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+Automatic Updates
+### About this Module
+Updating a Drupal site is difficult, time-consuming, and expensive. It is a
+tricky problem that, on its face appears easy, however, ensuring secure and
+reliable updates that give assurance to site owners and availability to site
+The Automatic Updates module is not yet in core. In its initial form, it is
+being made available as a contributed module. Please note that Automatic Updates
+is a [Strategic Initiative](https://www.drupal.org/project/ideas/issues/2940731)
+for the Drupal Project. The Initiative is still in progress and additional
+features and bug fixes are regularly added.
+The primary use case for this module:
+- **Public service announcements (PSAs)**
+Announcements for highly critical security releases for core and contrib modules
+are done infrequently. When a PSA is released, site owners should review their
+sites to verify they are up to date with the latest releases and the site is in
+a good state to quickly update once the fixes are provided to the community.
+- **Update readiness checks**
+Not all sites are able to always update. The readiness checks are an automated
+method to determine if a site is ready for automatically updating once a new
+release is provided to the community. For example, sites that have un-run
+database updates, are mounted on read only filesystems or do not have sufficient
+disk space to update in-place can't receive automatic updates. If your site is
+failing readiness checks and a PSA is released, it is important to resolve the
+underlying readiness issues so the site can quickly be updated.
+- **In-Place Updates**
+Once the PSA service has notified a Drupal site owner of an available update,
+and the readiness checks have confirmed that the site is ready to be updated,
+the Automatic Update service can then apply the update.
+### Goals
+The Automatic Update service for Drupal aims to simplify the update process and
+provide confidence that an update will apply cleanly. Updates are currently
+limited to Drupal Core for tarball (non-Composer managed) websites.
+### Demo
+> [Watch a demo](https://youtu.be/fT2--EBhzuE) of the module from DriesNote at
+> DrupalCon Amsterdam 2019.
+### Installing the Automatic Updates Module
+Note: Use (not just installation) of the module on a Composer managed site is
+not supported.
+1. Copy/upload the automatic_updates module to the modules directory of your
+   Drupal installation.
+1. Enable the 'Automatic Updates' module in 'Extend' (/admin/modules).
+1. Configure the module to enable PSA notifications, readiness checks and
+   in-place updates (/admin/config/automatic_updates).
+### Automatic Updates Initiative
+- Follow and read up on
+  [Ideas queue - Automatic Updates initiative](https://www.drupal.org/project/ideas/issues/2940731)