diff --git a/src/Form/UpdaterForm.php b/src/Form/UpdaterForm.php
index e9430027b7e00490e994034caa38688809a73cf1..1c27cdf6b1e3b86e1eb57f3681abdc3bd611d4dc 100644
--- a/src/Form/UpdaterForm.php
+++ b/src/Form/UpdaterForm.php
@@ -248,14 +248,29 @@ final class UpdaterForm extends FormBase {
       // only that there is newer version available.
       $is_primary = !$installed_minor_release && !($project['status'] === UpdateManagerInterface::CURRENT || $project['status'] === UpdateManagerInterface::NOT_CURRENT);
       $next_minor_version = ExtensionVersion::createFromVersionString($next_minor_release->getVersion());
-      // @todo Add documentation to explain what is different about a minor
-      //   update in https://www.drupal.org/i/3291730.
+      // Since updating to another minor version of Drupal is more disruptive
+      // than updating within the currently installed minor version, ensure we
+      // display a link to the release notes for the first (x.y.0) release of
+      // the next minor version, which will inform site owners of any potential
+      // pitfalls or major changes. We should always be able to get release info
+      // for it; if we can't, that's an error condition.
+      $first_release_version = $next_minor_version->getMajorVersion() . '.' . $next_minor_version->getMinorVersion() . '.0';
+      $available_updates = update_get_available(TRUE);
+      if (isset($available_updates['drupal']['releases'][$first_release_version])) {
+        $next_minor_first_release = ProjectRelease::createFromArray($available_updates['drupal']['releases'][$first_release_version]);
+      }
+      else {
+        throw new \LogicException("Release information for Drupal $first_release_version is not available.");
+      }
       $form['next_minor'] = $this->createReleaseTable(
         $installed_minor_release ? $this->t('Minor update') : $release_status,
-        $this->t('Latest version of Drupal @major.@minor (next minor):', [
+        $this->t('Latest version of Drupal @major.@minor (next minor) (<a href=":url">Release notes</a>):', [
           '@major' => $next_minor_version->getMajorVersion(),
           '@minor' => $next_minor_version->getMinorVersion(),
+          ':url' => $next_minor_first_release->getReleaseUrl(),
         $installed_minor_release ? 'update-optional' : $type,
diff --git a/tests/src/Functional/UpdaterFormTest.php b/tests/src/Functional/UpdaterFormTest.php
index 7d5f4e610bb07e219cfa98e7c60b2e70aa30b820..3a96b95756139732d0627cd2bcec1879840d7d7f 100644
--- a/tests/src/Functional/UpdaterFormTest.php
+++ b/tests/src/Functional/UpdaterFormTest.php
@@ -152,7 +152,8 @@ class UpdaterFormTest extends AutomaticUpdatesFunctionalTestBase {
     $page->clickLink('Check manually');
-    $this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-next-minor', '.update-update-recommended', '9.8.1', TRUE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.8 (next minor):');
+    $this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-next-minor', '.update-update-recommended', '9.8.1', TRUE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.8 (next minor) (Release notes):');
+    $this->assertReleaseNotesLink(9, 8);
     $assert_session->pageTextContainsOnce('Currently installed: 9.7.0 (Not supported!)');
     $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '#edit-installed-minor');
@@ -171,14 +172,16 @@ class UpdaterFormTest extends AutomaticUpdatesFunctionalTestBase {
     $this->config('automatic_updates.settings')->set('allow_core_minor_updates', TRUE)->save();
     $this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-installed-minor', '.update-update-recommended', '9.7.1', TRUE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.7 (currently installed):');
-    $this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-next-minor', '.update-update-optional', '9.8.2', FALSE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.8 (next minor):');
+    $this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-next-minor', '.update-update-optional', '9.8.2', FALSE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.8 (next minor) (Release notes):');
+    $this->assertReleaseNotesLink(9, 8);
     $page->clickLink('Check manually');
     $assert_session->pageTextContainsOnce('Currently installed: 9.7.1 (Update available)');
     $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '#edit-installed-minor');
-    $this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-next-minor', '.update-update-recommended', '9.8.2', FALSE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.8 (next minor):');
+    $this->checkReleaseTable('#edit-next-minor', '.update-update-recommended', '9.8.2', FALSE, 'Latest version of Drupal 9.8 (next minor) (Release notes):');
+    $this->assertReleaseNotesLink(9, 8);
@@ -695,4 +698,19 @@ class UpdaterFormTest extends AutomaticUpdatesFunctionalTestBase {
     $this->assertSession()->elementNotExists('css', "input[value*='Update']");
+  /**
+   * Asserts that the release notes link for a given minor version is correct.
+   *
+   * @param int $major
+   *   Major version of next minor release.
+   * @param int $minor
+   *   Minor version of next minor release.
+   */
+  private function assertReleaseNotesLink(int $major, int $minor): void {
+    $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
+    $row = $assert_session->elementExists('css', '#edit-next-minor');
+    $link_href = $assert_session->elementExists('named', ['link', 'Release notes'], $row)->getAttribute('href');
+    $this->assertSame('http://example.com/drupal-' . $major . '-' . $minor . '-0-release', $link_href);
+  }