# https://www.drupal.org/drupalorg/docs/drupal-ci/customizing-drupalci-testing # Copied from https://git.drupalcode.org/project/ckeditor5/-/blob/c68be57fbc2c29969e9726ec932af3f0e80c3dd9/drupalci.yml # cspell:disable build: assessment: # validate_codebase: # automatic_updates code quality checking matches that of Drupal core: it is checked by container_command.commit_checks. testing: # Run code quality checks. container_command.commit-checks: commands: # Install rsync. - DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update && apt-get install -y rsync # Update to latest Composer. - composer self-update # @todo Replace in favor of commit-code-check.sh once https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3314100 lands. - modules/contrib/automatic_updates/scripts/commit-code-check.sh --drupalci halt-on-fail: true # run_tests task is executed several times in order of performance speeds. # halt-on-fail can be set on the run_tests tasks in order to fail fast. # suppress-deprecations is false in order to be alerted to usages of # deprecated code. run_tests.phpunit: types: 'PHPUnit-Unit' testgroups: '--all' suppress-deprecations: false halt-on-fail: false run_tests.kernel: types: 'PHPUnit-Kernel' testgroups: '--all' suppress-deprecations: false halt-on-fail: false run_tests.build: # Limit concurrency due to disk space concerns. concurrency: 15 types: 'PHPUnit-Build' testgroups: '--all' suppress-deprecations: false halt-on-fail: false run_tests.functional: types: 'PHPUnit-Functional' testgroups: '--all' suppress-deprecations: false halt-on-fail: false # Functional JavaScript tests require a concurrency of 1 because there is # only one instance of PhantomJS on the testbot machine. run_tests.javascript: concurrency: 1 types: 'PHPUnit-FunctionalJavascript' testgroups: '--all' suppress-deprecations: false halt-on-fail: false