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Project-Update-bot authored
  • Introduction
  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Maintainers


The module can send notifications when the website is going on/off to/from maintenance mode.

If the site goes on/off into maintenance mode from some user, the notifications (if enabled) are sent in the same time.

If the maintenance mode has been set using the drush command, the notifications are sent in the next cron run.

Currently, Slack and email (multiple recipients) are supported.

For Slack notifications you need to enable and configure the Slack module:


Install the Maintenance Notify module as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module.


  1. Navigate to Administration > Extend and enable the module.
  2. Navigate to Configuration > Development > Maintenance mode and click on the Notifications tab.
  3. Enable the notifications, configure the email recipients and/or enable Slack notifications.