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Upgrading from `beta` to `2.0.0` docs:

- Introduce simple entity type query for load by id (Advanced settings)
- Add entity type singuliarizing (Advanced settings)
- Add Exclude unpublished option (Advanced settings)
- Add JSON field module support
- Add publication_date module support
- Issue #3390718: Add support for office hours module
- Issue #3386690: Undefined method LinkItem::getTitle() in version 2.0.0-beta11
- Issue #3388138: Taxonomy Term cache tags appear not to be propagating
- Issue #3390590: MenuItem route should not inherit language from menu
- Issue #3390437: Sub-directory installation support for routes
- Issue #3388494: Enabling metatags submodule generates error "Interface field MetaTagInterface.metatag expected
- Issue #3389528: Leaked breadcrumb metadata
- Issue #3388045: Translations of referenced entities.
- Issue #3399402: Allow usage of langcode as an option, on nodetypes
- Move entity reference entity loads into producer with buffer (performance)
- General changes: Cache checking and entity translation
- Breaking: Remove AttributesType and use UntypedStructuredData
- Breaking: GraphQLComposeFieldType interface changes
- Breaking: K, lets get out of beta. :tada: