/** * @file * Some basic behaviors and utility functions for Views UI. */ (function ($, Drupal, drupalSettings) { /** * @namespace */ Drupal.viewsUi = {}; /** * Improve the user experience of the views edit interface. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Attaches toggling of SQL rewrite warning on the corresponding checkbox. */ Drupal.behaviors.viewsUiEditView = { attach() { // Only show the SQL rewrite warning when the user has chosen the // corresponding checkbox. $('[data-drupal-selector="edit-query-options-disable-sql-rewrite"]').on( 'click', () => { $('.sql-rewrite-warning').toggleClass('js-hide'); }, ); }, }; /** * In the add view wizard, use the view name to prepopulate form fields such * as page title and menu link. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Attaches behavior for prepopulating page title and menu links, based on * view name. */ Drupal.behaviors.viewsUiAddView = { attach(context) { const $context = $(context); // Set up regular expressions to allow only numbers, letters, and dashes. const exclude = new RegExp('[^a-z0-9\\-]+', 'g'); const replace = '-'; let suffix; // The page title, block title, and menu link fields can all be // prepopulated with the view name - no regular expression needed. const $fields = $context.find( '[id^="edit-page-title"], [id^="edit-block-title"], [id^="edit-page-link-properties-title"]', ); if ($fields.length) { if (!this.fieldsFiller) { this.fieldsFiller = new Drupal.viewsUi.FormFieldFiller($fields); } else { // After an AJAX response, this.fieldsFiller will still have event // handlers bound to the old version of the form fields (which don't // exist anymore). The event handlers need to be unbound and then // rebound to the new markup. Note that jQuery.live is difficult to // make work in this case because the IDs of the form fields change // on every AJAX response. this.fieldsFiller.rebind($fields); } } // Prepopulate the path field with a URLified version of the view name. const $pathField = $context.find('[id^="edit-page-path"]'); if ($pathField.length) { if (!this.pathFiller) { this.pathFiller = new Drupal.viewsUi.FormFieldFiller( $pathField, exclude, replace, ); } else { this.pathFiller.rebind($pathField); } } // Populate the RSS feed field with a URLified version of the view name, // and an .xml suffix (to make it unique). const $feedField = $context.find( '[id^="edit-page-feed-properties-path"]', ); if ($feedField.length) { if (!this.feedFiller) { suffix = '.xml'; this.feedFiller = new Drupal.viewsUi.FormFieldFiller( $feedField, exclude, replace, suffix, ); } else { this.feedFiller.rebind($feedField); } } }, }; /** * Constructor for the {@link Drupal.viewsUi.FormFieldFiller} object. * * Prepopulates a form field based on the view name. * * @constructor * * @param {jQuery} $target * A jQuery object representing the form field or fields to prepopulate. * @param {boolean} [exclude=false] * A regular expression representing characters to exclude from * the target field. * @param {string} [replace=''] * A string to use as the replacement value for disallowed characters. * @param {string} [suffix=''] * A suffix to append at the end of the target field content. */ Drupal.viewsUi.FormFieldFiller = function ( $target, exclude, replace, suffix, ) { /** * * @type {jQuery} */ this.source = $('#edit-label'); /** * * @type {jQuery} */ this.target = $target; /** * * @type {boolean} */ this.exclude = exclude || false; /** * * @type {string} */ this.replace = replace || ''; /** * * @type {string} */ this.suffix = suffix || ''; // Create bound versions of this instance's object methods to use as event // handlers. This will let us easily unbind those specific handlers later // on. const self = this; /** * Populate the target form field with the altered source field value. * * @return {*} * The result of the _populate call, which should be undefined. */ this.populate = function () { return self._populate.call(self); }; /** * Stop prepopulating the form fields. * * @return {*} * The result of the _unbind call, which should be undefined. */ this.unbind = function () { return self._unbind.call(self); }; this.bind(); // Object constructor; no return value. }; $.extend( Drupal.viewsUi.FormFieldFiller.prototype, /** @lends Drupal.viewsUi.FormFieldFiller# */ { /** * Bind the form-filling behavior. */ bind() { this.unbind(); // Populate the form field when the source changes. this.source.on('keyup.viewsUi change.viewsUi', this.populate); // Quit populating the field as soon as it gets focus. this.target.on('focus.viewsUi', this.unbind); }, /** * Get the source form field value as altered by the passed-in parameters. * * @return {string} * The source form field value. */ getTransliterated() { let from = this.source.length ? this.source[0].value : ''; if (this.exclude) { from = from.toLowerCase().replace(this.exclude, this.replace); } return from; }, /** * Populate the target form field with the altered source field value. */ _populate() { const transliterated = this.getTransliterated(); const suffix = this.suffix; this.target.each(function (i) { // Ensure that the maxlength is not exceeded by prepopulating the field. const maxlength = $(this).attr('maxlength') - suffix.length; this.value = transliterated.substring(0, maxlength) + suffix; }); }, /** * Stop prepopulating the form fields. */ _unbind() { this.source.off('keyup.viewsUi change.viewsUi', this.populate); this.target.off('focus.viewsUi', this.unbind); }, /** * Bind event handlers to new form fields, after they're replaced via Ajax. * * @param {jQuery} $fields * Fields to rebind functionality to. */ rebind($fields) { this.target = $fields; this.bind(); }, }, ); /** * Adds functionality for the add item form. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Attaches the functionality in {@link Drupal.viewsUi.AddItemForm} to the * forms in question. */ Drupal.behaviors.addItemForm = { attach(context) { const $context = $(context); let $form = $context; // The add handler form may have an id of views-ui-add-handler-form--n. if ( !( context instanceof HTMLElement && context.matches('form[id^="views-ui-add-handler-form"]') ) ) { $form = $context.find('form[id^="views-ui-add-handler-form"]'); } if (once('views-ui-add-handler-form', $form).length) { // If we have an unprocessed views-ui-add-handler-form, let's // instantiate. new Drupal.viewsUi.AddItemForm($form); } }, }; /** * Constructs a new AddItemForm. * * @constructor * * @param {jQuery} $form * The form element used. */ Drupal.viewsUi.AddItemForm = function ($form) { /** * * @type {jQuery} */ this.$form = $form; this.$form .find('.views-filterable-options :checkbox') .on('click', this.handleCheck.bind(this)); /** * Find the wrapper of the displayed text. */ this.$selected_div = this.$form.find('.views-selected-options').parent(); this.$selected_div.hide(); /** * * @type {Array} */ this.checkedItems = []; }; /** * Handles a checkbox check. * * @param {jQuery.Event} event * The event triggered. */ Drupal.viewsUi.AddItemForm.prototype.handleCheck = function (event) { const $target = $(event.target); const label = $target.closest('td').next().html().trim(); // Add/remove the checked item to the list. if (event.target.checked) { this.$selected_div.show(); this.$selected_div[0].style.display = 'block'; this.checkedItems.push(label); } else { const position = $.inArray(label, this.checkedItems); // Delete the item from the list and make sure that the list doesn't have // undefined items left. for (let i = 0; i < this.checkedItems.length; i++) { if (i === position) { this.checkedItems.splice(i, 1); i--; break; } } // Hide it again if none item is selected. if (this.checkedItems.length === 0) { this.$selected_div.hide(); } } this.refreshCheckedItems(); }; /** * Refresh the display of the checked items. */ Drupal.viewsUi.AddItemForm.prototype.refreshCheckedItems = function () { // Perhaps we should precache the text div, too. this.$selected_div .find('.views-selected-options') .html(this.checkedItems.join(', ')) .trigger('dialogContentResize'); }; /** * The input field items that add displays must be rendered as `<input>` * elements. The following behavior detaches the `<input>` elements from the * DOM, wraps them in an unordered list, then appends them to the list of * tabs. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Fixes the input elements needed. */ Drupal.behaviors.viewsUiRenderAddViewButton = { attach(context) { // Build the add display menu and pull the display input buttons into it. const menu = once( 'views-ui-render-add-view-button', '#views-display-menu-tabs', context, ); if (!menu.length) { return; } const $menu = $(menu); const $addDisplayDropdown = $( `<li class="add"><a href="#"><span class="icon add"></span>${Drupal.t( 'Add', )}</a><ul class="action-list" style="display:none;"></ul></li>`, ); const $displayButtons = $menu.nextAll('input.add-display').detach(); $displayButtons .appendTo($addDisplayDropdown.find('.action-list')) .wrap('<li>') .parent() .eq(0) .addClass('first') .end() .eq(-1) .addClass('last'); $displayButtons.each(function () { const $this = $(this); this.value = $this.attr('data-drupal-dropdown-label'); }); $addDisplayDropdown.appendTo($menu); // Add the click handler for the add display button. $menu.find('li.add > a').on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); const $trigger = $(this); Drupal.behaviors.viewsUiRenderAddViewButton.toggleMenu($trigger); }); // Add a mouseleave handler to close the dropdown when the user mouses // away from the item. We use mouseleave instead of mouseout because // the user is going to trigger mouseout when moving away from the trigger // link to the sub menu items. // We use the live binder because the open class on this item will be // toggled on and off and we want the handler to take effect in the cases // that the class is present, but not when it isn't. $('li.add', $menu).on('mouseleave', function (event) { const $this = $(this); const $trigger = $this.children('a[href="#"]'); if (Drupal.elementIsVisible($this.children('.action-list')[0])) { Drupal.behaviors.viewsUiRenderAddViewButton.toggleMenu($trigger); } }); }, }; /** * Toggle menu visibility. * * @param {jQuery} $trigger * The element where the toggle was triggered. * * * @note [@jessebeach] I feel like the following should be a more generic * function and not written specifically for this UI, but I'm not sure * where to put it. */ Drupal.behaviors.viewsUiRenderAddViewButton.toggleMenu = function ($trigger) { $trigger.parent().toggleClass('open'); $trigger.next().slideToggle('fast'); }; /** * Add search options to the views ui. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Attaches {@link Drupal.viewsUi.OptionsSearch} to the views ui filter * options. */ Drupal.behaviors.viewsUiSearchOptions = { attach(context) { const $context = $(context); let $form = $context; // The add handler form may have an id of views-ui-add-handler-form--n. if ( !( context instanceof HTMLElement && context.matches('form[id^="views-ui-add-handler-form"]') ) ) { $form = $context.find('form[id^="views-ui-add-handler-form"]'); } // Make sure we don't add more than one event handler to the same form. if (once('views-ui-filter-options', $form).length) { new Drupal.viewsUi.OptionsSearch($form); } }, }; /** * Constructor for the viewsUi.OptionsSearch object. * * The OptionsSearch object filters the available options on a form according * to the user's search term. Typing in "taxonomy" will show only those * options containing "taxonomy" in their label. * * @constructor * * @param {jQuery} $form * The form element. */ Drupal.viewsUi.OptionsSearch = function ($form) { /** * * @type {jQuery} */ this.$form = $form; // Click on the title checks the box. this.$form.on('click', 'td.title', (event) => { const $target = $(event.currentTarget); $target.closest('tr').find('input').trigger('click'); }); const searchBoxSelector = '[data-drupal-selector="edit-override-controls-options-search"]'; const controlGroupSelector = '[data-drupal-selector="edit-override-controls-group"]'; this.$form.on( 'formUpdated', `${searchBoxSelector},${controlGroupSelector}`, this.handleFilter.bind(this), ); this.$searchBox = this.$form.find(searchBoxSelector); this.$controlGroup = this.$form.find(controlGroupSelector); /** * Get a list of option labels and their corresponding divs and maintain it * in memory, so we have as little overhead as possible at keyup time. */ this.options = this.getOptions(this.$form.find('.filterable-option')); // Trap the ENTER key in the search box so that it doesn't submit the form. this.$searchBox.on('keypress', (event) => { if (event.which === 13) { event.preventDefault(); } }); }; $.extend( Drupal.viewsUi.OptionsSearch.prototype, /** @lends Drupal.viewsUi.OptionsSearch# */ { /** * Assemble a list of all the filterable options on the form. * * @param {jQuery} $allOptions * A jQuery object representing the rows of filterable options to be * shown and hidden depending on the user's search terms. * * @return {Array} * An array of all the filterable options. */ getOptions($allOptions) { let $title; let $description; let $option; const options = []; const length = $allOptions.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { $option = $($allOptions[i]); $title = $option.find('.title'); $description = $option.find('.description'); options[i] = { // Search on the lowercase version of the title text + description. searchText: `${$title[0].textContent.toLowerCase()} ${$description[0].textContent.toLowerCase()} .toLowerCase()}`, // Maintain a reference to the jQuery object for each row, so we don't // have to create a new object inside the performance-sensitive keyup // handler. $div: $option, }; } return options; }, /** * Filter handler for the search box and type select that hides or shows the relevant * options. * * @param {jQuery.Event} event * The formUpdated event. */ handleFilter(event) { // Determine the user's search query. The search text has been converted // to lowercase. const search = this.$searchBox[0].value.toLowerCase(); const words = search.split(' '); // Get selected Group const group = this.$controlGroup[0].value; // Search through the search texts in the form for matching text. this.options.forEach((option) => { function hasWord(word) { return option.searchText.includes(word); } let found = true; // Each word in the search string has to match the item in order for the // item to be shown. if (search) { found = words.every(hasWord); } if (found && group !== 'all') { found = option.$div.hasClass(group); } option.$div.toggle(found); }); // Adapt dialog to content size. $(event.target).trigger('dialogContentResize'); }, }, ); /** * Preview functionality in the views edit form. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Attaches the preview functionality to the view edit form. */ Drupal.behaviors.viewsUiPreview = { attach(context) { // Only act on the edit view form. const $contextualFiltersBucket = $(context).find( '.views-display-column .views-ui-display-tab-bucket.argument', ); if ($contextualFiltersBucket.length === 0) { return; } // If the display has no contextual filters, hide the form where you // enter the contextual filters for the live preview. If it has contextual // filters, show the form. const $contextualFilters = $contextualFiltersBucket.find( '.views-display-setting a', ); if ($contextualFilters.length) { $('#preview-args').parent().show(); } else { $('#preview-args').parent().hide(); } // Executes an initial preview. const $livePreview = $( once('edit-displays-live-preview', '#edit-displays-live-preview'), ); if ($livePreview.length && $livePreview[0].checked) { $(once('edit-displays-live-preview', '#preview-submit')).trigger( 'click', ); } }, }; /** * Improve the UI of the rearrange filters dialog box. * * @constructor * * @param {jQuery} $table * The table in the filter form. * @param {jQuery} $operator * The filter groups operator element. */ Drupal.viewsUi.RearrangeFilterHandler = function ($table, $operator) { /** * Keep a reference to the `<table>` being altered and to the div containing * the filter groups operator dropdown (if it exists). */ this.table = $table; /** * * @type {jQuery} */ this.operator = $operator; /** * * @type {boolean} */ this.hasGroupOperator = this.operator.length > 0; /** * Keep a reference to all draggable rows within the table. * * @type {jQuery} */ this.draggableRows = $table.find('.draggable'); /** * Keep a reference to the buttons for adding and removing filter groups. * * @type {jQuery} */ this.addGroupButton = $('#views-add-group'); /** * @type {jQuery} */ this.removeGroupButtons = $table.find('.views-remove-group'); // Add links that duplicate the functionality of the (hidden) add and remove // buttons. this.insertAddRemoveFilterGroupLinks(); // When there is a filter groups operator dropdown on the page, create // duplicates of the dropdown between each pair of filter groups. if (this.hasGroupOperator) { /** * @type {jQuery} */ this.dropdowns = this.duplicateGroupsOperator(); this.syncGroupsOperators(); } // Add methods to the tableDrag instance to account for operator cells // (which span multiple rows), the operator labels next to each filter // (e.g., "And" or "Or"), the filter groups, and other special aspects of // this tableDrag instance. this.modifyTableDrag(); // Initialize the operator labels (e.g., "And" or "Or") that are displayed // next to the filters in each group, and bind a handler so that they change // based on the values of the operator dropdown within that group. this.redrawOperatorLabels(); $( once( 'views-rearrange-filter-handler', $table.find('.views-group-title select'), ), ).on( 'change.views-rearrange-filter-handler', this.redrawOperatorLabels.bind(this), ); // Bind handlers so that when a "Remove" link is clicked, we: // - Update the rowspans of cells containing an operator dropdown (since // they need to change to reflect the number of rows in each group). // - Redraw the operator labels next to the filters in the group (since the // filter that is currently displayed last in each group is not supposed // to have a label display next to it). $( once( 'views-rearrange-filter-handler', $table.find('a.views-groups-remove-link'), ), ) .on( 'click.views-rearrange-filter-handler', this.updateRowspans.bind(this), ) .on( 'click.views-rearrange-filter-handler', this.redrawOperatorLabels.bind(this), ); }; $.extend( Drupal.viewsUi.RearrangeFilterHandler.prototype, /** @lends Drupal.viewsUi.RearrangeFilterHandler# */ { /** * Insert links that allow filter groups to be added and removed. */ insertAddRemoveFilterGroupLinks() { // Insert a link for adding a new group at the top of the page, and make // it match the action link styling used in a typical page.html.twig. // Since Drupal does not provide a theme function for this markup this is // the best we can do. $( once( 'views-rearrange-filter-handler', // When the link is clicked, dynamically click the hidden form // button for adding a new filter group. $( `<ul class="action-links"><li><a id="views-add-group-link" href="#">${this.addGroupButton[0].value}</a></li></ul>`, ).prependTo(this.table.parent()), ), ) .find('#views-add-group-link') .on( 'click.views-rearrange-filter-handler', this.clickAddGroupButton.bind(this), ); // Find each (visually hidden) button for removing a filter group and // insert a link next to it. const length = this.removeGroupButtons.length; let i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { const $removeGroupButton = $(this.removeGroupButtons[i]); const buttonId = $removeGroupButton.attr('id'); $( once( 'views-rearrange-filter-handler', // When the link is clicked, dynamically click the corresponding form // button. $( `<a href="#" class="views-remove-group-link">${Drupal.t( 'Remove group', )}</a>`, ).insertBefore($removeGroupButton), ), ).on( 'click.views-rearrange-filter-handler', { buttonId }, this.clickRemoveGroupButton.bind(this), ); } }, /** * Dynamically click the button that adds a new filter group. * * @param {jQuery.Event} event * The event triggered. */ clickAddGroupButton(event) { this.addGroupButton.trigger('mousedown'); event.preventDefault(); }, /** * Dynamically click a button for removing a filter group. * * @param {jQuery.Event} event * Event being triggered, with event.data.buttonId set to the ID of the * form button that should be clicked. */ clickRemoveGroupButton(event) { this.table.find(`#${event.data.buttonId}`).trigger('mousedown'); event.preventDefault(); }, /** * Move the groups operator so that it's between the first two groups, and * duplicate it between any subsequent groups. * * @return {jQuery} * An operator element. */ duplicateGroupsOperator() { let newRow; let titleRow; const titleRows = once( 'duplicateGroupsOperator', 'tr.views-group-title', ); if (!titleRows.length) { return this.operator; } // Get rid of the explanatory text around the operator; its placement is // explanatory enough. this.operator .find('label') .add('div.description') .addClass('visually-hidden'); this.operator.find('select').addClass('form-select'); // Keep a list of the operator dropdowns, so we can sync their behavior // later. const dropdowns = this.operator; // Move the operator to a new row just above the second group. titleRow = $('tr#views-group-title-2'); newRow = $( '<tr class="filter-group-operator-row"><td colspan="5"></td></tr>', ); newRow.find('td').append(this.operator); newRow.insertBefore(titleRow); const length = titleRows.length; // Starting with the third group, copy the operator to a new row above the // group title. for (let i = 2; i < length; i++) { titleRow = $(titleRows[i]); // Make a copy of the operator dropdown and put it in a new table row. const fakeOperator = this.operator.clone(); fakeOperator.attr('id', ''); newRow = $( '<tr class="filter-group-operator-row"><td colspan="5"></td></tr>', ); newRow.find('td').append(fakeOperator); newRow.insertBefore(titleRow); dropdowns.add(fakeOperator); } return dropdowns; }, /** * Make the duplicated groups operators change in sync with each other. */ syncGroupsOperators() { if (this.dropdowns.length < 2) { // We only have one dropdown (or none at all), so there's nothing to // sync. return; } this.dropdowns.on('change', this.operatorChangeHandler.bind(this)); }, /** * Click handler for the operators that appear between filter groups. * * Forces all operator dropdowns to have the same value. * * @param {jQuery.Event} event * The event triggered. */ operatorChangeHandler(event) { const $target = $(event.target); const operators = this.dropdowns.find('select').not($target); // Change the other operators to match this new value. operators.each(function (index, item) { item.value = $target[0].value; }); }, /** * @method */ modifyTableDrag() { const tableDrag = Drupal.tableDrag['views-rearrange-filters']; const filterHandler = this; /** * Override the row.onSwap method from tabledrag.js. * * When a row is dragged to another place in the table, several things * need to occur. * - The row needs to be moved so that it's within one of the filter * groups. * - The operator cells that span multiple rows need their rowspan * attributes updated to reflect the number of rows in each group. * - The operator labels that are displayed next to each filter need to * be redrawn, to account for the row's new location. */ tableDrag.row.prototype.onSwap = function () { if (filterHandler.hasGroupOperator) { // Make sure the row that just got moved (this.group) is inside one // of the filter groups (i.e. below an empty marker row or a // draggable). If it isn't, move it down one. const thisRow = $(this.group); const previousRow = thisRow.prev('tr'); if ( previousRow.length && !previousRow.hasClass('group-message') && !previousRow.hasClass('draggable') ) { // Move the dragged row down one. const next = thisRow.next(); if (next[0].tagName === 'TR') { this.swap('after', next); } } filterHandler.updateRowspans(); } // Redraw the operator labels that are displayed next to each filter, to // account for the row's new location. filterHandler.redrawOperatorLabels(); }; /** * Override the onDrop method from tabledrag.js. */ tableDrag.onDrop = function () { // If the tabledrag change marker (i.e., the "*") has been inserted // inside a row after the operator label (i.e., "And" or "Or") // rearrange the items so the operator label continues to appear last. const changeMarker = $(this.oldRowElement).find('.tabledrag-changed'); if (changeMarker.length) { // Search for occurrences of the operator label before the change // marker, and reverse them. const operatorLabel = changeMarker.prevAll('.views-operator-label'); if (operatorLabel.length) { operatorLabel.insertAfter(changeMarker); } } // Make sure the "group" dropdown is properly updated when rows are // dragged into an empty filter group. This is borrowed heavily from // the block.js implementation of tableDrag.onDrop(). const groupRow = $(this.rowObject.element) .prevAll('tr.group-message') .get(0); const groupName = groupRow.className.replace( /([^ ]+[ ]+)*group-([^ ]+)-message([ ]+[^ ]+)*/, '$2', ); const groupField = $( 'select.views-group-select', this.rowObject.element, ); if (!groupField[0].matches(`.views-group-select-${groupName}`)) { const oldGroupName = groupField .attr('class') .replace( /([^ ]+[ ]+)*views-group-select-([^ ]+)([ ]+[^ ]+)*/, '$2', ); groupField .removeClass(`views-group-select-${oldGroupName}`) .addClass(`views-group-select-${groupName}`); groupField[0].value = groupName; } }; }, /** * Redraw the operator labels that are displayed next to each filter. */ redrawOperatorLabels() { for (let i = 0; i < this.draggableRows.length; i++) { // Within the row, the operator labels are displayed inside the first // table cell (next to the filter name). const $draggableRow = $(this.draggableRows[i]); const $firstCell = $draggableRow.find('td').eq(0); if ($firstCell.length) { // The value of the operator label ("And" or "Or") is taken from the // first operator dropdown we encounter, going backwards from the // current row. This dropdown is the one associated with the current // row's filter group. const operatorValue = $draggableRow .prevAll('.views-group-title') .find('option:selected') .html(); const operatorLabel = `<span class="views-operator-label">${operatorValue}</span>`; // If the next visible row after this one is a draggable filter row, // display the operator label next to the current row. (Checking for // visibility is necessary here since the "Remove" links hide the // removed row but don't actually remove it from the document). const $nextRow = $draggableRow.nextAll(':visible').eq(0); const $existingOperatorLabel = $firstCell.find( '.views-operator-label', ); if ($nextRow.hasClass('draggable')) { // If an operator label was already there, replace it with the new // one. if ($existingOperatorLabel.length) { $existingOperatorLabel.replaceWith(operatorLabel); } // Otherwise, append the operator label to the end of the table // cell. else { $firstCell.append(operatorLabel); } } // If the next row doesn't contain a filter, then this is the last row // in the group. We don't want to display the operator there (since // operators should only display between two related filters, e.g. // "filter1 AND filter2 AND filter3"). So we remove any existing label // that this row has. else { $existingOperatorLabel.remove(); } } } }, /** * Update the rowspan attribute of each cell containing an operator * dropdown. */ updateRowspans() { let $row; let $currentEmptyRow; let draggableCount; let $operatorCell; const rows = $(this.table).find('tr'); const length = rows.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { $row = $(rows[i]); if ($row.hasClass('views-group-title')) { // This row is a title row. // Keep a reference to the cell containing the dropdown operator. $operatorCell = $row.find('td.group-operator'); // Assume this filter group is empty, until we find otherwise. draggableCount = 0; $currentEmptyRow = $row.next('tr'); $currentEmptyRow .removeClass('group-populated') .addClass('group-empty'); // The cell with the dropdown operator should span the title row and // the "this group is empty" row. $operatorCell.attr('rowspan', 2); } else if ( $row.hasClass('draggable') && Drupal.elementIsVisible(rows[i]) ) { // We've found a visible filter row, so we now know the group isn't // empty. draggableCount++; $currentEmptyRow .removeClass('group-empty') .addClass('group-populated'); // The operator cell should span all draggable rows, plus the title. $operatorCell.attr('rowspan', draggableCount + 1); } } }, }, ); /** * Add a select all checkbox, which checks each checkbox at once. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Attaches select all functionality to the views filter form. */ Drupal.behaviors.viewsFilterConfigSelectAll = { attach(context) { const selectAll = once( 'filterConfigSelectAll', '.js-form-item-options-value-all', context, ); if (selectAll.length) { const $selectAll = $(selectAll); const $selectAllCheckbox = $selectAll.find('input[type=checkbox]'); const $checkboxes = $selectAll .closest('.form-checkboxes') .find( '.js-form-type-checkbox:not(.js-form-item-options-value-all) input[type="checkbox"]', ); // Show the select all checkbox. $selectAll.show(); $selectAllCheckbox.on('click', function () { // Update all checkbox beside the select all checkbox. $checkboxes.prop('checked', this.checked); }); // Uncheck the select all checkbox if any of the others are unchecked. $checkboxes.on('click', function () { if (this.checked === false) { $selectAllCheckbox.prop('checked', false); } }); } }, }; /** * Remove icon class from elements that are themed as buttons or dropbuttons. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Removes the icon class from certain views elements. */ Drupal.behaviors.viewsRemoveIconClass = { attach(context) { $(once('dropbutton-icon', '.dropbutton', context)) .find('.icon') .removeClass('icon'); }, }; /** * Change "Expose filter" buttons into checkboxes. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Changes buttons into checkboxes via {@link Drupal.viewsUi.Checkboxifier}. */ Drupal.behaviors.viewsUiCheckboxify = { attach(context, settings) { const buttons = once( 'views-ui-checkboxify', '[data-drupal-selector="edit-options-expose-button-button"], [data-drupal-selector="edit-options-group-button-button"]', ).forEach((button) => new Drupal.viewsUi.Checkboxifier(button)); }, }; /** * Change the default widget to select the default group according to the * selected widget for the exposed group. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Changes the default widget based on user input. */ Drupal.behaviors.viewsUiChangeDefaultWidget = { attach(context) { const $context = $(context); function changeDefaultWidget(event) { if ($(event.target).prop('checked')) { $context.find('input.default-radios').parent().hide(); $context.find('td.any-default-radios-row').parent().hide(); $context.find('input.default-checkboxes').parent().show(); } else { $context.find('input.default-checkboxes').parent().hide(); $context.find('td.any-default-radios-row').parent().show(); $context.find('input.default-radios').parent().show(); } } // Update on widget change. $context .find('input[name="options[group_info][multiple]"]') .on('change', changeDefaultWidget) // Update the first time the form is rendered. .trigger('change'); }, }; /** * Attaches expose filter button to a checkbox that triggers its click event. * * @constructor * * @param {Element} button * The DOM object representing the button to be checkboxified. */ Drupal.viewsUi.Checkboxifier = function (button) { this.$button = $(button); this.$parent = this.$button.parent('div.views-expose, div.views-grouped'); this.$input = this.$parent.find('input:checkbox, input:radio'); // Hide the button and its description. this.$button.hide(); this.$parent.find('.exposed-description, .grouped-description').hide(); this.$input.on('click', this.clickHandler.bind(this)); }; /** * When the checkbox is checked or unchecked, simulate a button press. * * @param {jQuery.Event} e * The event triggered. */ Drupal.viewsUi.Checkboxifier.prototype.clickHandler = function (e) { this.$button.trigger('click').trigger('submit'); }; /** * Change the Apply button text based upon the override select state. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Attaches behavior to change the Apply button according to the current * state. */ Drupal.behaviors.viewsUiOverrideSelect = { attach(context) { once( 'views-ui-override-button-text', '[data-drupal-selector="edit-override-dropdown"]', context, ).forEach((dropdown) => { // Closures! :( const $context = $(context); const submit = context.querySelector('[id^=edit-submit]'); const oldValue = submit ? submit.value : ''; $(once('views-ui-override-button-text', submit)).on( 'mouseup', function () { this.value = oldValue; return true; }, ); $(dropdown) .on('change', function () { if (!submit) { return; } if (this.value === 'default') { submit.value = Drupal.t('Apply (all displays)'); } else if (this.value === 'default_revert') { submit.value = Drupal.t('Revert to default'); } else { submit.value = Drupal.t('Apply (this display)'); } const $dialog = $context.closest('.ui-dialog-content'); $dialog.trigger('dialogButtonsChange'); }) .trigger('change'); }); }, }; /** * Functionality for the remove link in the views UI. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Attaches behavior for the remove view and remove display links. */ Drupal.behaviors.viewsUiHandlerRemoveLink = { attach(context) { const $context = $(context); // Handle handler deletion by looking for the hidden checkbox and hiding // the row. $(once('views', 'a.views-remove-link', context)).on( 'click', function (event) { const id = $(this).attr('id').replace('views-remove-link-', ''); $context.find(`#views-row-${id}`).hide(); $context.find(`#views-removed-${id}`).prop('checked', true); event.preventDefault(); }, ); // Handle display deletion by looking for the hidden checkbox and hiding // the row. $(once('display', 'a.display-remove-link', context)).on( 'click', function (event) { const id = $(this).attr('id').replace('display-remove-link-', ''); $context.find(`#display-row-${id}`).hide(); $context.find(`#display-removed-${id}`).prop('checked', true); event.preventDefault(); }, ); }, }; /** * Rearranges the filters. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Attach handlers to make it possible to rearrange the filters in the form * in question. * @see Drupal.viewsUi.RearrangeFilterHandler */ Drupal.behaviors.viewsUiRearrangeFilter = { attach(context) { // Only act on the rearrange filter form. if ( typeof Drupal.tableDrag === 'undefined' || typeof Drupal.tableDrag['views-rearrange-filters'] === 'undefined' ) { return; } const table = once( 'views-rearrange-filters', '#views-rearrange-filters', context, ); const operator = once( 'views-rearrange-filters', '.js-form-item-filter-groups-operator', context, ); if (table.length) { new Drupal.viewsUi.RearrangeFilterHandler($(table), $(operator)); } }, }; })(jQuery, Drupal, drupalSettings);