Feature: Landing (Layout Builder) Pages - Check to add sections and choose layouts for sections
As a logged in user with a permission to mange Landing (Layout Builder) pages
I want to be able to add sections with any layouts to the page
So that the "Landing (Layout Builder) page" will show up having the listed section with their content

  @javascript @local @development @staging @production
  Scenario: Check if a user with a permission to manage Landing page (Layout Builder) content type can add sections with any layouts to the page
    Given I am a logged in user with the "Site admin" user
     When I go to "/node/add/landing_page_lb"
      And I wait
     Then I should see "Create Landing page (Layout Builder)"
     When I fill in "Automated test landing page" for "Title"
      And I fill in "Test Landing page (Layout Builder) description" for "Page description"
      And I select "published" from "Save as"
      And I press the "Save" button
      And I wait
     Then I should see "Landing page (Layout Builder) Automated test landing page has been created"
      And I should see "This layout builder tool allows you to configure the layout of the main content area."
     When I scroll to the bottom of the page
      And I wait 1s
     Then I should see "Add section at end of layout"
     When I click "Add section at end of layout"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I should see "Choose a layout for this section"
      And I should see "Bootstrap 1 Col"
      And I should see "Bootstrap 2 Cols"
      And I should see "Bootstrap 3 Cols"
      And I should see "Bootstrap 4 Cols"
      And I should see "Bootstrap 6 Cols"

     Then I click "Bootstrap 1 Col"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I press the "Add section" button
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "in Section 2, Col 1 region"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Create custom block"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Rich text"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     When I check the box "Display title"
     Then I fill in "Rich text  in 1 col section" for "Title"
      And I fill in the rich text editor field "Body" with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lacinia sapien quis tempor placerat. Nulla faucibus rhoncus est, vel malesuada nisl pulvinar ut. Sed vulputate est nec dui finibus, tempus lobortis quam mattis. Fusce facilisis ut nunc ut scelerisque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed aliquet purus vitae augue lobortis accumsan ut nec nulla. Cras nisi mauris, gravida ac"
     When I press the "Add block" button
     Then I wait for AJAX to finish
      And I scroll to the bottom of the page
      And I wait 1s
     Then I click "Add section at end of layout"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish

     Then I click "Bootstrap 2 Cols"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I press the "Add section" button
      And I click "in Section 3, Col 1 region"
     Then I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Create custom block"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     When I click "Rich text"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I check the box "Display title"
     Then I fill in "Rich text  in 2 cols section, col 1" for "Title"
      And I fill in the rich text editor field "Body" with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lacinia sapien quis tempor placerat. Nulla faucibus rhoncus est, vel malesuada nisl pulvinar ut. Sed vulputate est nec dui finibus, tempus lobortis quam mattis. Fusce facilisis ut nunc ut scelerisque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed aliquet purus vitae augue lobortis accumsan ut nec nulla. Cras nisi mauris, gravida ac"
      And I press the "Add block" button

     When I click "in Section 3, Col 2 region"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Create custom block"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     When I click "Rich text"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I check the box "Display title"
     Then I fill in "Rich text  in 2 cols section, col 2" for "Title"
      And I fill in the rich text editor field "Body" with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lacinia sapien quis tempor placerat. Nulla faucibus rhoncus est, vel malesuada nisl pulvinar ut. Sed vulputate est nec dui finibus, tempus lobortis quam mattis. Fusce facilisis ut nunc ut scelerisque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed aliquet purus vitae augue lobortis accumsan ut nec nulla. Cras nisi mauris, gravida ac"
     Then I press the "Add block" button
      And I wait for AJAX to finish

      And I scroll to the bottom of the page
      And I wait 1s
     Then I click "Add section at end of layout"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Bootstrap 3 Cols"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I press the "Add section" button
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "in Section 4, Col 1 region"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Create custom block"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Rich text"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
      And I check the box "Display title"
     Then I fill in "Rich text  in 3 cols section, col 1" for "Title"
      And I fill in the rich text editor field "Body" with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lacinia sapien quis tempor placerat. Nulla faucibus rhoncus est, vel malesuada nisl pulvinar ut. Sed vulputate est nec dui finibus, tempus lobortis quam mattis. Fusce facilisis ut nunc ut scelerisque."
     Then I press the "Add block" button
      And I wait for AJAX to finish

     Then I click "in Section 4, Col 2 region"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Create custom block"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Rich text"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
      And I check the box "Display title"
     Then I fill in "Rich text  in 3 cols section, col 2" for "Title"
      And I fill in the rich text editor field "Body" with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lacinia sapien quis tempor placerat. Nulla faucibus rhoncus est, vel malesuada nisl pulvinar ut. Sed vulputate est nec dui finibus, tempus lobortis quam mattis. Fusce facilisis ut nunc ut scelerisque."
     Then I press the "Add block" button
      And I wait for AJAX to finish

     Then I click "in Section 4, Col 3 region"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Create custom block"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Rich text"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
      And I check the box "Display title"
     Then I fill in "Rich text  in 3 cols section, col 3" for "Title"
      And I fill in the rich text editor field "Body" with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lacinia sapien quis tempor placerat. Nulla faucibus rhoncus est, vel malesuada nisl pulvinar ut. Sed vulputate est nec dui finibus, tempus lobortis quam mattis. Fusce facilisis ut nunc ut scelerisque."
     Then I press the "Add block" button
      And I wait for AJAX to finish

      And I scroll to the bottom of the page
      And I wait 1s
     Then I click "Add section at end of layout"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Bootstrap 4 Cols"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I press the "Add section" button
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
      And I click "in Section 5, Col 1 region"
     Then I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Create custom block"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Rich text"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
      And I check the box "Display title"
     Then I fill in "Rich text  in 4 cols section, col 1" for "Title"
      And I fill in the rich text editor field "Body" with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lacinia sapien quis tempor placerat. Nulla faucibus rhoncus est, vel malesuada nisl pulvinar ut. Sed vulputate est nec dui finibus, tempus lobortis quam mattis. Fusce facilisis ut nunc ut scelerisque."
     Then I press the "Add block" button
      And I wait for AJAX to finish

     Then I click "in Section 5, Col 2 region"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Create custom block"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Rich text"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
      And I check the box "Display title"
     Then I fill in "Rich text  in 4 cols section, col 2" for "Title"
      And I fill in the rich text editor field "Body" with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lacinia sapien quis tempor placerat. Nulla faucibus rhoncus est, vel malesuada nisl pulvinar ut. Sed vulputate est nec dui finibus, tempus lobortis quam mattis. Fusce facilisis ut nunc ut scelerisque."
     Then I press the "Add block" button
      And I wait for AJAX to finish

     Then I click "in Section 5, Col 3 region"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Create custom block"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Rich text"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
      And I check the box "Display title"
     Then I fill in "Rich text  in 4 cols section, col 3" for "Title"
      And I fill in the rich text editor field "Body" with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lacinia sapien quis tempor placerat. Nulla faucibus rhoncus est, vel malesuada nisl pulvinar ut. Sed vulputate est nec dui finibus, tempus lobortis quam mattis. Fusce facilisis ut nunc ut scelerisque."
     Then I press the "Add block" button
      And I wait for AJAX to finish

     Then I click "in Section 5, Col 4 region"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Create custom block"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Rich text"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
      And I check the box "Display title"
     Then I fill in "Rich text  in 4 cols section, col 4" for "Title"
      And I fill in the rich text editor field "Body" with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lacinia sapien quis tempor placerat. Nulla faucibus rhoncus est, vel malesuada nisl pulvinar ut. Sed vulputate est nec dui finibus, tempus lobortis quam mattis. Fusce facilisis ut nunc ut scelerisque."
     Then I press the "Add block" button
      And I wait for AJAX to finish

      And I scroll to the bottom of the page
      And I wait 1s
     Then I click "Add section at end of layout"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Bootstrap 6 Cols"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I press the "Add section" button
      And I wait for AJAX to finish 
     Then I click "in Section 6, Col 1 region"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Create custom block"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Rich text"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
      And I check the box "Display title"
     Then I fill in "Rich text  in 6 cols section, col 1" for "Title"
      And I fill in the rich text editor field "Body" with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lacinia sapien quis tempor placerat. Nulla faucibus rhoncus est"
     Then I press the "Add block" button
      And I wait for AJAX to finish

     Then I click "in Section 6, Col 2 region"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Create custom block"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Rich text"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
      And I check the box "Display title"
     Then I fill in "Rich text  in 6 cols section, col 2" for "Title"
      And I fill in the rich text editor field "Body" with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lacinia sapien quis tempor placerat. Nulla faucibus rhoncus est"
     Then I press the "Add block" button
      And I wait for AJAX to finish

     Then I click "in Section 6, Col 3 region"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Create custom block"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Rich text"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
      And I check the box "Display title"
     Then I fill in "Rich text  in 6 cols section, col 3" for "Title"
      And I fill in the rich text editor field "Body" with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lacinia sapien quis tempor placerat. Nulla faucibus rhoncus est"
     Then I press the "Add block" button
      And I wait for AJAX to finish

     Then I click "in Section 6, Col 4 region"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Create custom block"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Rich text"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
      And I check the box "Display title"
     Then I fill in "Rich text  in 6 cols section, col 4" for "Title"
      And I fill in the rich text editor field "Body" with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lacinia sapien quis tempor placerat. Nulla faucibus rhoncus est"
     Then I press the "Add block" button
      And I wait for AJAX to finish

     Then I click "in Section 6, Col 5 region"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Create custom block"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Rich text"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
      And I check the box "Display title"
     Then I fill in "Rich text  in 6 cols section, col 5" for "Title"
      And I fill in the rich text editor field "Body" with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lacinia sapien quis tempor placerat. Nulla faucibus rhoncus est"
     Then I press the "Add block" button
      And I wait for AJAX to finish

     Then I click "in Section 6, Col 6 region"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Create custom block"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
     Then I click "Rich text"
      And I wait for AJAX to finish
      And I check the box "Display title"
     Then I fill in "Rich text  in 6 cols section, col 6" for "Title"
      And I fill in the rich text editor field "Body" with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lacinia sapien quis tempor placerat. Nulla faucibus rhoncus est"
     Then I press the "Add block" button
      And I wait for AJAX to finish

     When I scroll to the top of the page
      And I wait 5s
     Then I should see "Save layout"
     Then I press the "Save layout" button