Feature: Content Structure Features - Landing Pages - Varbase text and image paragraphs. As a logged in user with a permission to mange Landing pages I want to be able to add number of Text and image paragraph compoments So that the "Landing page" will have text and images in right and left view. @javascript @local @development Scenario: Check if a user with a permission to manage "Landing page" content type create a new Landing page that will look like this page https://www.getopensocial.com/features Given I am a logged in user with the "test_site_admin" user When I go to "node/add/landing_page" And I wait And I fill in "Test landing page title for text and image paragraphs" for "Title" And I fill in "Test landing page body description." for "Page description" # Add Rich text centered And I press "+ Add Component" And I wait And I scrolldown And I press "Rich Text" And I wait for AJAX to finish And I fill in the rich text editor field "Text" with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tortor diam, interdum in quam in, vehicula varius sem. Sed eu augue diam. Proin elementum bibendum tristique. Nam at ante sem. Mauris suscipit felis eget orci porttitor, feugiat viverra elit commodo. Proin quis erat laoreet, tempor nisl nec, varius quam. Maecenas malesuada est sollicitudin euismod posuere." When I select all text in "Text" field And I click on "justifycenter" command button in the rich text editor field "Text" And I wait And I press "Save" Then I should see "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tortor diam, interdum in quam in, vehicula varius sem. Sed eu augue diam. Proin elementum bibendum tristique. Nam at ante sem. Mauris suscipit felis eget orci porttitor, feugiat viverra elit commodo. Proin quis erat laoreet, tempor nisl nec, varius quam. Maecenas malesuada est sollicitudin euismod posuere." in the "p" element with the "class" attribute set to "text-align-center" # Add Text and Image -> image to the right When I click "Edit" And I wait And I scrolldown And I press the "2" "+ Add Component" button And I wait And I press "Text and image" And I wait for AJAX to finish And I fill in the rich text editor field "Text" with "In eros ipsum, mattis vitae vulputate eu, blandit non risus. Maecenas ultricies volutpat massa id hendrerit. Phasellus magna quam, lacinia sed justo pulvinar, tristique finibus felis. Quisque in sagittis tellus. Curabitur in est at quam maximus elementum. Pellentesque interdum tincidunt nisl, ac efficitur elit aliquam id. Integer egestas neque ut risus tincidunt semper." When I select all text in "Text" field And I click on "justifycenter" command button in the rich text editor field "Text" And I wait And I click "Image" Then I press the "Select an image" button And I wait for AJAX to finish When the image media browser should be open And I switch to iframe "entity_browser_iframe_image_browser" And I fill in "Embed Flag Earth" for "Search keywords" And I press the "Search" button And I wait for AJAX to finish Then I should see image with the "Embed Flag Earth all earth in space" title text When I double click on the image with the "Embed Flag Earth all earth in space" title text And I switch to main frame And I wait Then I Expand the field "styling-settings" And I select "Blue" from "Background color" And I click "Content settings" And I select "Right" from "Image position" And I press "Save" Then I should see the "0" "wrapper" with "align2left" class # Add Text and Image -> image to the left When I click "Edit" And I wait And I scrolldown And I press the "3" "+ Add Component" button And I wait And I press "Text and image" And I wait for AJAX to finish And I fill in the rich text editor field "Text" with "Integer pellentesque nisi leo, et bibendum urna egestas in. Vestibulum vestibulum est aliquam, volutpat velit ut, mollis urna. Quisque facilisis a velit a condimentum. Nulla sit amet elementum enim. Aenean nulla ante, fermentum sed facilisis in, porttitor in ex." When I select all text in "Text" field And I click on "justifycenter" command button in the rich text editor field "Text" And I wait And I click "Image" Then I press the "Select an image" button And I wait for AJAX to finish When the image media browser should be open And I switch to iframe "entity_browser_iframe_image_browser" And I fill in "Embed Flag Earth" for "Search keywords" And I press the "Search" button And I wait for AJAX to finish Then I should see image with the "Embed Flag Earth all earth in space" title text When I double click on the image with the "Embed Flag Earth all earth in space" title text And I switch to main frame And I wait Then I Expand the field "styling-settings" And I click "Content settings" And I select "Medium" from "Width" And I select "Left" from "Image position" And I press "Save" And I wait Then I should see the "1" "wrapper" with "align2right" class