diff --git a/UPDATE.md b/UPDATE.md
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--- a/UPDATE.md
+++ b/UPDATE.md
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-# Updating Varbase
+Visit https://docs.varbase.vardot.com/updating-varbase for an up-to-date and further detailed documentation process.
-### Before You Update
+# Updating a Varbase Site
-Updating Varbase is best done through composer. When you installed Varbase, we will assume that you have done so through the Composer-based project template [varbase-project](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase-project) by running the command: `composer create-project Vardot/varbase-project:^8.6 YOUR_PROJECT --no-dev --no-interaction`
+## Before You Update
-This will create the Varbase project directory that will look like this: `/path/to/YOUR_PROJECT` with the Drupal codebase installed via Varbase installation profile in `/path/to/YOUR_PROJECT`.
+Updating Varbase is best done through Composer. We will assume that you have [installed Varbase the recommended way](../getting-started/installing-varbase.md) through the Composer-based project template [varbase-project](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase-project) by running the command: `composer create-project Vardot/varbase-project:^8.6 YOUR_PROJECT --no-dev --no-interaction`
-Follow the online documentation for more detailed updating process. Visit: https://docs.varbase.vardot.com/updating-varbase
+This will create the Varbase project directory that will look like this: `/path/to/YOUR_PROJECT` with the Drupal 8 codebase installed via Varbase installation profile in `/path/to/YOUR_PROJECT/docroot`.
-### The Update Process
-There are two main update processes we will cover. 1\) Automated process using a tool we've developed to ease the update process for Varbase called [varbase-updater](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase-updater). 2\) Manual process if you wish to take take matters into your own hands.
+## The Update Process
-#### OPTION 1: Automated Process — Using Varbase Updater \([varbase-updater](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase-updater)\)
+There are two main update processes we will cover. 1\) Automated process using a tool we've developed to ease the update process for Varbase called [varbase-updater](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase-updater). 2\) Manual process if you wish to take matters into your own hands.
+### OPTION 1: Automated Process — Using Varbase Updater
 If you previously used our Composer-based project template to install Varbase [varbase-project](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase-project), complete the following steps to update your codebase’s installed version of Varbase:
 1. From a command prompt window, navigate to your project: `cd /path/to/YOUR_PROJECT`  
-2. If you're using Varbase 8.6.2 or older, install [varbase-updater](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase-updater) through composer `composer require vardot/varbase-updater:^1.0`   If you're using Varbase 8.6.3 or newer, skip this step; [varbase-updater](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase-updater) comes pre-installed with your Varbase project. 
-3. Run the Varbase update tool `/bin/update-varbase.sh`  
+2. If you're using Varbase 8.6.2 or older, install [varbase-updater](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase-updater) through Composer. `composer require vardot/varbase-updater`   If you're using Varbase 8.6.3 or newer, skip this step; [varbase-updater](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase-updater) comes pre-installed with your Varbase project. 
+3. Run the Varbase update tool. `./bin/update-varbase.sh`  
 4. Follow the wizard. 
-   _You can learn about what is going on in the wizard in Varbase Updater wizard section._
+   _Curious?_ [_Learn more_ ](understanding-varbase-updater-package.md)_about what's going on in the Varbase Updater wizard._
 5. Buy yourself a drink! You're done. 
-6. After the update finishes and you get a success message, navigate to **admin/reports/varbase-updates** to learn about the new changes and updates introduced in your Varbase site.
+6. After the update finishes and you get a success message, navigate to _http://my.varbase-site.local/**admin/config/development/update-helper**_ \(where my.varbase-site.local is the URL for your website\) to learn about the new changes and updates introduced in your Varbase site.
+At the end of the update process, two log files are useful to troubleshoot your update:
+* `varbase_update_error.log`: a log of all errors that occurred during the update process.
+* `varbase_failed_patches.log`: a log of all patches that failed to apply during the update process.
-#### OPTION 2: Manual Process — Do it Yourself
+### OPTION 2: Manual Process — Do it Yourself
 1. From a command prompt window, navigate to your project:  `cd /path/to/YOUR_PROJECT`  
 2. Edit your _composer.json_ file to be ready for updates. You have two choices.
    1. **The hard way:** Edit your _composer.json_ to include all the new updates made in [varbase-project](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase-project/blob/8.6.x/composer.json). This includes the new components required and its versions _"require"_, _"repositories"_, _"extra"_, and any other important config. You can use a diff tool such as [Meld](http://meldmerge.org/) or [DiffMerge](https://sourcegear.com/diffmerge/) to help you diff between your old _composer.json_ and the new one from [varbase-project](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase-project/blob/8.6.x/composer.json). 
    2. **The easy way:** 
-      1. If you're using Varbase 8.6.2 or older, install [varbase-updater](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase-updater) through composer `composer require vardot/varbase-updater:^1.0`   If you're using Varbase 8.6.3 or newer, skip this step; [varbase-updater](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase-updater) comes pre-installed with your Varbase project. 
-      2. Then run  `composer varbase-refactor-composer composer.new.json docroot`  where _docroot_ is your Drupal project codebase. 
-      3. Move your new composer file _composer.new.json_ in place of the old one. `mv composer.json composer.json.b; \ mv composer.new.json composer.json` 
+      1. If you're using Varbase 8.6.2 or older, install [varbase-updater](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase-updater) through Composer. `composer require vardot/varbase-updater`   If you're using Varbase 8.6.3 or newer, skip this step; [varbase-updater](https://github.com/Vardot/varbase-updater) comes pre-installed with your Varbase project. 
+      2. Then run: `composer varbase-refactor-composer composer.new.json docroot`  where _docroot_ is your Drupal project codebase. 
+      3. Move your new Composer file _composer.new.json_ in place of the old one. `mv composer.json composer.json.b; \ mv composer.new.json composer.json` 
 3. Back up your code and database 
-4. Execute composer update to download updates to modules and libraries `composer update`  
-5. Run your database updates `drush updatedb`  or by navigating to http://my.varbase-site.local/update.php \(where _my.varbase-site.local_ is the URL for your website\) and follow the on-screen instructions. 
-6. After the update finishes and you get a success message, navigate to **admin/reports/varbase-updates** to learn about the new changes and updates introduced in your Varbase site.
+4. Execute Composer update to download updates to modules and libraries. `composer update`  
+5. Run your database updates. `drush updatedb`  or by navigating to _http://my.varbase-site.local/update.php_ \(where _my.varbase-site.local_ is the URL for your website\) and follow the on-screen instructions. 
+6. After the update finishes and you get a success message, navigate to _http://my.varbase-site.local/**admin/config/development/update-helper**_ \(where _my.varbase-site.local_ is the URL for your website\) to learn about the new changes and updates introduced in your Varbase site.