[](https://travis-ci.org/Vardot/varbase) Varbase 8.6.x [](https://www.drupal.org/project/varbase) ## Varbase: The Ultimate Drupal 8 CMS Starter Kit (Bootstrap Ready) The powerful Drupal distribution for faster development, with editor experience in mind. Brought to you by [Vardot](https://www.vardot.com/). Varbase is an enhanced Drupal distribution with a lot of necessities. Necessities are all the modules, features, configurations that we include in every project. ## It's made with the following benefits in mind: * Speeds up development. * Offers standardized configuration and best-practices. * Comes with a lot of needed functionalities/modules for every-day Drupal site. * [Tested, tested, and tested.](https://travis-ci.org/Vardot/varbase/builds) Starting a new project? Consider Varbase for Drupal 8. Installing Varbase 8.x-6.x comes with several extra automated installation steps, to take full advantage of Varbase, other than the Drupal 8 installation instructions. # Install with Composer To install the dev version of Varbase 8.6.x run this command: ``` composer create-project vardot/varbase-project:8.6.x-dev PROJECT_DIR_NAME --stability dev --no-interaction ``` ## [Create a new Vartheme sub theme for a project](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase/tree/8.x-6.x/scripts/README.md) ## [Automated Functional Testing](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase/blob/8.x-6.x/tests/README.md) ## [Varbase Gherkin features](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase/blob/8.x-6.x/tests/features/varbase/README.md) ## [Varbase 8.5.x Developer Guide](https://docs.varbase.vardot.com) ## [CHANGELOG for Varbase](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase/blob/8.x-6.x/CHANGELOG.md) ## [General instructions on how to update Varbase](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase/blob/8.x-6.x/UPDATE.md)