From 0316b69572bc0e0fdad095dd7ffa5214baa3f1a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ted Bowman <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2023 20:18:11 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Issue #3320792 by tedbow, Wim Leers, kunal.sachdev: Make
 build tests fail 1) more explicitly, 2) earlier when possible (failing
 StatusCheckEvent subscribers)

 .../tests/src/Build/ModuleUpdateTest.php      | 32 +++++++++--------
 .../tests/src/Build/PackageInstallTest.php    | 26 ++++++--------
 .../tests/src/Build/PackageUpdateTest.php     | 31 ++++++++--------
 .../src/Build/TemplateProjectTestBase.php     | 36 +++++++++++++++++--
 tests/src/Build/CoreUpdateTest.php            | 14 ++++++--
 tests/src/Build/UpdateTestBase.php            | 28 +++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/automatic_updates_extensions/tests/src/Build/ModuleUpdateTest.php b/automatic_updates_extensions/tests/src/Build/ModuleUpdateTest.php
index cf0ec57043..9175c79437 100644
--- a/automatic_updates_extensions/tests/src/Build/ModuleUpdateTest.php
+++ b/automatic_updates_extensions/tests/src/Build/ModuleUpdateTest.php
@@ -79,20 +79,17 @@ END;
     // composer.json file, so we can assert that they were updated to the
     // version we expect.
     // @see \Drupal\automatic_updates_extensions_test_api\ApiController::run()
-    $query = http_build_query([
-      'projects' => [
-        'alpha' => '1.1.0',
-      ],
-      'files_to_return' => [
-        'web/modules/contrib/alpha/composer.json',
-      ],
-    ]);
-    $this->visit("/automatic-updates-extensions-test-api?$query");
-    $mink = $this->getMink();
-    $mink->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(200);
-    $file_contents = $mink->getSession()->getPage()->getContent();
-    $file_contents = json_decode($file_contents, TRUE);
+    $file_contents = $this->getPackageManagerTestApiResponse(
+      '/automatic-updates-extensions-test-api',
+      [
+        'projects' => [
+          'alpha' => '1.1.0',
+        ],
+        'files_to_return' => [
+          'web/modules/contrib/alpha/composer.json',
+        ],
+      ]
+    );
     $module_composer_json = json_decode($file_contents['web/modules/contrib/alpha/composer.json']);
     $this->assertSame('1.1.0', $module_composer_json->version);
@@ -118,6 +115,13 @@ END;
     // Confirm that a 'New Module' project does not appear on the form.
     $assert_session->pageTextContains('Other updates were found, but they must be performed manually.');
+    // Ensure test failures provide helpful debug output when failing readiness
+    // checks prevent updates.
+    // @see \Drupal\Tests\WebAssert::buildStatusMessageSelector()
+    if ($error_message = $session->getPage()->find('xpath', '//div[@data-drupal-messages]//div[@aria-label="Error message"]')) {
+      /** @var \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement $error_message */
+      $this->assertSame('', $error_message->getText());
+    }
diff --git a/package_manager/tests/src/Build/PackageInstallTest.php b/package_manager/tests/src/Build/PackageInstallTest.php
index 62c9330778..886834f659 100644
--- a/package_manager/tests/src/Build/PackageInstallTest.php
+++ b/package_manager/tests/src/Build/PackageInstallTest.php
@@ -27,21 +27,17 @@ class PackageInstallTest extends TemplateProjectTestBase {
     // the API to return the contents of composer.json file of installed module,
     // so we can assert that the module was installed with the expected version.
     // @see \Drupal\package_manager_test_api\ApiController::run()
-    $query = http_build_query([
-      'runtime' => [
-        'drupal/alpha:1.0.0',
-      ],
-      'files_to_return' => [
-        'web/modules/contrib/alpha/composer.json',
-      ],
-    ]);
-    $this->visit("/package-manager-test-api?$query");
-    $mink = $this->getMink();
-    $mink->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(200);
-    $file_contents = $mink->getSession()->getPage()->getContent();
-    $file_contents = json_decode($file_contents, TRUE);
+    $file_contents = $this->getPackageManagerTestApiResponse(
+      '/package-manager-test-api',
+      [
+        'runtime' => [
+          'drupal/alpha:1.0.0',
+        ],
+        'files_to_return' => [
+          'web/modules/contrib/alpha/composer.json',
+        ],
+      ]
+    );
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('web/modules/contrib/alpha/composer.json', $file_contents);
diff --git a/package_manager/tests/src/Build/PackageUpdateTest.php b/package_manager/tests/src/Build/PackageUpdateTest.php
index 63c1da6fd3..59f3e0651e 100644
--- a/package_manager/tests/src/Build/PackageUpdateTest.php
+++ b/package_manager/tests/src/Build/PackageUpdateTest.php
@@ -42,23 +42,20 @@ class PackageUpdateTest extends TemplateProjectTestBase {
     // of both modules' composer.json files, so we can assert that they were
     // updated to the versions we expect.
     // @see \Drupal\package_manager_test_api\ApiController::run()
-    $query = http_build_query([
-      'runtime' => [
-        'drupal/updated_module:1.1.0',
-      ],
-      'files_to_return' => [
-        'web/modules/contrib/alpha/composer.json',
-        'web/modules/contrib/updated_module/composer.json',
-        'bravo.txt',
-        "system_changes.json",
-      ],
-    ]);
-    $this->visit("/package-manager-test-api?$query");
-    $mink = $this->getMink();
-    $mink->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(200);
-    $file_contents = $mink->getSession()->getPage()->getContent();
-    $file_contents = json_decode($file_contents, TRUE);
+    $file_contents = $this->getPackageManagerTestApiResponse(
+      '/package-manager-test-api',
+      [
+        'runtime' => [
+          'drupal/updated_module:1.1.0',
+        ],
+        'files_to_return' => [
+          'web/modules/contrib/alpha/composer.json',
+          'web/modules/contrib/updated_module/composer.json',
+          'bravo.txt',
+          "system_changes.json",
+        ],
+      ]
+    );
     $expected_versions = [
       'alpha' => '1.0.0',
diff --git a/package_manager/tests/src/Build/TemplateProjectTestBase.php b/package_manager/tests/src/Build/TemplateProjectTestBase.php
index 47ecdac12c..278346f487 100644
--- a/package_manager/tests/src/Build/TemplateProjectTestBase.php
+++ b/package_manager/tests/src/Build/TemplateProjectTestBase.php
@@ -488,10 +488,12 @@ END;
    *   that once if they will be fired multiple times. If there are no events
    *   specified all life cycle events from PreCreateEvent to PostDestroyEvent
    *   will be asserted.
+   * @param string|null $message
+   *   (optional) A message to display with the assertion.
    * @see \Drupal\package_manager_test_event_logger\EventSubscriber\EventLogSubscriber::logEventInfo
-  protected function assertExpectedStageEventsFired(string $expected_stage_class, ?array $expected_events = NULL): void {
+  protected function assertExpectedStageEventsFired(string $expected_stage_class, ?array $expected_events = NULL, ?string $message = NULL): void {
     if ($expected_events === NULL) {
       $expected_events = [
@@ -535,7 +537,37 @@ END;
     foreach ($expected_events as $event) {
       $expected_titles[] = "package_manager_test_event_logger-start: Event: $event, Stage instance of: $expected_stage_class:package_manager_test_event_logger-end";
-    $this->assertSame($expected_titles, $actual_titles);
+    $this->assertSame($expected_titles, $actual_titles, $message ?? '');
+  }
+  /**
+   * Gets a /package-manager-test-api response.
+   *
+   * @param string $url
+   *   The package manager test API URL to fetch.
+   * @param array $query_data
+   *   The query data.
+   *
+   * @return array
+   *   The received JSON.
+   */
+  protected function getPackageManagerTestApiResponse(string $url, array $query_data): array {
+    $url .= '?' . http_build_query($query_data);
+    $this->visit($url);
+    $mink = $this->getMink();
+    $session = $mink->getSession();
+    $file_contents = $session->getPage()->getContent();
+    // Ensure test failures provide helpful debug output when there's a fatal
+    // PHP error: don't use \Behat\Mink\WebAssert::statusCodeEquals().
+    if ($session->getStatusCode() == 500) {
+      $this->assertEquals(200, 500, 'Error response: ' . $file_contents);
+    }
+    else {
+      $mink->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(200);
+    }
+    return json_decode($file_contents, TRUE);
diff --git a/tests/src/Build/CoreUpdateTest.php b/tests/src/Build/CoreUpdateTest.php
index 10296accb1..a39abb67ad 100644
--- a/tests/src/Build/CoreUpdateTest.php
+++ b/tests/src/Build/CoreUpdateTest.php
@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ class CoreUpdateTest extends UpdateTestBase {
+    $this->assertStatusReportChecksSuccessful();
     // Ensure that Drupal has write-protected the site directory.
     $this->assertDirectoryIsNotWritable($this->getWebRoot() . '/sites/default');
@@ -126,7 +128,8 @@ class CoreUpdateTest extends UpdateTestBase {
-      ]
+      ],
+      'Error response: ' . $file_contents
     // Even though the response is what we expect, assert the status code as
     // well, to be extra-certain that there was no kind of server-side error.
@@ -179,8 +182,6 @@ class CoreUpdateTest extends UpdateTestBase {
     $mink = $this->getMink();
     $page = $mink->getSession()->getPage();
     $assert_session = $mink->assertSession();
-    $assert_session->pageTextContains('Your site is ready for automatic updates.');
     $page->clickLink('Run cron');
     $cron_run_status_code = $mink->getSession()->getStatusCode();
@@ -396,6 +397,13 @@ class CoreUpdateTest extends UpdateTestBase {
     $assert_session->pageTextNotContains('There is a security update available for your version of Drupal.');
+    // Ensure test failures provide helpful debug output when failing readiness
+    // checks prevent updates.
+    // @see \Drupal\Tests\WebAssert::buildStatusMessageSelector()
+    if ($error_message = $session->getPage()->find('xpath', '//div[@data-drupal-messages]//div[@aria-label="Error message"]')) {
+      /** @var \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement $error_message */
+      $this->assertSame('', $error_message->getText());
+    }
     $page->pressButton('Update to 9.8.1');
     $assert_session->pageTextContains('Ready to update');
diff --git a/tests/src/Build/UpdateTestBase.php b/tests/src/Build/UpdateTestBase.php
index 839b3f5553..6ff090d657 100644
--- a/tests/src/Build/UpdateTestBase.php
+++ b/tests/src/Build/UpdateTestBase.php
@@ -62,4 +62,32 @@ END;
+  /**
+   * Asserts the status report does not have any readiness errors or warnings.
+   */
+  protected function assertStatusReportChecksSuccessful(): void {
+    $this->visit('/admin/reports/status');
+    $mink = $this->getMink();
+    $page = $mink->getSession()->getPage();
+    $readiness_check_summaries = $page->findAll('css', 'summary:contains("Update readiness checks")');
+    // There should always either be the summary section indicating the site is
+    // ready for automatic updates or the error or warning sections.
+    $this->assertNotEmpty($readiness_check_summaries);
+    $ready_text_found = FALSE;
+    $status_checks_text = '';
+    foreach ($readiness_check_summaries as $readiness_check_summary) {
+      $parent_element = $readiness_check_summary->getParent();
+      if (str_contains($parent_element->getText(), 'Your site is ready for automatic updates.')) {
+        $ready_text_found = TRUE;
+        continue;
+      }
+      $description_list = $parent_element->find('css', 'div.description ul');
+      $this->assertNotEmpty($description_list);
+      $status_checks_text .= "\n" . $description_list->getText();
+    }
+    $this->assertSame('', $status_checks_text);
+    $this->assertTrue($ready_text_found);
+  }