diff --git a/src/Plugin/FullcalendarViewProcessor/RecurringEventsFullCalendarProcessor.php b/src/Plugin/FullcalendarViewProcessor/RecurringEventsFullCalendarProcessor.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..39cb01e59e13730d30a256d3eebd5fe4b8f6f666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Plugin/FullcalendarViewProcessor/RecurringEventsFullCalendarProcessor.php
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+namespace Drupal\recurring_events\Plugin\FullcalendarViewProcessor;
+use Drupal\fullcalendar_view\Plugin\FullcalendarViewProcessorBase;
+use Drupal\recurring_events\Entity\EventInstance;
+use Drupal\Component\Utility\Xss;
+ * Recurring Events Full Calendar View Processor plugin.
+ *
+ * @FullcalendarViewProcessor(
+ *   id = "fullcalendar_view_recurring_events",
+ *   label = @Translation("Recurring Events Full Calendar View Processor"),
+ *   field_types = {
+ *     "daterange"
+ *   }
+ * )
+ */
+class RecurringEventsFullCalendarProcessor extends FullcalendarViewProcessorBase {
+  /**
+   * {@inheritdoc}
+   */
+  public function process(array &$variables) {
+    /* @var \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable $view */
+    $view = $variables['view'];
+    $options = $view->style_plugin->options;
+    $fields = $view->field;
+    $view_index = key($variables['#attached']['drupalSettings']['fullCalendarView']);
+    $calendar_options = json_decode($variables['#attached']['drupalSettings']['fullCalendarView'][$view_index]['calendar_options'], TRUE);
+    // We only want to process eventinstances.
+    if (empty($calendar_options || $view->getBaseEntityType() !== 'eventinstance')) {
+      return;
+    }
+    // Color for bundle types.
+    $color_content = $options['color_bundle'];
+    // Color for taxonomies.
+    $color_tax = $options['color_taxonomies'];
+    // Taxonomy field name.
+    $tax_field = $options['tax_field'];
+    $entries = $calendar_options['events'];
+    foreach ($view->result as $key => $row) {
+      $current_entity = $row->_entity;
+      // Event title.
+      if (empty($options['title']) || $options['title'] == 'title') {
+        $title = $fields['title']->advancedRender($row);
+      }
+      elseif (!empty($fields[$options['title']])) {
+        $title = $fields[$options['title']]->advancedRender($row);
+      }
+      else {
+        $title = t('Invalid event title');
+      }
+      $entries[$key]['title'] = $title;
+      $entries[$key]['eid'] = $current_entity->id();
+      $entries[$key]['url'] = $current_entity->toUrl('canonical')->toString();
+      $entries[$key]['start'] = $current_entity->date->start_date->format(DATE_ATOM);
+      $entries[$key]['end'] = $current_entity->date->end_date->format(DATE_ATOM);
+      $entries[$key]['duration'] = $this->getDuration($current_entity);
+      $entries[$key]['allDay'] = $this->isDateAllDay($current_entity);
+      $entries[$key]['eventDurationEditable'] = FALSE;
+      $entries[$key]['editable'] = FALSE;
+      $event_type = NULL;
+      if (!empty($tax_field) && $current_entity->hasField($tax_field)) {
+        // Event type.
+        $event_type = $current_entity->get($tax_field)->target_id;
+      }
+      $entity_bundle = $current_entity->bundle();
+      if (isset($event_type) && isset($color_tax[$event_type])) {
+        $entries[$key]['backgroundColor'] = $color_tax[$event_type];
+      }
+      elseif (isset($color_content[$entity_bundle])) {
+        $entries[$key]['backgroundColor'] = $color_content[$entity_bundle];
+      }
+    }
+    // Update the entries.
+    if ($entries) {
+      $calendar_options['events'] = $entries;
+      $variables['#attached']['drupalSettings']['fullCalendarView'][$view_index]['calendar_options'] = json_encode($calendar_options);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Calculate if the date is all day.
+   *
+   * @var Drupal\recurring_events\Entity\EventInstance $event_instance
+   *   The event instance entity.
+   *
+   * @return bool
+   *   TRUE if all-day; FALSE otherwise.
+   */
+  private function isDateAllDay(EventInstance $event_instance) {
+    $all_day = FALSE;
+    $config = \Drupal::config('recurring_events.eventseries.config');
+    $min = $config->get('min_time');
+    $max = $config->get('max_time');
+    $start = $event_instance->date->start_date;
+    $end = $event_instance->date->end_date;
+    if ($start->format('Y-m-d') === $end->format('Y-m-d')) {
+      if ($start->format('h:ia') == $min && $end->format('h:ia') == $max) {
+        $all_day = TRUE;
+      }
+    }
+    return $all_day;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Calculate the events duration.
+   *
+   * @var Drupal\recurring_events\Entity\EventInstance $event_instance
+   *   The event instance entity.
+   *
+   * @return int
+   *   The duration of the event.
+   */
+  private function getDuration(EventInstance $event_instance) {
+    $start = $event_instance->date->start_date;
+    $end = $event_instance->date->end_date;
+    $interval = $start->diff($end);
+    // Return diff in seconds.
+    return $interval->s;
+  }