composer/Metapackage" # Configure PHPUnit. PHPUNIT_XML=$(sed 's/env name="SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL" value=""/env name="SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL" value="http:\/\/'$SITE_HOST'"/' "$_SITE_DIRECTORY_REALPATH/core/phpunit.xml.dist") PHPUNIT_XML=$(sed 's/env name="SIMPLETEST_DB" value=""/env name="SIMPLETEST_DB" value="sqlite:\/\/sites\/default\/files\/db.sqlite"/' <<< "$PHPUNIT_XML") echo "$PHPUNIT_XML" > "$_SITE_DIRECTORY_REALPATH/core/phpunit.xml" cat << DONE $(printf "\e[1;34m")================================================================================ $(printf "\e[1;33m") oooooooooo. .oooooo. ooooo ooo oooooooooooo .o. '888' 'Y8b d8P' 'Y8b '888b. '8' '888' '8 888 888 888 888 888 8 '88b. 8 888 888 888 888 888 888 8 '88b. 8 888oooo8 Y8P 888 888 888 888 8 '88b.8 888 ' '8' 888 d88' '88b d88' 8 '888 888 o .o. o888bood8P' 'Y8bood8P' o8o '8 o888ooooood8 Y8P $(printf "\e[0m") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $(printf "\e[1;32m") You're ready to start developing: $(printf "\e[0m") - Point your web server at the configured site directory below. (No instructions are provided for this step yet.) Web root: $_SITE_DIRECTORY_REALPATH Site URL: http://$SITE_HOST - Make and commit code changes to the module repository below. Changes made anywhere else will not be captured. Module repo: $_SITE_DIRECTORY_REALPATH/$MODULE_CLONE_DIRECTORY For information on creating issue forks and merge requests see https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/git/using-git-to-contribute-to-drupal/creating-issue-forks-and-merge-requests $(printf "\e[1;34m")================================================================================ DONE