From af343f330f28673559fc2ec445d13da949e9e53f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rajab Natshah <>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2017 10:57:42 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Issue #2908433: Changed permissions for [Editor, content
 admin, and site admin] user roles to manage paragraphs, paragraphs previewer,
 entity cloning, and entity browser pages

 ...03-landing-page_add-any-paragraph-type-to-the-page.feature | 2 +-
 .../05-04-cloning-content-and-entities.feature                | 4 ++--
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/features/varbase/step2-apply-tests/04-content-structure/04-03-landing-page_add-any-paragraph-type-to-the-page.feature b/tests/features/varbase/step2-apply-tests/04-content-structure/04-03-landing-page_add-any-paragraph-type-to-the-page.feature
index 8bbaa666..14006cbb 100644
--- a/tests/features/varbase/step2-apply-tests/04-content-structure/04-03-landing-page_add-any-paragraph-type-to-the-page.feature
+++ b/tests/features/varbase/step2-apply-tests/04-content-structure/04-03-landing-page_add-any-paragraph-type-to-the-page.feature
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ So that the "Landing page" will show up having paragrpahs of different types
       And I wait for AJAX to finish
       And I press "Add Rich Text"
       And I wait for AJAX to finish
-      And I fill in the rich text editor field "Text" with "Rich text test - column Three"
+      And I fill in the rich text editor field "Text" with "Rich text test - column two"
       And I press "Save"
       And I wait
      Then I should see "Landing page Test Landing page Columns (Two Uneven) has been created"
diff --git a/tests/features/varbase/step2-apply-tests/05-content-management/05-04-cloning-content-and-entities.feature b/tests/features/varbase/step2-apply-tests/05-content-management/05-04-cloning-content-and-entities.feature
index 19d48fb0..0aab8d69 100644
--- a/tests/features/varbase/step2-apply-tests/05-content-management/05-04-cloning-content-and-entities.feature
+++ b/tests/features/varbase/step2-apply-tests/05-content-management/05-04-cloning-content-and-entities.feature
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ I want to be able to clone an entity.
 @javascript @local @development
   Scenario: Check if a user with a permission can clone a "landing page"
-    Given I am a logged in user with the "test_super_admin" user
+    Given I am a logged in user with the "test_site_admin" user
      When I go to "node/add/landing_page"
       And I wait
       And I fill in "Test Clone landing page" for "Title"
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ I want to be able to clone an entity.
   @javascript @local @development
   Scenario: Check if a user with a permission deleted a cloned entity the original will not affected
-    Given I am a logged in user with the "test_super_admin" user
+    Given I am a logged in user with the "test_site_admin" user
      When I go to "admin/content"
       And I wait
      Then I should see "Content"