Feature: Support Requirements - Standard Support Navigation - Allow site super administrators to switch users and surf the site as that user As the site super admin I want to be able to switch users and surf the site as that user with no password required So that I can see what is the selected user is seeing in the site then switch back to my own user account at any time. @javascript @check @local @development @staging @production Scenario: Check if the webmaster user UID 1 can masquerade as any user Given I am a logged in user with the "webmaster" user # Check if the webmaster user UID 1 can masquerade as an authenticated user. When I go to "/admin/people" And I wait And I fill in "test_authenticated" for "Name or email contains" And I press "Filter" And I wait Then I should see "test_authenticated" When I click "test_authenticated" And I wait Then I should see "Masquerade as test_authenticated" # Check if the webmaster user UID 1 can masquerade as an Editor user. When I go to "/admin/people" And I wait And I fill in "test_editor" for "Name or email contains" And I press "Filter" And I wait Then I should see "test_editor" When I click "test_editor" And I wait Then I should see "Masquerade as test_editor" # Check if the webmaster user UID 1 can masquerade as a content admin user. When I go to "/admin/people" And I wait And I fill in "test_content_admin" for "Name or email contains" And I press "Filter" And I wait Then I should see "test_content_admin" When I click "test_content_admin" And I wait Then I should see "Masquerade as test_content_admin" # Check if the webmaster user UID 1 can masquerade as a site admin user. When I go to "/admin/people" And I wait And I fill in "test_site_admin" for "Name or email contains" And I press "Filter" And I wait Then I should see "test_site_admin" When I click "test_site_admin" And I wait Then I should see "Masquerade as test_site_admin" # Check if the webmaster user UID 1 can masquerade as a super admin user. When I go to "/admin/people" And I wait And I fill in "test_super_admin" for "Name or email contains" And I press "Filter" And I wait Then I should see "test_super_admin" When I click "test_super_admin" And I wait Then I should see "Masquerade as test_super_admin" @javascript @check @local @development @staging @production Scenario: Check if a super admin user can masquerade as any user Given I am a logged in user with the "test_super_admin" user # Check if a super admin user can masquerade as an authenticated user. When I go to "/admin/people" And I wait And I fill in "test_authenticated" for "Name or email contains" And I press "Filter" And I wait Then I should see "test_authenticated" When I click "test_authenticated" And I wait Then I should see "Masquerade as test_authenticated" # Check if a super admin user can masquerade as an Editor user. When I go to "/admin/people" And I wait And I fill in "test_editor" for "Name or email contains" And I press "Filter" And I wait Then I should see "test_editor" When I click "test_editor" And I wait Then I should see "Masquerade as test_editor" # Check if a super admin user can masquerade as a content admin user. When I go to "/admin/people" And I wait And I fill in "test_content_admin" for "Name or email contains" And I press "Filter" And I wait Then I should see "test_content_admin" When I click "test_content_admin" And I wait Then I should see "Masquerade as test_content_admin" # Check if a super admin user can masquerade as a site admin user. When I go to "/admin/people" And I wait And I fill in "test_site_admin" for "Name or email contains" And I press "Filter" And I wait Then I should see "test_site_admin" When I click "test_site_admin" And I wait Then I should see "Masquerade as test_site_admin" # Check if a super admin user can masquerade as the super user (UID 1) "webmaster". When I go to "/user/1" And I wait Then I should see "Masquerade as webmaster" @javascript @check @local @development @staging @production Scenario: Check if a site admin user can NOT masquerade as any user # Check if a super admin user can NOT masquerade as the super user (UID 1) "webmaster". Given I am a logged in user with the "test_site_admin" user When I go to "/user/1" And I wait Then I should not see "Masquerade as webmaster" # Check if a site admin user can masquerade as an authenticated user. When I go to "/admin/people" And I wait And I fill in "test_authenticated" for "Name or email contains" And I press "Filter" And I wait Then I should see "test_authenticated" When I click "test_authenticated" And I wait Then I should see "Masquerade as test_authenticated" # Check if a site admin user can masquerade as an Editor user. When I go to "/admin/people" And I wait And I fill in "test_editor" for "Name or email contains" And I press "Filter" And I wait Then I should see "test_editor" When I click "test_editor" And I wait Then I should see "Masquerade as test_editor" # Check if a site admin user can masquerade as a content admin user. When I go to "/admin/people" And I wait And I fill in "test_content_admin" for "Name or email contains" And I press "Filter" And I wait Then I should see "test_content_admin" When I click "test_content_admin" And I wait Then I should see "Masquerade as test_content_admin" @javascript @check @local @development @staging @production Scenario: Check if a content admin user can NOT masquerade as the super user ID 1 the webmaster Given I am a logged in user with the "test_content_admin" user When I go to "/user/1" And I wait Then I should not see "Masquerade as webmaster" @javascript @check @local @development @staging @production Scenario: Check if an editor user can NOT masquerade as the super user ID 1 the webmaster Given I am a logged in user with the "test_editor" user When I go to "/user/1" And I wait Then I should not see "Masquerade as webmaster" @javascript @check @local @development @staging @production Scenario: Check if an authenticated user can NOT masquerade as the super user ID 1 the webmaster Given I am a logged in user with the "test_authenticated" user When I go to "/user/1" And I wait Then I should not see "Masquerade as webmaster"