diff --git a/tests/features/varbase/step2-apply-tests/05-content-management/05-00-add-default-entityqueue-testing-content-and-config.feature b/tests/features/varbase/step2-apply-tests/05-content-management/05-00-add-default-entityqueue-testing-content-and-config.feature
index a5d66ca84d8860bbd97ff6b31239e97bb05d82c5..95882464fdc1c2c540464381faaad94d501aa689 100644
--- a/tests/features/varbase/step2-apply-tests/05-content-management/05-00-add-default-entityqueue-testing-content-and-config.feature
+++ b/tests/features/varbase/step2-apply-tests/05-content-management/05-00-add-default-entityqueue-testing-content-and-config.feature
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Scenario: Add Entity Queue Test Queue and use Test Content type
    Then I should see "Add entity queue"
    When I click "Add entity queue"
     And I wait
-   Then I should see "Add Entity Queue"
+   Then I should see "Configure entity queue"
    When I fill in "Test Queue" for "Name"
     And I wait for AJAX to finish
     And I wait for 1 second
diff --git a/tests/features/varbase/step2-apply-tests/05-content-management/05-01-entityqueue-reverse-order-in-admin-view.feature b/tests/features/varbase/step2-apply-tests/05-content-management/05-01-entityqueue-reverse-order-in-admin-view.feature
index 7c91df892b097a2e012d7bc888f725587197dd9b..30b51729504f571384b62e84a67d49b9d77b426c 100644
--- a/tests/features/varbase/step2-apply-tests/05-content-management/05-01-entityqueue-reverse-order-in-admin-view.feature
+++ b/tests/features/varbase/step2-apply-tests/05-content-management/05-01-entityqueue-reverse-order-in-admin-view.feature
@@ -18,18 +18,29 @@ Scenario: Check that Reverse order in admin view is working
    When I go to "/admin/structure/entityqueue/test_queue#edit-queue-settings"
     And I wait
-   Then I should see "Edit Entity Queue"
+   Then I should see "Configure Test Queue"
    When I click "Queue settings"
     And I wait
    Then I should see "Restrict this queue to a minimum of"
-    And I should see "Reverse order in admin view"
-   When I check the box "Reverse order in admin view"
+    And I should see "Reverse"
+   When I check the box "Reverse"
     And I press "Save"
     And I wait
    Then I should see "The entity queue Test Queue has been updated."
    When I go to "/admin/structure/entityqueue"
     And I wait
    Then I should see "Test Queue"
+   When I click "Edit items" in the "Test Queue" row
+    And I wait
+   Then I should see "Edit subqueue Test Queue"
+   When I press "Reverse"
+    And I wait
+    And I press "Save"
+    And I wait
+   Then I should see "The entity subqueue Test Queue has been updated."
+   When I go to "/admin/structure/entityqueue"
+    And I wait
+   Then I should see "Test Queue"
    When I click "Edit items" in the "Test Queue" row
     And I wait
    Then I should see "Edit subqueue Test Queue"