diff --git a/drupalci.yml b/drupalci.yml
index 81ef61fd37db846975ec52ffdba220e4fd939cfc..093eebe8cf8bd25da3316e971ba54ca5a5023fcf 100644
--- a/drupalci.yml
+++ b/drupalci.yml
@@ -47,29 +47,28 @@ build:
       # halt-on-fail can be set on the run_tests tasks in order to fail fast.
       # suppress-deprecations is false in order to be alerted to usages of
       # deprecated code.
-#      run_tests.phpunit:
-#        types: 'PHPUnit-Unit'
-#        testgroups: '--all'
-#        suppress-deprecations: false
-#        halt-on-fail: false
+      run_tests.phpunit:
+        types: 'PHPUnit-Unit'
+        testgroups: '--all'
+        suppress-deprecations: false
+        halt-on-fail: false
         types: 'PHPUnit-Kernel'
         testgroups: '--all'
         suppress-deprecations: false
-        halt-on-fail: falses
-        repeat: 100
-#      run_tests.build:
-#        # Limit concurrency due to disk space concerns.
-#        concurrency: 15
-#        types: 'PHPUnit-Build'
-#        testgroups: '--all'
-#        suppress-deprecations: false
-#        halt-on-fail: false
-#      run_tests.functional:
-#        types: 'PHPUnit-Functional'
-#        testgroups: '--all'
-#        suppress-deprecations: false
-#        halt-on-fail: false
+        halt-on-fail: false
+      run_tests.build:
+        # Limit concurrency due to disk space concerns.
+        concurrency: 15
+        types: 'PHPUnit-Build'
+        testgroups: '--all'
+        suppress-deprecations: false
+        halt-on-fail: false
+      run_tests.functional:
+        types: 'PHPUnit-Functional'
+        testgroups: '--all'
+        suppress-deprecations: false
+        halt-on-fail: false
       # Functional JavaScript tests require a concurrency of 1 because there is
       # only one instance of PhantomJS on the testbot machine.